Terminal Type Setting

The Setting tab on the Terminal Type form is used to add specific settings to a terminal type. The settings you choose will be in effect when a user attempts to reach or use the terminal through specific actions or events. A Terminal Setting overrides a Terminal Type Setting.

See Also:

Terminal Type Settings

View a Setting

Add a Setting

Modify a Setting

Delete a Setting


Terminal Type Settings


This setting applies to Offline Charge Validation. The numeric value you enter in the Setting Value field is the maximum number of charge element records that can be stored in the offline charge validation document that resides in the terminal. Note that terminal memory consumption will increase as the charge element record count increases.

MAX_CHARGE_ELEMENT_RECORDS can also be configured as a Terminal Setting.



This setting applies to Offline Person Validation. The numeric value you enter in the Setting Value field is the maximum number of person records that can be stored in the offline person validation document that resides in the terminal. Note that terminal memory consumption will increase with increased person record count.

You should not enter more records than what is listed in the table below. These are the maximum number of person records allowed for a particular terminal. If you do not specify an amount, or if you specify an invalid amount, these values will be used:

Terminal Type

Max Person Records in Person.XML

B-Web 9300/9500


B-Net 9520/9540 terminals (Terminal Type 4, 7, 8)


InTeract Client or B-Net 9580 (Terminal Type 3)


Mobile Terminal



MAX_PERSON_RECORDS can also be configured as a Terminal Setting.



Identifies which module of the Dictionary assigned to this Terminal Type will be used to display the label and button names on the terminal. A Dictionary is assigned to a terminal via the Terminal Profile form. A Dictionary has several Module Names for which you can configure labels. Typically, the Module Names correspond with the Terminal Type that will use the labels. For more information, see "Module Name" on the Dictionary Label form.



This setting indicates whether the Terminal Type will display labels using the Alternate Dictionary defined for the Default Dictionary specified in the Terminal Profile.

An Alternate Dictionary can be used to override the dictionary specified in a Terminal Profile. This configuration may be useful when multiple Terminal Types use the same Terminal Profile, but you want to use an alternate dictionary for some of the terminals. An Alternate Dictionary may be used on terminals that do not support the full version of a particular dictionary. On these terminals, the characters may not display correctly.

Set this value to True if you want the Terminal Type to display labels using the Alternate Dictionary defined for the Default Dictionary specified in the Terminal Profile.

Set this value to False if you want the Terminal Type to display labels using the Default Dictionary specified in the Terminal Profile.

This setting should only be used for the following Terminal Types: B-Web 9300/9500, B-Net 9540, B-Net 9540 ATM Style, and B-Net 9520.

For example, a company uses B-Net 9580 terminals and B-Web 9300 terminals. The same Terminal Profile is used for all the terminals; the Default Dictionary in this Terminal Profile is the Chinese Dictionary (DEFAULT_ZH_CN). The Alternate Dictionary for the Chinese Dictionary is defined (on the Dictionary form) as the English Dictionary (DEFAULT_EN_US).

Because the B-Web 9300 terminals do not support the full Chinese dictionary, this Terminal Type has the USE_ALTERNATE_DICTIONARY setting enabled.

The 9580 terminals will display labels in Chinese (using the Default Dictionary in the Terminal Profile). The 9300 terminals will display labels in English (using the Alternate Dictionary for the Chinese Dictionary, defined on the Dictionary form).

Note: If you change the USE_ALTERNATE_DICTIONARY setting for a Terminal Type, make sure you also click Update Server on the Terminal Profile form. This button will update the server with the new terminal settings. You must also select the terminals on the Terminal Monitor form and click Reload Configuration. This button will cause the terminal to download the new settings from the server.



This setting is only available for the Web Service Terminal Type.

You need to configure this setting if you are Configuring Shop Floor Time to Use Multiple Data Collection Systems.

When this setting is True (the default value), you can configure the Web Service as a triggering terminal in a Terminal Group. In a Terminal Group, the status of the triggering terminal is used by the TERMINAL_MONITOR service to set the status of the other terminals in the group. When the triggering terminal goes offline, the status of the other terminals changes to offline. Likewise, when the triggering terminal returns online, the status of the other terminals in the group changes to online.

When you set TRIGGERING_OFFLINE_TERMINAL_TYPE to True, you can check the Triggering Online box for this terminal on the Group Member tab of the Terminal Group form. If you set TRIGGERING_OFFLINE_TERMINAL_TYPE to False, you will not be able to check the Triggering Online box.

Make sure the triggering terminal also has the Monitor box checked on the Terminal form.


View a Terminal Type Setting

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Type.

  2. Select the record that contains the settings you want to view.

  3. The terminal type’s settings display on the Setting tab in the lower half of the form.


Add a Terminal Type Setting

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Type.

  2. Select the record for which you want to add a setting.

  3. Click Add on the Setting tab.

  4. Select a Setting Type and a Setting Value.

  5. If you want to add more than one Terminal Type setting, click Save and Add to save your record and keep the Add Setting window open. Or click Save to save your Setting and return to the main Terminal Type form.


Modify a Terminal Type Setting

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Type.

  2. Select the record that contains the setting you want to modify.

    The Setting records display in the lower half of the form.

  3. Select the Terminal Type Setting you want to change and click Modify.

  4. Change the Setting Value and click Save.


Delete a Terminal Type Setting

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Type.

  2. Select the record that contains the setting you want to delete.

    The Setting records display in the lower half of the form.

  3. Select the Terminal Type Setting you want to remove and click Delete.

  4. Click OK to confirm the action.