

Detail Form: Terminal Setting, Maintenance

The Terminal form is used to add and maintain terminal records.

Once you check the Monitor box in a terminal record, the terminal can be viewed in the Terminal Monitor form.

Note: If your Security Data Role restricts you from certain Terminal Profiles, you will not be able to see the terminal records associated with those terminal profiles.

See Also:

Terminal Field Descriptions

View a Terminal Record

Enable the Terminal Monitor Functionality for Existing Terminal Records

Add a Terminal Record

Copy a Terminal Record

Modify a Terminal Record

Delete a Terminal Record

Update Firmware

Update Network



Terminal Field Descriptions


Group Identifier.


Device Identifier.

For InTouch terminals, the DID must be at least 6 characters. The DID will be entered in the Device ID field when you configure the terminal.

InTouch terminals can have a Device ID with leading zeroes (e.g., 000100) but in Shop Floor Time, leading zeroes will be removed from the DID when you save the Terminal record (e.g., DID 000100 will be saved as DID 100). However, the Terminal ID (see below) will still have the leading zeroes and the InTouch terminal will recognize the DID value with leading zeroes. For example, in the Terminal form you create a new record for an InTouch terminal with a GID of 99 and a DID of 000100. The Terminal ID will be 99000100. When you save this record, the GID is 99 and the DID is 100 (leading zeroes are removed). When you configure the InTouch terminal, you can enter 000100 for the Device ID and it will connect to this Terminal record in Shop Floor Time.

Terminal ID

Unique identifier for the Terminal. If no value is entered, the Terminal ID defaults to a combination of the GID and DID you entered.

Terminal Name

The name of the Terminal.


A description of the Terminal.

Terminal Profile

The Terminal Profile that the Terminal is associated with.  

Terminal Type

The type of terminal.

Online IP:port

The IP address and port number when the terminal is online.

Offline IP:port

The IP address and port number when the terminal is offline.

Terminal IP

The terminal’s IP address. This field will be updated when the terminal connects to the server.

Client Version

This a read-only field that updates each time the terminal connects to the server. It displays the name and version number of the client that is installed on the terminal. A terminal will attempt to connect to the server based on the Check Online Time setting in the Terminal Type form.


This field indicates if the terminal record is active or inactive.


Check this box if you want the terminal to appear in the Terminal Monitor form.

Device ID

The Device ID is used by the Mobile Client. When a user logs into the Mobile Client, Shop Floor Time looks for an active Terminal record for the Terminal Type Mobile Client that has the same Device ID as the mobile device being used. If there is no Terminal record with this Device ID, the application will select a Mobile Client Terminal record that does not yet have a Device ID and update the Device ID field accordingly.

Device ID Type

Indicates how the value shown in the Device ID field is classified on the device itself. For example, if the Device ID field is showing a value that is called the “Android ID” on your mobile device, the Device ID Type will display Device ID.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.

System Required

This box is checked if this is a default terminal.


View a Terminal Record

Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal. The Terminal form and the configured terminals (if any) appear. You can filter the records by GID, DID, Terminal Profile, and Terminal Type.


Enable the Terminal Monitoring for Existing Terminal Records

The steps below describe how you enable terminal monitoring on monitors that already exist in the Terminal form, but do not have the Monitor box checked.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal.

  2. Select the terminal you want to view via the Terminal Monitor form.

  3. Click Modify.

  4. Check the Monitor box.

  5. Click Save.


Add a Terminal Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Fill out the fields. See Terminal Field Descriptions for details.

    Note: In order to monitor the terminal, you must check the Monitor box in the Terminal form. When you check this box, the terminal will appear in the Terminal Monitor form immediately.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Restart the application server in order for the new record to take effect.


Modify a Terminal Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal.

  2. Select the terminal you want to modify and click Modify.

  3. Modify the necessary fields.

  4. Click Save.

    Note: If you have modified the Terminal Type and/or Terminal Profile, you must restart the application server in order for the changes to take effect.


Copy a Terminal Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal.

  2. Select the record you want to copy.

  3. You must change the GID, DID and Terminal ID fields.

  4. Click Save.


Delete a Terminal Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal.

  2. Select the terminal you want to delete and click Delete.

  3. Click OK in the pop-up box to confirm the action.

Update Firmware

When a firmware update is available for your InTouch terminals, you can use the Update Firmware button in the Terminal form to send this updated firmware to one or more terminals. To do so:

  1. Place the firmware file inside the firmware folder in your AUTOTIME_HOME folder.

  2. In the Terminal form, click the Update Firmware button.

  3. Select the InTouch terminals you want to update. Move them from the Available box to the Selected box.

  4. In the Update To Firmware field, select the firmware file. The available options are in the firmware folder in your AUTOTIME_HOME folder.

  5. Click OK.

    An UPDATE_TO_FIRMWARE record will appear in the Maintenance tab in the Terminal form with the Status Ready.

The next time the terminal performs a status check, the application server will trigger the firmware update and begin sending files to the terminal. Once the terminal receives all the files it needs for the update, the terminal will become unusable until the update is complete. When the update is complete, the UPDATE_TO_FIRMWARE record in the Maintenance tab will have the Status Complete.


Update Network

If you need to change the network communication settings for one or more of your InTouch terminals, you can use the Update Network button in the Terminal form.

When a terminal is online, you can use this form to:

Select the Terminals you want to modify by moving them from the Available box to the Selected box. Use the remaining fields to change the settings of the Selected terminals.

Enable SSL: Select true to use HTTPS communication between the selected terminals and the Shop Floor Time application server. Otherwise, select false or leave this field blank.

Update Server/Update Server Port: Enter the address and port number of the Shop Floor Time application server that the selected terminals will use. You can use these fields to switch to a different Shop Floor Time application server.

Upload Certificate: Use this field to upload an SSL certificate. Available options are in the \certificate folder in your AUTOTIME_HOME folder.

When you click OK, your network setting changes will be saved.

One or more UPDATE records (for example, UPDATE_SERVER_NAME and UPDATE_SERVER_PORT) will appear in the Maintenance tab in the Terminal form with the Status Ready.

The selected terminals will be updated the next time they perform status checks with the application server. When the update is complete, the UPDATE records in the Maintenance tab will have the Status Complete.


Maintenance tab (Terminal Form)

The Maintenance tab in the Terminal form is a view-only form that displays the status of an InTouch terminal's network and firmware updates.

When you use the Update Firmware or Update Network button in the Terminal form, a record is created in the Maintenance tab with the Status of Ready. When the update is finished, the record's status changes from Ready to Complete.

The Maintenance Type and Maintenance Value columns indicate the type of record that is to be processed.


This record is created when you use the Update Network button. The Maintenance Value will be true or false depending on the value you selected for the Enable SSL field in the Update Network form.


This record is created when you use the Update Network button. The Maintenance Value will be the value you entered in the Update Server field in the Update Network form.


This record is created when you use the Update Network button. The Maintenance Value will be the value you entered in the Update Server Port field in the Update Network form.


This record is created when you use the Update Firmware button. The Maintenance Value will be the file you selected from the Update To Firmware field in the Update Firmware form.