Event Type

Detail Form: Event Type Setting

The Event Type form displays the application's available event types. When an event is created on the Events form, its Event Type will determine the event's default settings. The default settings can be modified on the Event Type Setting tab.

See Also:

Event Type Field Descriptions

Find an Event Type

Types of Events


Event Type Field Descriptions

Event Type ID

A unique identifier for this record.

Event Type

The Event Type is a category that the event falls under. The Event Types are:












Event Subtype

A category further describing the event. The Event Subtypes will depend on the Event Type.

Available on Term

When this box is checked, the event is available on a terminal.


When this box is checked, the event uses stage prompts. For example, the event CLOCK has a START stage and an END stage where Start = Clock In and End = Clock Out.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find an Event Type

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Event Type.

  2. You can select an Event Type and/or Event Subtype to narrow your search.

  3. Click Find to display the records that match your criteria.