
Event Filtration

The Event Filtration form is used to assign events to an Event Filtration Group as part of the Event Filtration feature.

Event Filtration is used to control the events which an employee can access. Event Filtration may be used in a facility that has many different types of employees recording their time on the same terminals, but not all the employees should have access to the same events.

The Event Filtration settings will include or exclude events from the person’s Menu Tree. An employee’s Event Filtration settings will also affect which events are available to a supervisor who is modifying the employee’s timecard.

Event filtration can be INCLUSIVE or EXCLUSIVE, depending on your Event Filtration System Setting.

Events that are in the employee’s Menu Tree but are not assigned to a filtration group can be accessed regardless of the Event Filtration System Setting and whether the employee is assigned to a filtration group.

To use Event Filtration, you need to:

  1. Set the Event Filtration System Setting to be INCLUSIVE or EXCLUSIVE.

  2. Create an Event Filtration Group using the Employee Group form.

  3. Assign employees to the Event Filtration Group using the Employee Group Member tab of the Employee Group form.

  4. Add events to the Event Filtration Group using the Event Filtration form or the Filtration tab on the Events form.

Note: To make certain events available only to supervisors who are modifying employee timecards, use the Web Terminal Manager Menu setting.

See Also:

Event Filtration Field Descriptions

View the Events in an Event Filtration Group

Add Events to an Event Filtration Group

Modify or Copy Events in an Event Filtration Group

Delete an Event from an Event Filtration Group

Event Filtration Example


Event Filtration Field Descriptions

Event Name

Name of the event that is assigned to the Event Filtration Group.

Employee Group Name

Name of the Event Filtration Group. Event Filtration Groups are defined on the Employee Group form (with the Employee Group Type EVENT_FILTRATION).

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


View the Events in an Event Filtration Group

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Event Filtration.

  2. Select an Event and/or Person Group Name. The available Employee Group Names are those defined on the Employee Group form with the type EVENT_FILTRATION.

  3. Click Find. The Event Filtration records display in the grid.


Add Events to an Event Filtration Group

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Event Filtration.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select an Event from the drop-down list. You can also click the button next to the Event field and select an event from the Events form.

  4. From the Employee Group Name field, select the Event Filtration Group to which you want to add events. The available options are Employee Groups with the type EVENT_FILTRATION.

    You can also click the button next to the Employee Group Name field and select Add or Lookup. Select Add to create a new EVENT_FILTRATION Employee Group. Select Lookup to select an EVENT_FILTRATION Employee Group.

  5. If you want to add more than one event filtration record, click Save and Add to save the current record and continue adding new ones. Or click Save to save the current record and return to the Event Filtration form.


Modify or Copy Events in an Event Filtration Group

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Event Filtration.

  2. Select the record you want to copy or modify.

  3. Click Copy to duplicate the record. Click Modify to change the record.

  4. Select a new Event and/or Employee Group Name.

  5. Click Save and Add to save the current record and continue adding new ones. Or click Save to save the current record and return to the Event Filtration form.


Delete an Event from an Event Filtration Group

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Event Filtration.

  2. Select the record you want to delete and click Delete.

  3. Click OK to confirm the action.