
Event Posting Restriction

In the web timecard, you can restrict the user’s ability to add, modify, and delete specific punch and elapsed events. These event restrictions can be different for employees and managers. For example, you may want to prevent employees from modifying clock-in and clock-out events in the Self Service Time Card, but allow managers to modify these events in Supervisor Review. Or, you may want to prevent an employee from modifying a gap event unless the event changes indirectly when the employee modifies a labor event.

These event restrictions are defined as Event and Event Type Settings on the following forms:

Event restrictions only apply to the web timecard (Self Service Time Card, Current Situation, and Time Card Review). These restrictions do not apply to client terminals, Mobile Client, Mobile Web Application, or Web Time Clock.

For managers modifying employee timecards (Current Situation and Time Card Review), event restrictions will be based on the Event Setting Manager Policy setting. The Event Setting Manager Policy setting uses the Event Setting tab of the Event Policy to restrict what events the manager can add, modify, or delete in employee timecards.

See Also:

Event Restriction for Employees

Event Restriction for Managers

Forms for Defining the Event Restriction Settings

Event Restriction Settings


Event Restriction for Employees

When an employee posts or modifies an event in the Self Service Time Card, the system checks for event restriction settings in the following order:

The event restriction settings in the Event Policy take precedence over any Event or Event Type settings. The Event Policy can be assigned to an Employee, Employee Group (POLICY_GROUP or FACILITY), or a System Setting.

For example, if an event has ALLOW_ELAPSED_ADD enabled on the Setting tab of the Events form, but the employee’s Event Policy has ALLOW_ELAPSED_ADD disabled for that Event Type, then ALLOW_ELAPSED_ADD will be disabled for the event. The employee will not be able to post the event in the Self Service Time Card using Add Elapsed.


Event Restriction for Managers

When a manager modifies an employee’s timecard (using the Supervisor Review form), the system will check to see if the manager has been assigned an Event Setting Manager Policy. If so, the settings from this policy will restrict the event postings in Supervisor Review.

If the manager has not been assigned an Event Setting Manager Policy, the system will check for event restriction settings in the following order when the manager modifies an employee’s timecard (using the Supervisor Review form):

The Event Setting Manager Policy is defined on the Event Setting tab of the Event Policy form. It can be assigned to a manager as an Employee, Employee Group (POLICY_GROUP or FACILITY), or System Setting.


Forms for Defining the Event Restriction Settings

Event restriction settings can be assigned to an event or an event type using the forms shown below.


Event Policy Form – Event Setting Tab

Use the Event Setting tab of the Event Policy form to modify the event restriction settings of an event or event type. For an employee using the Self Service timecard, the event restriction settings in the Event Policy take precedence over any Event or Event Type settings.

The Event Policy can be assigned to an Employee, Employee Group (POLICY_GROUP or FACILITY), or a System Setting.

The Event Setting Manager Policy is also defined on the Event Setting tab of the Event Policy form. It is used to define the event restrictions that apply to a manager posting or modifying hours on employee timecards on the Supervisor Review form.

You can also assign the Event Setting Manager Policy to an Employee, Employee Group (POLICY_GROUP or FACILITY), or a System Setting.


Setting Tab – Events Form

Use the Setting tab in the Events form to modify the event restriction settings for a specific event.

By default, all settings are TRUE, meaning all the actions are allowed for the event.


Event Type Form

Use the Event Type Setting tab in the Event Type form to modify the event restriction settings for a specific event type.

By default, all settings are TRUE, meaning all the actions are allowed for the event type.


Event Restriction Settings


Indicates whether the event can be posted using the Add Elapsed button in the timecard.

In addition, if the user tries to add hours to an event by entering them directly in the timecard grid, the timecard will not display the additional control to add the hours. The user will have to modify the existing hours instead.


By default, this setting is True; the Add Elapsed button can be used to post the event on the timecard. If this setting is False, the event will not be available when you use Add Elapsed in the timecard.

This setting can be applied to an Event or an Event Type; the Event setting overrides the Event Type setting.

This setting can also be included in an Event Policy using the Event Setting tab. For an employee using the Self Service Time Card, the Event Policy’s ALLOW_ELAPSED_ADD setting will override the ALLOW_ELAPSED_ADD setting for an Event or an Event Type.

Valid Values:

Allow Elapsed Add Enable (True): The Add Elapsed button can be used to post the event on the timecard.

Allow Elapsed Add Disable (False): The event will not be available when you use Add Elapsed in the timecard.



Indicates whether an elapsed event can be deleted from the timecard.

By default, this setting is True; the elapsed event can be deleted from the timecard. If this setting is False, the elapsed event cannot be deleted from the timecard. If the user right-clicks the event’s hours in the timecard, the Delete option will not display in the pop-up menu. On the Daily tab of the timecard, the trash can icon will not display next to the elapsed event.

Note: The Delete All button on the Daily tab of the supervisor timecard can still be used to delete events if ALLOW_ELAPSED_DELETE or ALLOW_PUNCH_DELETE are disabled. If you want to hide the Delete All button, you must disable it in the supervisor’s Security Role.

This setting can be applied to an Event or an Event Type; the Event setting overrides the Event Type setting.

This setting can also be included in an Event Policy using the Event Setting tab. For an employee using the Self Service Time Card, the Event Policy’s ALLOW_ELAPSED_DELETE setting will override the ALLOW_ELAPSED_DELETE setting for an Event or an Event Type.

Valid Values:

Allow Elapsed Delete Enable (True): The elapsed event can be deleted from the timecard.

Allow Elapsed Delete Disable (False): The elapsed event cannot be deleted from the timecard. If the user right-clicks the event’s hours in the timecard, the Delete option will not display in the pop-up menu. On the Daily tab of the timecard, the trash can icon will not display next to the elapsed event.



Indicates whether an elapsed event can be modified in the timecard.

By default, this setting is True; the elapsed event can be modified in the timecard. If this setting is False, the elapsed event cannot be modified in the timecard. If the user right-clicks the event’s hours in the timecard, the Modify option will not display in the pop-up menu. In addition, the user will not be able to modify the hours directly in the timecard grid. On the Daily tab of the timecard, the modify icon will not display next to the elapsed event.

This setting can be applied to an Event or an Event Type; the Event setting overrides the Event Type setting.

This setting can also be included in an Event Policy using the Event Setting tab. For an employee using the Self Service Time Card, the Event Policy’s ALLOW_ELAPSED_MODIFY setting will override the ALLOW_ELAPSED_MODIFY setting for an Event or an Event Type.

Valid Values:

Allow Elapsed Modify Enable (True): The elapsed event can be modified in the timecard.

Allow Elapsed Modify Disable (False): The elapsed event cannot be modified in the timecard. If the user right-clicks the event’s hours in the timecard, the Modify option will not display in the pop-up menu. In addition, the user will not be able to modify the hours directly in the timecard grid. On the Daily tab of the timecard, the modify icon will not display next to the elapsed event.



Indicates whether the event can be posted using the Add Punch or Add Punch Pair button in the timecard.

By default, this setting is True; the Add Punch and Add Punch Pair buttons can be used to post the event on the timecard. If this setting is False, the event will not be available when you use the Add Punch and Add Punch Pair buttons in the timecard.

This setting can be applied to an Event or an Event Type; the Event setting overrides the Event Type setting.

This setting can also be included in an Event Policy using the Event Setting tab. For an employee using the Self Service Time Card, the Event Policy’s ALLOW_PUNCH_ADD setting will override the ALLOW_PUNCH_ADD setting for an Event or an Event Type.

Valid Values:

Allow Punch Add Enable (True): The Add Punch and Add Punch Pair buttons can be used to post the event on the timecard.

Allow Punch Add Disable (False): The event will not be available when you use Add Punch and Add Punch Pair buttons in the timecard.



Indicates whether a punch event can be deleted from the Daily tab of the timecard.

By default, this setting is True; the punch event can be deleted from the Daily tab of the timecard. If this setting is False, the punch event cannot be deleted from the Daily tab of the timecard. If the user right-clicks the punch event’s hours in the Daily tab of the timecard, the Delete option will not display in the pop-up menu. In addition, the trash can icon will not display next to the punch event.

Note: The Delete All button on the Daily tab of the supervisor timecard can still be used to delete events if ALLOW_ELAPSED_DELETE or ALLOW_PUNCH_DELETE are disabled. If you want to hide the Delete All button, you must disable it in the supervisor’s Security Role.

This setting can be applied to an Event or an Event Type; the Event setting overrides the Event Type setting.

This setting can also be included in an Event Policy using the Event Setting tab. For an employee using the Self Service Time Card, the Event Policy’s ALLOW_PUNCH_DELETE setting will override the ALLOW_PUNCH_DELETE setting for an Event or an Event Type.

Valid Values:

Allow Punch Delete Enable (True): The elapsed event can be deleted from the timecard.

Allow Punch Delete Disable (False): The elapsed event cannot be deleted from the timecard. If the user right-clicks the punch event’s hours on the Daily tab of the timecard, the Delete option will not display in the pop-up menu. In addition, the  trash can icon will not display next to the punch event.



Indicates whether to allow a modification to a punch event that occurs as a result of another punch event being modified or deleted. For example, you need to change the end timestamp of a Labor event and this change will cause an automatic Meal event’s start time to be changed. If ALLOW_PUNCH_INDIRECT is set to False for the automatic Meal event, then you will not be able to modify the Labor event because doing so will affect the automatic Meal event’s start time.

By default, this setting is True; the system will allow modification of a punch event that occurs as a result of the user modifying or deleting another punch event. If this setting is False, the system will display a message that indirect adjustments are not allowed for the event that has this setting.

This setting can also be included in an Event Policy using the Event Setting tab. For an employee using the Self Service Time Card, the Event Policy’s ALLOW_PUNCH_INDIRECT setting will override the ALLOW_PUNCH_INDIRECT setting for an Event or an Event Type.

Valid Values:

Allow Punch Indirect Enable (True): The system will allow modification of a punch event that occurs as a result of the user modifying or deleting another punch event.

Allow Punch Indirect Disable (False): The system will not allow modification of a punch event that occurs as a result of the user modifying or deleting another punch event. For example, you need to change the end timestamp of a Labor event and this change will cause an automatic Meal event’s start time to be changed. If ALLOW_PUNCH_INDIRECT is set to False for the automatic Meal event, when you try to change the Labor event’s end timestamp, an error will display that indirect adjustments are not allowed for the Meal event.



Indicates whether a punch event can be modified in the timecard.

By default, this setting is True; the punch event can be modified in the Daily tab of the timecard. If this setting is False, the punch event cannot be modified on the Daily tab of the timecard. If the user right-clicks the punch event’s hours on the Daily tab of the timecard, the Modify option will not display in the pop-up menu. In addition, the modify icon will not display next to the punch event.

This setting can be applied to an Event or an Event Type; the Event setting overrides the Event Type setting.

This setting can also be included in an Event Policy using the Event Setting tab. For an employee using the Self Service Time Card, the Event Policy’s ALLOW_PUNCH_MODIFY setting will override the ALLOW_PUNCH_MODIFY setting for an Event or an Event Type.

Valid Values:

Allow Punch Modify Enable (True): The punch event can be modified on the Daily tab of the timecard.

Allow Punch Modify Disable (False): The punch event cannot be modified on the Daily tab of the timecard. If the user right-clicks the punch event’s hours on the Daily tab of the timecard, the Modify option will not display in the pop-up menu. In addition, the modify icon will not display next to the punch event.



Indicates whether Replace Punch can be used on a punch event on the Daily tab of the timecard.

By default, this setting is True; Replace Punch can be used on the punch event on the Daily tab of the timecard. If this setting is False, Replace Punch cannot be used on the punch event. If the user right-clicks the punch event’s hours on the Daily tab of the timecard, the Replace option will not display in the pop-up menu. In addition, the Replace Punch icon will not display next to the punch event.

This setting can be applied to an Event or an Event Type; the Event setting overrides the Event Type setting.

This setting can also be included in an Event Policy using the Event Setting tab. For an employee using the Self Service Time Card, the Event Policy’s ALLOW_PUNCH_REPLACE setting will override the ALLOW_PUNCH_REPLACE setting for an Event or an Event Type.

Valid Values:

Allow Punch Replace Enable (True): Replace Punch can be used on the punch event on the Daily tab of the timecard.

Allow Punch Replace Disable (False): Replace Punch cannot be used on the punch event. If the user right-clicks the punch event’s hours on the Daily tab of the timecard, the Replace option will not display in the pop-up menu. In addition, the Replace Punch icon will not display next to the punch event.