Timecard Comments

Supervisors and employees can view, add, modify, and delete comments in the timecard for a particular pay period. Unlike comments and reason codes, which are associated with a specific transaction, timecard comments are associated with a specific pay period.

For example, while reviewing an employee's timecard in the current pay period, a supervisor leaves a comment regarding the number of hours the employee has worked. When the employee views his current period timecard, the employee sees this comment from the supervisor. If the employee views the timecard in a different pay period, this comment will not be visible.

The timecard comment will be visible on the Period, Weekly, or Daily tab of the timecard based on the Effective Date you select. For example, a person has a Monthly pay period from 10/1 to 10/31. The person enters a timecard comment during any day in this month. On the Weekly tab, the user sets the Effective Date to 10/31. The last week of the period displays from 10/29 to 11/4 (it includes dates in the current period and the following period). The timecard comment will display in this week because the Effective Date (10/31) is in the same period where the comment was added. If the person changes the Effective Date to 11/1, the timecard comment will no longer display because the comment is not visible in this pay period.

When the entire pay period is payroll locked, you cannot add, modify, or delete timecard comments for that period.

To add, modify, or delete timecard comments, click the Comment button on the timecard. The Person Comment pop-up form will appear.

If the period you are viewing in the timecard has comments, the Comments icon will be enabled. To view these comments, hover over this icon.

To control how the timecard comments button, form, and icon display on the timecard tabs, you need to configure these items in your Form Profile and Security Roles.

See Also:

Control Access to Timecard Comments

Add, Modify, and Delete Timecard Comments

View Timecard Comments


Control Access to Timecard Comments

To control how the timecard comments button, form, and icon display on the timecard tabs, you need to configure these items in your Form Profile and Security Role. For example, you may want to allow supervisors to view, add, modify, and delete timecard comments, but you only want employees to view and add them.


Form Profile Settings

The Comments icon in the Filter area of the timecard is configured in the Form Profile Selection Criteria for the timecard tab. Move the Comments (comment) option from the Available column to the Selected column to enable it. In the example below, the Comments icon is enabled on the Period tab in Supervisor Review.

The fields in the Person Comment form are configured in the Person Comment settings for the timecard tab.

When you modify these Form Profile settings in one supervisor timecard tab, the same setting changes will be made to the other supervisor timecard tabs. For example, if you modify these settings in the Daily tab of Current Situation, the same setting changes will be made to the Daily tab of Time Card Review and Labor Review.


Security Role Settings

The Comment button and the Person Comment pop-up form are configured in a Security Role for the timecard tab.

To enable the button, check the Comment (add_comment) box.

To enable the form, check the Employee/Person Comment option. You can also use this setting to control the add, modify, and delete options on the Person Comment form.

In the example below, the Comment button and the Person Comment form are enabled on the Weekly tab of the Supervisor Review time card.

When you enable or disable the Comment (add_comment) button in one supervisor timecard tab, the same setting change will be made to the other supervisor timecard tabs. For example, if you modify this Security Role setting on the Daily tab of Current Situation, the same setting change will be made to the Daily tab of Time Card Review and Labor Review.

When you check or uncheck the Person Comment setting in one timecard tab, the same change will be made to the other timecard tabs (Supervisor Review, Labor Review, and Self Service) in the Security Role.


Add, Modify, and Delete Timecard Comments

The timecard comment will be saved in the pay period where it is added.

  1. In the timecard Filter, select an Effective Date or Posting Date that is in the pay period for which you are adding, modifying or deleting the comment.

  2. Click the Comment button .

    The Person Comment form appears.

  3. Use the Add, Modify, or Delete button (see below).

  4. Click the button to close the Person Comment form.

Add: Click Add on the Person Comment form to enter a new timecard comment. When you are done, click Save or Save and Add.

Modify: To edit a timecard comment, select it on the Person Comment form and click Modify. You can only modify timecard comments that you created. Click Save when you are done. When you modify a timecard comment, the form will only display the most recent changes to the comment. However, all previous versions of the comment will be saved in the person_comment table.

Delete: To delete a timecard comment, select it on the Person Comment form and click Delete. You can only delete timecard comments that you created. When you delete a timecard comment, the record will no longer appear on the Person Comment form but it will not be deleted from the person_comment table.

To view the updated comments in the timecard, hover over the Comments icon . You may have to refresh the time card to view these changes.


View Timecard Comments

Hover over the Comments icon in the Filter area of the timecard to view any timecard comments for the period.

If you recently added or modified the timecard comments, you may have to refresh the time card to view your changes.

If there are no timecard comments for the period, the Comments icon will appear gray.