
9-80 Schedules

A 9-80 schedule is a two-week schedule in which 80 hours are worked in nine days instead of ten. Typically, one week consists of four nine-hour days and a single eight-hour day, while the other week consists of four nine-hour days and a day off. The time worked on the eight-hour day is split between two pay weeks (therefore this day is called the split day).

Some companies use this schedule as an alternate schedule or summer schedule, because it allows employees to work another hour a day and earn an extra day off.

See Also:

How 9-80 Schedules Appear in the Timecard

Create a 9-80 Schedule

Posting Time on a Split Day

Sign and Payroll Lock in a 9-80 Schedule


How 9-80 Schedules Appear in the Timecard

The illustrations below show how 9-80 schedules appear in the web application. In the Mobile Client and Mobile Web Application, split day halves appear in the same manner and are also affected by the summary_show_mid_period_split_day Form Setting.

In the first week of this 9-80 schedule, the employee works Monday through Thursday for 9 hours each day, and 8 hours on Friday. In the second week, the employee works 9 hours each day Monday through Thursday and Friday is a gap day. The 8 hours worked on Friday are split between the two weeks in the pay period.

In the timecard, you can show the split day in one column on the Period tab by disabling the summary_show_mid_period_split_day Form Setting.

In Weekly view, we see that only the first half of the split day is applied in the first week. See Create a 9-80 Schedule for information on how to configure each half of a split day to apply to the next or current pay week and pay period.

Note that the labels "1st" and "2nd" can be changed on the Dictionary Label form.

The Weekly view of the second week shows that the second half of the split day applies to that week.

The Daily view of a split day will show both halves of a split day. If the day has punch transactions (as shown below), the employee will be clocked out and clocked back in when the day splits. See Posting Time on a Split Day for more information.


Changing the First and Second Half Labels in the Timecard

You can change the labels for the split day columns by editing them on the Dictionary Label form (Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Dictionary Label).



Create a 9-80 Schedule

The Shop Floor Time application comes with templates for 9-80 schedules. You can copy these templates on the Schedule Cycle form and edit the duplicates, or you can create your own 9-80 schedules.

To create a split schedule day, two adjacent schedules must be created on the split day (one for the First Half and one for the Second Half of the split day).

To do so, add or modify a schedule on the Employee Schedule or Schedule Cycle form. On the Other Properties tab, set the Split Day to FIRST HALF or SECOND HALF. Set the Pay Week and Pay Period fields to NEXT or CURRENT.

For example, a split day in a 9-80 schedule has the SECOND HALF set to Pay Period CURRENT and Pay Week NEXT. In this example, Friday 12/15 is the split day. Both halves are in the CURRENT period and are visible on the Period tab of the timecard.

On the Weekly tab for the first week in the period (12/9 to 12/15), the Second Half of the split day does not appear.

The Second Half of the split day appears in the NEXT Pay Week (12/16 to 12/22) as configured in the schedule.


Posting Time on a Split Day

When punch transactions are posted on a split day, the application clocks the employee out on the First Half of the split day, clocks the employee back in on the Second Half, and restarts any labors or events that were running before the employee clocked out.

For example, an employee's schedule on a split day is 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. for the First Half and 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. for the Second Half. The employee clocks in at 8 a.m., starts a Work Order, and clocks out at 4 p.m. To split the time, the system clocks the employee out at 12 p.m. and immediately clocks the employee back in. The Work Order closes when the employee clocks out at 4 p.m.

When you use Add Elapsed to post a transaction on a split day, use the Half Indicator event prompt to select which half of the day will receive the hours.

If you post time via direct entry in the timecard grid, you may want to enable the summary_show_mid_period_split_day Form Setting to display the split day in two columns. With this option, you can be sure to enter the time into the correct half of the day.


Sign and Payroll Lock in a 9-80 Schedule

You can payroll lock or unlock each half of a split day separately on the Payroll Lock form.

To sign one half of a split day, you must use the Sign Week or Sign Period button when only one half of the split day is visible in that period or week.

In the illustration below, the supervisor used the Sign Week button to sign the week. Because only the First Half of the split Friday (1/18) is included in the week, only that half of the day is signed.

The Daily view for 1/18 also shows that only the First Half of the day is signed by displaying a half indicator icon (a supervisor or employee sign icon with part of the icon grayed out).

Note that the Sign Day button in the Daily timecard will sign both halves of the split day.

Half indicator icons may display when only one half of a split day is signed or payroll locked. For example,  indicates a supervisor signature is only on the First Half of a split day. The  icon indicates an employee signature is only on the Second Half of a split day. The  icon indicates only the First Half of a split day is payroll locked.