
Payroll Lock

Payroll Lock allows you to "freeze" attendance and labor transactions for specific employees on specific post dates or periods. When a day is locked, the employee cannot post any additional transactions/punches to the date. If an employee tries to post any transactions to a locked day, the message "This day is payroll locked" will display on the terminal or the web. A supervisor cannot make changes to a locked posting date. However, it may be possible to sign/unsign a payroll locked timecard, depending on the employee's Sign Policy settings.

A person must be assigned a Pay Policy in order to have their timecard locked or unlocked on the Payroll Lock form. The Payroll Lock form will not lock the timecards of Terminated employees.

The Payroll Lock form has two tabs:

Lock by Pay Policy is used to lock or unlock the timecards for entire Pay Policies.

Lock by Person is used to lock or unlock the timecards for individual employees.

For auditing purposes, all payroll lock activities are viewable on the Payroll Lock Audit form.

You can also use the PAYROLL_LOCK service to lock or unlock records for a specific Pay Policy. The PAYROLL_LOCK service can be scheduled to run at different times for different Pay Policies.

Note: The Payroll Lock form is enabled/disabled via the Payroll module on the Licensing form. You must have applicable Data Access Rights to view the form. If you have been assigned a Supervisor Role, the actions that you can carry out on the Payroll Lock form will depend on the Functional Areas that have been assigned to your role.