
Lock by Person

The Lock by Person tab on the Payroll Lock form is used to lock or unlock timecards for individual employees.

When a day is locked, the employee cannot post any additional transactions/punches to the date. If an employee tries to post any transactions to a locked day, the message "This day is payroll locked" will display on the terminal or the web. A supervisor cannot make changes to a locked posting date. However, it may be possible to sign/unsign a payroll locked timecard, depending on the employee's Sign Policy settings.

See Also:

Lock by Person - Field Descriptions

Using the Lock by Person Form

Lock by Person - Actions


Lock by Person - Field Descriptions


Identifies the person to whom the record applies.

To find records to view, lock, or unlock, you must select a Person Num, Pay Policy, or Manager Num.

A person must be assigned a Pay Policy and/or Supervisor/Direct Manager Group in order to display the records on the Payroll Lock form. A person with an Employment Status of Terminated during the specified date range will not display in this form.

Manager Num

Use this field at the top of the form to select persons who are supervised by a specific Manager. The Supervisor/Direct Manager Group must be in effect for the selected date range; otherwise, no records will display in the middle of the form.

Pay Policy

Use this field at the top of the form to select persons who have been assigned to a specific Pay Policy. The Pay Policy must be in effect for the selected date range; otherwise, no records will display in the middle of the form.

Employee Sign

The Employee Sign field at the top of the form can be used when finding records to view, lock, or unlock. Select Signed to find only employee signed records. Select Unsigned to find only employee unsigned records.

Supervisor Sign

The Supervisor Sign field at the top of the form can be used when finding records to view, lock, or unlock. Select Signed to find only supervisor signed records. Select Unsigned to find only supervisor unsigned records.

Payroll Lock

The Payroll Lock field at the top of the form can be used when finding records to view, lock, or unlock. Select Locked to find only locked records. Select Unlocked to find only unlocked records.

The Payroll Lock column in the middle of the form displays the payroll lock icon if the day is payroll locked. An in the Payroll Lock column indicates the day is not payroll locked.

Split Day

A split day refers to a day in a 9-80 schedule, in which 80 hours are worked in nine days instead of ten. On the split day (usually a Friday), the eight hours worked are split between two weeks. Four hours are posted on the day actually worked, and four hours are posted on the day off.

You can use the Split Day field in the Lock by Person form to lock or unlock the first half and second half of a split day separately.

The Split Day column in the middle of the form indicates whether the record is for the First Half of a split day, the Second Half of a split day, or a non-split day (No Split).

At the top of the form, use this field to select the type of days you want to view.

All: Select the All option from the Split Day field in the Filter area of the form if you want to view First Half, Second Half, and No Split records on the Lock by Person form.

Non Split: Select the Non Split option from the Split Day field in the Filter area of the form if you only want to view non-split days on the Lock by Person form. The Split Day column in the form will display “No Split” for these days. First Half and Second Half records will not display.

First Half: Select the First Half option from the Split Day field in the Filter area of the form if you only want to view the first half of split days on the Lock by Person form. The Split Day column on the form will display “First Half” for these days. Second Half and No Split records will not display.

Second Half: Select the Second Half option from the Split Day field in the Filter area of the form if you only want to view the second half of split days on the Lock by Person form. The Split Day column on the form will display “Second Half” for these days. First Half and No Split records will not display.

Emp Sign Required

Indicates whether the selected days in the middle of the form must be signed by the employee in order to be locked.

If you do not check this box, the system will not check the selected days for an employee signature. The system will lock the days regardless of their employee signature.

If you check this box, the system will make sure that the selected days have an employee signature. If any selected day does not have an employee signature, then the system will not lock any of the selected days.

Sup Sign Required

Indicates whether the selected days must be signed by a supervisor in order to be locked.

If you do not check this box, the system will not check the selected days for a supervisor signature. The system will lock the days regardless of their supervisor signature.

If you check this box, the system will make sure that all the selected days have a supervisor signature. If any day does not have a supervisor signature, then the system will not lock any of the selected days.

Range Type

Use this field at the top of the form to select timecard records for a specific period, date range, or day.

Select Period to view the records in the pay period that include the specified Posting Date.

Select Date Range to view the records from the specified Start Date to the End Date.

Select Day to view the record for the specified Posting Date.

When you select Period as your Range Type, the records that display may include halves of split days that belong to the pay period but are not in the period’s date range. For example, your pay period may include a split day from the previous pay period for which the second half is part of the pay period you have selected. Likewise, your pay period may include a split day for which the second half is part of the following pay period.

Posting Date

This field displays at the top of the form when Range Type is set to Day or Period.

Use this field to select employee records from a specific date or pay period.

The Posting Date field in the middle of the form displays the posting date for each record. It is the date to which the posted attendance and labor transactions apply.

Start Date, End Date

These fields in the Filter area of the form are enabled when you select Date Range as your Range Type. Use these fields to select timecard records for a specific date range.

First Name, Last Name

First and last names of the person to whom the record applies.

Emp Sign, Sup Sign

The Emp Sign column in the middle of the form displays the employee sign icon if the day is employee signed. An in the Emp Sign column indicates the day is not employee signed.

The Sup Sign column in the middle of the form displays the supervisor sign icon if the day is supervisor signed. An in the Sup Sign column indicates the day is not supervisor signed.

Sup Sign Updated By

Identifies the supervisor who signed the day.

Payroll Timestamp

Date and time when the day was locked or payroll.

Pay Lock Updated By

Identifies the person who locked or unlocked the day.


Use the Lock by Person Form

  1. Click Main Menu > Payroll > Payroll Lock.

  2. Click the Lock by Person tab.

  3. Select an Employee and/or Pay Policy and/or Manager Number for the records you want to view.

    A person must be assigned to a Pay Policy and/or Supervisor/Direct Manager Group in order to display the records on the Payroll Lock form. The Pay Policy and/or Supervisor/Direct Manager Group must also be in effect for the specified date range; otherwise, it will not display person records in the middle of the form.

    If a person's Employment Status is Terminated during the specified date range (see below), the person will not appear in this form.

  4. Use the Employee Sign and Supervisor Sign fields to select only those dates that have been signed or unsigned by the employee or supervisor.

  5. Use the Payroll Lock field to select only Locked or Unlocked records.

  6. You can use the Split Day field to view separate records for the first half and second half of a split day in a 9-80 schedule. This option will allow you to lock or unlock the first and second halves of a split day separately. Select First Half or Second Half to view only the first or second half of split days in your date range. Select Non Split to view only non-split days in your date range. Select All to view both split and non-split days in your date range.

  7. If you only want to lock the days that are employee signed or supervisor signed, check the Emp Sign Required or Sup Sign Required box.

  8. Specify the Range Type and Posting Date (or Start Date and End Date) of the records you want to view.

  9. Click Find.

    The records that match your criteria will display.

    Note: If you selected Range Type Period, then any records that are within the entire pay period that includes the Posting Date will display. For example, a pay period spans from January 1 through January 14. If you filter for person number 1000, Range Type Period with a Posting Date of January 10 and leave the other fields blank, then all records for employee 1000 that fall between January 1 and January 14 will display.

    If any of the records are already payroll locked, a  icon will appear in the Payroll Lock column. An appears in this column if the record is not payroll locked.

  10. Select the records that you want to lock or unlock. Press the CTRL key to select multiple records. Click the icon to select all the records on the form.

  11. Click Lock or UnLock to lock or unlock the selected records.

Note: The Lock All and UnLock All buttons will affect ALL the records that are displayed on the Lock by Person form, regardless of whether you select the records.


Lock by Person - Actions


Use the Lock button to lock the selected records on the Lock by Person form. To select a record, click it so that it is highlighted. To select multiple records, press the CTRL key as you click to select them. Click the icon to select all the records on the form. A lock  icon will appear in the Payroll Lock column once the records are locked.

Lock All

Use the Lock All button to lock all the records displayed on the Lock by Person form, without selecting the records first. If the form has more than one page of records, the records in the other pages will also be locked. A lock  icon will appear in the Payroll Lock column once the records are locked.


Use the UnLock button to unlock the selected records on the Lock by Person form. To select a record, click it so that it is highlighted. To select multiple records, press the CTRL key as you click to select them. Click the icon to select all the records on the form. An will appear in the Payroll Lock column once the records are unlocked.

UnLock All

Use the UnLock All button to unlock all the records displayed on the Lock by Person form, without selecting the records first. If the form has more than one page of records, the records in the other pages will also be unlocked. An will appear in the Payroll Lock column once the records are unlocked.