

The Licensing form shows the modules and components in your application's license. In order to use the application, you must install a license file. The license file activates and authorizes you to use the modules you purchased with the application.

To install the license file, place it in the \app folder of the Shop Floor Time installation directory. Refer to your Shop Floor Time Installation Guide for more information.

If you do not install the license file, a message will appear on the Log In page when you attempt to log in to the application. This message will appear each time you attempt to log in until the license file is installed.

If the license is expired, a red warning screen will appear after you log in to the application. After you acknowledge this message, you will return to the Log In page.

If the number of licenses in use exceeds the number of available licenses, the red warning screen will also appear after you log in to the application. After you acknowledge this message, you will be logged in. This red warning screen will appear each time a user logs in to the application.

To avoid the red warning screen, you can configure the system to send a message when the number of available licenses reaches a certain threshold. This message will allow an administrator to correct the licensing issue before the red warning screen appears.


The Licensing form consists of three tabs:

License Components shows the components in the current license, the number of items covered by each component, and the number of items currently configured for each component. You can also use the Recount button in this tab to load a new license file without restarting the application.

License Modules shows the available modules in the system. If a module is licensed, you can enable or disable it in this form.

License Audits shows any error messages that have occurred with regard to the application's license.