
License Components

The License Components tab on the Licensing form shows the components in the current license, the number of items covered by each component, and the number of items currently configured for each component.

The license counts in this form are updated automatically when the application performs a license check. The application performs a license check once a day, 24 hours from the time the first user logged in for the day. A license check is also done when you click the Recount button. If you install a new license file or if a particular License Count changes (e.g., the number of active Time Reporters changes), you can click the Recount button to update these counts with the latest values.

If the number of licenses in use exceeds the number of available licenses, a red warning screen will appear after a person logs in to the application. To avoid the red warning screen, you can set a Warning Threshold and configure the system to send a message when the number of available licenses reaches a certain amount.

You can also click the Usage button to view the persons or devices that are using a license for a particular component.

See Also:

License Components Field Descriptions

License Component Descriptions

License Warning Messages




License Components Field Descriptions

Component Name

Name of the component that is included in the license. See License Component Descriptions.

Component Type

Type that further identifies the component.

License Count

Number of items covered by the license. For example, a License Count of 100 for the Time Reporters component indicates the license will cover 100 active time reporters.

Some License Components do not include a count of users or devices. For these components, the License Count will be blank.

Audit Count

Number of items in the component that are currently configured. For example, if the InTeract Data Collection Client component has an Audit Count of 100, there are 100 records in the terminal table that have Terminal Type 3 (excluding the system-defined records).

When the Audit Count exceeds the License Count, the Audit Count appears in red. In the illustration below, there are 10 Time Reporter licenses available and 11 active Time Reporters are currently configured. The Audit Count (11) appears in red.

When the Audit Count plus the Warning Threshold is greater than or equal to the License Count, the Audit Count appears in yellow. In the illustration below, there are 10 Time Reporter licenses available and 6 active Time Reporters are currently configured. The Warning Threshold is 5. Because the Audit Count (6) plus the Warning Threshold (5) exceeds the License Count (10), the Audit Count appears yellow.

When a component's Audit Count exceeds its License Count, a red warning screen will appear after a user logs in. To avoid the red warning screen, you can configure the system to send an email message to an administrator when the Audit Count is greater than or equal to the Warning Threshold. This message will allow the administrator to correct the licensing issue before the red warning screen appears. See License Warning Messages for more information.

Warning Threshold

Used to determine if a warning message needs to be created regarding the number of available licenses.

The Warning Threshold can be used to avoid the red warning screen that appears after log in when the number of licenses in use exceeds the number of available licenses. The Warning Threshold, along with the LICENSE_WARNING message trigger, creates an email message for an administrator when the number of licenses in use reaches a certain amount. This message will allow the administrator to correct the licensing issue before the red warning screen appears. See License Warning Messages for more information.

The system will examine the Warning Threshold, the Audit Count, and the License Count for each component when it performs a license check. If the Warning Threshold is zero (0), then no warning messages will be created. If the Warning Threshold is 1 or greater, and the Audit Count is greater than or equal to the Warning Threshold, the LICENSE_WARNING message trigger may create an email message.

In the illustration below, there are 10 Time Reporter licenses available and the Warning Threshold is 5. When the number of active Time Reporters (shown in the Audit Count field) reaches 5 or more, a warning email message may be created by the LICENSE_WARNING trigger.

Expiry Date

Expiration date for the license.

Date Created

Date the license was created.

As Of Date

Date and time when the application last checked the license counts. License count checks are done once a day the first time a user logs in after the last check. The As Of Date will also be refreshed if you click the Recount button or if you restart the application server.


License Component Descriptions

Most of the components in the Shop Floor Time license are used to provide a count, such as the number of active users or the number of data collection terminals. If a component does not have a License Count, then the component is only used to enable modules.

Accruals Management

The Accruals Management component defines the number of employees that can have balance transactions processed by an ACCRUALS service instance.

The license count is determined by finding the number of active employees with at least one balance transaction for current year that was processed by an ACCRUALS service instance.

Advanced Attendance Management

The Advanced Attendance Management component defines the number of persons that can have an Attendance Policy with an Attendance Reward Ruleset and the number of persons that can be assigned a Discipline Balance Policy.

The license count is determined by finding the number of persons whose current Attendance Policy has an Attendance Reward Ruleset and the number of persons who have been assigned a Discipline Balance Policy.

Comp Time / Extended Work Time

The Comp Time / Extended Work Time component defines the number of persons that can be assigned to a Pay Policy for which Comp Time or Extra Work Time are not Disabled.

The license count is determined by finding the number of persons whose current Pay Policy has Comp Time or Extra Work Time set to a value other than Disabled.

Employee Self Service

The Employee Self Service component defines the number of persons whose Security Roles include access to one or more of the following Self Service Web forms: Balances, Employee Dashboard, OT Reponses, and Time Off Request.

The license count is determined by finding the number of persons whose Security Roles have access to the Balances, Employee Dashboard, OT Response, and/or Time Off Request form in the Self Service menu.

Enterprise Integration Manager

Counts the number of Time Reporters.

InTeract Data Collection Client

The InTeract Data Collection Client component defines the number of terminals in the terminal table that can have Terminal Type 3.

The license count is determined by finding the number of terminal records with Terminal Type 3, excluding the system-defined records.


The Mobile component defines the number of persons whose Security Role includes access to one or more of the forms in the Mobile Client.

The license count is determined by finding the number of persons whose Security Role has access to the Mobile Forms (Time Card Review, My Time Card, Time Clock, Favorites, and Recently Used).

Subcontractor / Rental Employees

The Subcontractor / Rental Employees component defines the number of persons that can have an Employee Type of Subcontractor.

The license count is determined by finding the number of active employees whose current Employment Profile has an Employee Type of Subcontractor.

Supervisor / Manager / Payroll

The Supervisor / Manager / Payroll component defines the number of persons who can have access to the Main Menu > Manage forms in their Security Roles. These forms are: Act As, Attendance Calendar, Attendance Reward, Authorized Hours, Delegation, Invoice Approval, Labor Review, OT Offer, Employee (Manage menu), Scheduled Events, Supervisor Dashboard, Supervisor Review, and Time Off Review.

The license count is determined by finding the number of persons whose Security Roles have access to the forms in the Manage menu (Main Menu > Manage), excluding the Broadcast Messages form.

Time Reporters

The Time Reporters component defines the number of persons authorized to enter time, excluding Administrators. If a supervisor or payroll manager will enter his or her own time, they are included in this license count.

The license count is determined by finding the number of persons whose current status is Active and whose Entry Type is a value other than None.

Total Time Accounting

The Total Time Accounting component defines the number of persons that can be assigned to a Pay Policy for which Total Time Accounting is enabled.

The license count is determined by finding the number of persons whose current Pay Policy has Total Time Accounting enabled.

ESD SW Kit, Costpoint Shop Floor Time

The Shop Floor Time component does not provide a count of users or devices. It is used to enable all the License Modules except Import Data and Export (these modules are enabled by the Enterprise Integration Manager component). The License Modules make the various forms and service instances available in the web application.


License Warning Messages

If the number of licenses in use exceeds the number of available licenses, a red warning screen will after a user logs in. To avoid the red warning screen, you can configure the system to create an email message for an administrator when the number of licenses in use reaches a certain amount. This message will allow the administrator to correct the licensing issue before the red warning screen appears.

To create License Warning messages, you need to set a Warning Threshold on the License Components form. You also need to make sure the LICENSE_WARNING trigger is in the ADMIN user's Message Policy.

The system will examine the Warning Threshold, the Audit Count, and the License Count for each component when the system performs a license check. The system performs a license check once a day, 24 hours from the time the first user logged in for the day. The Recount button on the License Components form will also perform a license check. If the license check finds that the Warning Threshold is 1 or greater and the Audit Count is greater than or equal to the Warning Threshold, then the LICENSE_WARNING message trigger will create an email message.

The LICENSE_WARNING trigger needs to be included in the Message Policy assigned to the ADMIN user on the Employee form (Person Number "ADMIN" and Person ID "1"). The license warning message will be created for the Message Group specified in the SEND_EMAIL_TO_GROUP setting for this trigger. To send the message you need to run the MESSAGE_DELIVERY service.

For example, a company has 100 licenses for Time Reporters. The Warning Threshold is 95. When there are 95 or more active Time Reporters configured in the system, a message will be created for an administrator. When there are more than 100 active Time Reporters configured, the red warning screen will appear after a user logs in.



The Recount button updates the License Count and Audit Count columns with the latest values. The system also updates these columns automatically when it performs a license check. The system performs a license check once a day, 24 hours from the time the first user logged in for the day.

The Recount button allows you to load a new license file without restarting the application server. After you install the new license, click the Recount button to update the License Count and Audit Count columns with the correct values based on the new license.

If a particular License Count changes (e.g., the number of active Time Reporters has changed), click the Recount button to update the License Count and Audit Count columns with the latest values.

When you click the Recount button, the As of Date changes to the current date and time.



The Usage button allows you to view the persons or devices that are using a license for a particular component.

You should click the Recount button before you click the Usage button. The Recount button will ensure that the License Count has the latest value, which will be reflected by the number of records in the Usage Details window.

Select a component on the License Components form and click the Usage button to display the Usage Details window.

This form will show the Component Name, ID number of the person, Name and Person Number, and a description.

For InTeract Data Collection Clients, the form will show the Terminal ID number and the Terminal Name.

Note that the Usage button is not applicable for the Enterprise Integration Manager and Shop Floor Time SW Kit components.