
License Modules

The License Modules tab on the Licensing form shows the modules in your license. These modules are made available by the Enterprise Integration Manager and Shop Floor Time components in your license file.

Some modules allow the system to perform specific actions, while other modules allow certain forms to appear in the system.

You can enable or disable a module by checking or unchecking the Module Enabled box.

Once a form is made available from an enabled module, you can control which persons have access to the form via their Security Roles.

Note: When re-enabling a module, any scheduled services affected by that module must be restarted from the Service Instance form.

See Also:

License Modules Field Descriptions

Enable or Disable a License Module


License Modules Field Descriptions

Module Name

Name of the module.

Module Enabled

When this box is checked, the module is enabled and available in the system.


When this box is checked, a license has been supplied for the module.

All the modules that display in this form will be checked; the form only displays modules for which you have a license.

You cannot check or uncheck this box; you must contact Deltek customer support to purchase an updated license.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.

Expiry Date

Expiration date for the license.

Date Created

Date the license was created.


Enable or Disable a License Module

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Licensing.

  2. Select the License Modules tab.

  3. Select the module you want to enable or disable.

    You can use the Module Name filter to display a specific module. If necessary, click the Filter button to display this field. Select the Module Name and click Find.

  4. Once you have selected the module, click Modify.

  5. To disable the module, uncheck the Module Enabled box. To enable the module, check the Module Enabled Box.

  6. Click Save.

    If Module Enabled was not checked and you checked it, a pop-up message will appear when you click Save. This message states that any scheduled service instances that are affected by the module must be restarted on the Service Instance form. Click OK to confirm the message.

  7. You must log out of the application and restart the application server in order for the changes to take effect. You will see the changes when you log back in to the application.

  8. If necessary, restart the affected service instances on the Service Instance form.