Service Instance

Detail Forms:

Service Schedule

Service Parameters

The Service Instance form is used to create and manage service instances. Using services, the application manages and processes information that is entered at shop floor terminals. Services transfer data between the application and external systems, and perform specific functions, such as automatically posting scheduled events and applying a defined event-priority sequence to determine which event to post for an employee. Each service instance is a unique activity in which one or several processes (i.e., services) are run with specific parameters. Each service instance record is based on a single process name.

You can run a service instance manually using the Service Monitor form, or automatically by a schedule you create on the Service Schedule tab. Some services have parameters you need to configure (on the Service Parameters tab) before you run the service.

See Also:

Service Instances

Service Instance Field Descriptions

Find a Service Instance

Add a Service Instance

Copy a Service Instance

Modify a Service Instance

Delete a Service Instance

Restart the Service Schedules (Restart All)

Modify Multiple

How to Run a Service Instance


Service Instance Field Descriptions

Process Name

Process Name is the template for the service instance. When you add a new service instance, you select the Process Name and enter a unique name for it in the Instance Name field.

Instance Name

Name that uniquely identifies the service instance. By default, the Instance Name is the same as the Process Name. You can define multiple Instance Names with the same Process Name, and each Instance Name can run with different parameters.


Description of the service instance.

Instance Group Name

Instance Group Name is used to determine whether multiple instances of the same service can be run at the same time. If multiple service instances have the same Instance Group Name, they must be run separately.

For example, you may define multiple instances of the IMPORT_FILES service, each with different Instance Names and parameters. However, you assign the same Instance Group Name to each instance. This configuration will prevent the instances from running at the same time and help prevent issues such as duplicate records.

If multiple instances of a service have different Instance Group Names, then these instances can be run simultaneously. For example, you may configure multiple instances of the ATTENDANCE service: one instance processes time-off events and the other processes day-worked events. If each instance has a different Instance Group Name, they can both run at the same time.


Some service instances have Tasks that you can include or exclude for the instance.

When you modify or add a service instance, you can select which tasks to include. Move the Task from the Available column to the Selected column if you want the service instance to process it. If no Tasks are in the Selected column, the service will process all the Tasks.

For more information on a service instance’s tasks, see Service Instances.

Instance Names

The Instance Names field is only used by the BATCH service. The BATCH service is used to bundle service instances that need to be run dependently in a specified order. For example, you may need the OUT_EBS_WIP_COST service to run after LABOR_ALL_MT and RECALCULATION, so that the correct records are exported.

Use this field to select the individual services to include in the batch. Move a service from the Available column to the Selected column to include it in the batch. Use the up/down controls next to the Selected column to place the services in the order they will run (the service listed on top will run first).

Employee Group Exclude

This check box determines whether the service will process members of the Employee Groups in the Selected column.

If Employee Group Exclude is checked, the service will process everyone except members of the Employee Groups in the Selected column.

If Employee Group Exclude is not checked, the service will only process members of the Employee Groups in the Selected column.

If there are no Selected Employee Groups, then the service will process the members of all the Available groups, whether Employee Group Exclude is checked or not.

See Service Instance Include/Exclude Examples.

Employee Group Values

Use this field to select the persons that the service will process. The options are Employee Groups of type FACILITY, POLICY_GROUP, or SERVICE_GROUP.

Members of Employee Groups in the Selected column will be processed by the service unless Employee Group Exclude is checked. See Service Instance Include/Exclude Examples.

If there are no Selected Employee Groups, then the service will process the members of all the Available groups, whether Employee Group Exclude is checked or not.


Identifies the timezone by which the service runs.


Identifies the host computer where the service will be running. This field cannot be left blank. You must specify a Host and a Port or the service will not run.

Available options are defined on the Servers tab of the Application form.

You can change the Host and Port of multiple service instances at once using the Modify Multiple button.


Identifies the port number on the host computer from which the service will be running. This field cannot be left blank. You must specify a Host and a Port or the service will not run.

The available options are the Port Numbers defined for the selected Host on the Servers tab of the Application form.

You can change the Host and Port of multiple service instances at once using the Modify Multiple button.

Audit Start

This box is checked to indicate that the start of the instance can be tracked on the Service Audit form. Any errors will be logged on the Error Log form.

Audit End

This box is checked to indicate that the end of the instance can be tracked on the Service Audit form. Any errors will be logged on the Error Log form.


If this box is checked, the service instance is enabled and active.

System Required

If this box is checked, the service instance is system required and cannot be deleted.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find a Service Instance

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Services > Service Instance.

  2. If you know the Process Name of the service instance, select it from the drop-down menu.

  3. To search for an Instance Name, enter it in the Instance Name field. You can also use the % wildcard symbol to search using partial values. The wildcard symbol can be placed anywhere in your search value to represent unknown characters. For example, enter S% to find the options that begin with S. Enter S%E to find the options that begin with S and end with E. Enter %RT% to find the options that contain RT, such as Export and Import.

  4. If you know the service instance’s Host, select it from the drop-down menu.

  5. Click Find. The search results will display in the grid.


Add a Service Instance

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Services > Service Instance.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select the Process Name for the service instance you are adding.

  4. Enter a unique Instance Name.

  5. If you want to add any more information about the service instance, enter it in the Description field.

  6. Enter an Instance Group Name for the service. Instance Group Name is used to determine whether multiple instances of the same service can be run at the same time. If multiple service instances have the same Instance Group Name, they must be run separately.

  7. If your service instance has Tasks, select those you want to include. Move the tasks from Available to Selected to include them.

  8. Use the Employee Group Values and Employee Group Exclude fields to select the persons that the service will process.

  9. Select the Timezone by which the service will run.

  10. You must specify the Host and Port where the service instance runs. If no values are entered in these fields, the service will not run.

  11. Check the Enabled box to enable the service (you still have to define a schedule for it).

  12. If you want to add more than one service instance, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add window open. Or click Save to save your service instance and return to the main form.


Copy a Service Instance

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Services > Service Instance.

  2. Find and select the service instance record you want to copy and click Copy. All parameters will be copied into the new record.

  3. Modify the Instance Name and other properties.

  4. If you want to create another service instance, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Copy window open. Or click Save to save your service instance and return to the main form.


Modify a Service Instance

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Services > Service Instance.

  2. Find and select the service instance you want to modify and click Modify.

  3. Modify the necessary fields and click Save.


Delete a Service Instance

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Services > Service Instance.

  2. Find and select the service instance you want to delete and click Delete.

  3. Click OK to confirm the action.


Restart the Service Schedules (Restart All)

The Restart All button is used to restart all your service schedules. When a service uses a Simple schedule, the timing of the schedule is based on when the service starts or restarts. See Service Schedule for more information.


Modify Multiple

Use the Modify Multiple button change the Host and Port for more than one service instance at a time. To use this button:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Services > Service Instance.

  2. Find and select the service instances for which you want to change the Host and Port. Make sure these service instances are displaying in the grid.

  3. Select the services in the grid and click Modify Multiple.

  4. On the pop-up form, select the Host and Port and click Save.


How to Run a Service Instance

A service instance can be run manually using the Service Monitor form, or by a schedule created on the Service Schedule tab. Service instances can be scheduled to run once, repeatedly, or indefinitely.

In order to run a service instance you must:

You can monitor the status of your service instances on the Service Monitor form.