Error Log

Detail Forms:

Transaction Data

Additional Info

The Error Log form displays errors that occur for import/export processes and service instances. Any failed transactions posted at a terminal or in the web will also display on the Error Log form. The Error Log updates each time you run the application server.

Note: To view errors that occurred for a particular run of a service instance, use the View Error button on the Service Monitor form.

See Also:

Error Log Field Descriptions

Find an Error Log Record

Delete an Error Log Record

Delete All Error Log Records

Change an Error's Status (Active/Inactive)

Transaction Data

Additional Info


Error Log Field Descriptions

Error ID

A unique identifier for the record in the Error Log. In the Filter area of the form, you can use the * or % wildcard symbol to search using partial values in this field. The wildcard symbol can be placed anywhere in your search value to represent unknown characters. For example, to find Error ID numbers that include 007, enter *007* in the Error ID field.

Process Name

The interface process that created the error. For errors that occur in the Web Time Clock or a data collection terminal, the Process Name will be WEB or TERMINAL followed by the GID and DID number (e.g., TERMINAL: 80/85 for a terminal with the GID 80 and the DID 85).

Instance Name

Identifies the service instance that created the error.

Error Status

The default Error Status is "Active," but you can change an error's status manually by using the Active/Inactive button.

You can change the Error Status of an error in order to sort the errors that appear on the Error Log form. For example, if you have already dealt with an error and no longer want to view it on the form, change its Status to "Inactive." Then click the Filter button, select Active from the Status field, and click Find to display only the Active records.

Error Code

Error number for this record.


The message that displays to the user at time of error. The error's Description can be modified on the Dictionary Label form. Enter the Error Code in the Label Name of the Dictionary Label form to look up the message. The Long Label is what displays on the Error Log form.


The event, if any, that the user attempted at the time of the error.

Date Created, Created By

Date when the error occurred and the user who was logged in when the error occurred.

Update Date, Updated By

Date the Error Log record was updated (e.g., the Status was changed) and the user who updated the record.

Group Audit ID

ID number used to group Error Log records that occurred during a particular run of a service instance.

Task Name

Displays the Task Name (if any) for the Process Name that caused the error.

Transaction ID

ID number for the transaction that caused the error.


Find an Error Log Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Audit > Error Log.

  2. To narrow your search, click the Filter button. Use the Process Name, Instance Name, Error Status, Error Code, From, To, Event, Error ID, and Transaction ID fields to look for errors with these criteria.

  3. Use the From and To fields to search for errors that occurred during a specific date range.

  4. Click Find.


Delete an Error Log Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Audit > Error Log.

  2. Select the record you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click OK to confirm the action.


Delete All Error Log Records

The Delete All button will delete all the errors in the Error Log, regardless of whether they are displaying on the form.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Audit > Error Log.

  2. Click Delete All.

  3. Click OK to confirm the action.


Change an Error's Status (Active/Inactive)

You can change an error's Status to Active or Inactive. This setting can be used to sort the errors that appear on the Error Log form. For example, if you have already dealt with an error and no longer want to view it on the form, change its Status to "Inactive." Then click the Filter button, select Active from the Status field, and click Find to display only the Active records.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Audit > Error Log.

  2. Find the error you want to change and select it in the grid.

  3. To change the error's Status, click the Active/Inactive button. If the error was Active its Status will change to Inactive. If the error was Inactive, its Status will change to Active.


Transaction Data

Select an error in the grid section of the Error Log form and click the Transaction Data tab. This form displays the following information:

Transaction Name

The interface process that created the error.

Transaction ID

The identifying number, if any, of the transaction that caused the error.

Transaction Data

Details about the transaction that caused the error (i.e., the event the user tried to post or the parameter that caused the service instance error). For a Web Time Clock or terminal error, this field will list all the prompts available when the error occurred (including hidden prompts).

You can limit the amount of data that displays in the Transaction Data field by modifying the max_transaction_data_size Form Setting on the Form Profile form. If the number of characters in the Transaction Data record exceeds this setting, an error will appear and the Transaction Data field will only show the number of characters specified in the setting.


Additional Info

Select an error in the grid section of the Error Log form and click the Additional Info tab.

The Additional Info tab displays the Description of the error message. If the error occurred during a labor export, this tab will include the export data so you can determine which fields were exported and look up the transaction ID in the log file. For some error messages, the Additional Info tab displays information that can be used to fix the error.