Error View

Error View is a view-only form that is available from the Error View button on the Service Monitor form.

Use the Error View button to display Error Log records that occurred for a particular run of a selected service instance. The Error Log Count column on the Service Monitor form will show how many errors occurred for the most recent run of a service.

You can use the Filter fields to view only errors from the last run of the service, or errors that occurred on a specific date and time. You can also filter by a specific Error Code or a range of Error Ids.

Note: Error Log records that were generated in an earlier version of the application (prior to the addition of the Error View form) will not display on the Error View form.

View Errors that Occurred for a Selected Service Instance:

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Services > Service Monitor.

  2. Select the service instance for which you want to view errors.

  3. Click the Error View button to display the Error View pop-up form.

  4. Click the Filter button to display the filter fields on the Error View pop-up form.

    Use the Search Type field to specify the service run for which you want to view errors. Select Last Run to view errors that occurred the last time the service ran. Select Date Range to view errors that occurred when the service ran during the From and To date range.

    To view a specific Error Code, select it from the drop-down menu.

    Use the Start Error Id and End Error Id fields to display error messages with a range of Error ID numbers.

  5. Click Find.

    The errors that match your criteria will display in the grid in the center of the form.

    The fields on the Error View form are also on the Error Log form. See Error Log Field Descriptions for information on these fields.

  6. To display information about the interface process that created an error, select the error and click the Transaction Data tab.

    You can limit the amount of data that displays on the Transaction Data tab by modifying the max_transaction_data_size Form Setting on the Form Profile form. If the number of characters in the Transaction Data record exceeds this setting, an error will appear and the Transaction Data tab will only show the number of characters specified in the setting.

    Transaction Name is the interface process that created the error.

    Transaction ID is the identifying number, if any, of the transaction that caused the error.

    Transaction Data displays details about the transaction that caused the error (i.e., the parameter that caused the service instance error).

  7. To display a description of the error message, select the error and click the Additional Info tab. For some error messages, the Additional Info tab displays information that can be used to fix the error.