Time Off Review

The Time Off Review form is used by supervisors to request, approve, or disapprove time off requests for employees they manage. This form displays the time off requests you make for your employees, and the time off requests employees submit themselves. See Requesting and Approving Time Off.

You can also use the Time Off Calendar pop-up form to display pending and approved time off requests, as well as posted time off events, in a calendar form. The Time Off Calendar allows a supervisor to view the number of scheduled hours and time off hours for a particular day. It also allows the supervisor to quickly see how many time off requests are still pending and require approval or disapproval.

If you have been assigned a Supervisor Role, the actions that you can carry out on the Time Off Review form will depend on the Functional Areas that have been assigned to your role.

Detail Forms:

Time Off Calendar

Person Balance

Action History

See Also:

Filtering the Time Off Review Data

Time Off Review Field Descriptions

Calendar Button (Time Off Calendar)

Find a Time Off Request

Approve a Time Off Request

Approve a Time Off Request and Add a Comment

Disapprove a Time Off Request

Disapprove a Time Off Request and Add a Comment

Reset a Time Off Request

Reset a Time Off Request and Add a Comment

Add a Time Off Request


Filtering the Time Off Review Data

The filter area at the top of the Time Off Review form controls which employee time off requests will display on the Time Off Review form and the Time Off Calendar pop-up form.

If you do not use the filter fields, then time off requests will display for all the employees you supervise for the current date and all future dates.

Click the Filter button at the top of the form to display the following filter fields. Select your filter criteria and click Find.


Use this Filter field to display only those records with a particular status (Pending, Approved, etc.). The Status field also appears in the grid section of the form to identify the current status of the Time Off request.

Date Range Type

This field indicates whether to display records for which the Start Date and End Date range includes the current date and Future dates, Past dates, or All dates.

For example, a time off request has the Start Date 8/3/2018 and an End Date of 8/10/2018. On 8/6/2018, the supervisor opens the Time Off Review form. The 8/3 to 8/10 request will display regardless of the Date Range Type, because this request includes the current, past, and future dates. On 8/11/2018, however, the supervisor will need to select the Date Range Type of All or Past to display the 8/3 to 8/10 request.


Use the Employee field to search for employees by their first name, last name, or employee number.

You can use the * or % wildcard symbol in this field to search using partial values. The wildcard symbol can be placed anywhere in your search value to represent unknown characters. For example, to find employees whose first name, last name, or employee number starts with the letter b, enter b*. To find employee numbers (or first and last names) that include 007, enter *007*.


To view only those employees assigned to a specific Facility Group, select the Facility Group from this drop-down list.

Supervision Type

Use this field to determines which managerial type the records are sorted by.

Include Direct

When this box is selected, persons that report directly to the logged-in supervisor via Employee Group type DIRECT_MANAGER are included in the results. This check box applies to the Supervision Type filter.


Time Off Review Field Descriptions

Employee, Employee Name

In the grid section of the form, the Employee and Employee Name fields display the person number, first name, and last name of the person for whom the time off will be posted.


The Status field in the grid section of the Time Off Review form identifies the current status of the Time Off request. This field is also used in the Filter area of the form. See Filtering the Time Off Review Data for descriptions of these statuses.


When an employee or supervisor creates a time off request, the Type will be Schedule.

When an employee requests to cancel an approved time off request or modifies an approved time off request, the Type will be Cancel.


This is the event that will be posted for the time off hours. Available options are defined in the employee's Time Off Request Policy.

Leave Type Code

This identifies the Balance from which the selected Event will draw its hours. Available options are defined for the selected Event on the Leave Type tab of the Events form.

Start Date, End Date

These indicate the year, month, and day when the requested time off starts and ends.

If the time off request is for a past date, you may have to adjust the ATTENDANCE service's MODE parameter so the service will look at past dates and approve the request. In addition, if you are running the PTO_REQUEST_EXPIRE service, make sure this service does not mark the request as Expired before the supervisor has a chance to approve it.

A person will not be able to request time off on a gap day or a holiday (as defined in the person’s Holiday Calendar) unless the day has a mandatory overtime schedule. If the gap day or holiday is in a range of dates being requested, the request may be saved and approved but the ATTENDANCE service will not post the time off event on the gap day or holiday.

Hours Type

This indicates whether the time off request is for a Full Day, Half Day, or an Hours Amount.

The number of hours in a Full Day or Half Day request are based on the person's schedule.

When you select Hours Amount, you must enter the number of hours in the Duration field. If the employee's Time Off Request Policy includes Time Off Request Duration records, you can only enter these specific duration amounts in the Hours Amount field. You must also enter the Start Timestamp for these hours.


If the time off request is for an Hours Amount, the Duration is the number of hours for which the person is requesting time off. For Full Day and Half Day time off requests, the Duration is not applicable.

If the employee's Time Off Request Policy includes Time Off Request Duration records, you can only enter these specific duration amounts in the Hours Amount field when making a time off request.

Service Date

The Service Date indicates when the employee started their service. This date is defined on the Employee form.

Start Timestamp

Start Timestamp indicates what time of day the requested time off starts.

If you select Half Day or Hours Amount for the Hours Type when making a time off request, you must enter a Start Timestamp. The Start Timestamp plus the number of hours off must be within a person's schedule.

If you select Full Day for the Hours Type when making a time off request, the Time Off Review form will display the person's scheduled start time in the Start Timestamp field.

Request Comment

This displays any comments that were entered when the time off was requested.

Date Created, Created By

These fields identify when the request was submitted and who submitted the request.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find a Time Off Request

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage >Time Off Review.

  2. If necessary, click the Filter button to display the filter fields.

  3. Use the filter fields to select the employees whose time off requests you want to view. See Filtering the Time Off Review Data for more information.

  4. Click Find.

    The employee time off requests appear in the grid.

You can click the Calendar button to view these time off requests as well as holidays in the Time Off Calendar.

You can use the Person Balance tab to display a selected person’s balances for time off such as vacation, sick, and personal days.

You can use the Action history tab to display details about a selected record, such as when it was approved, disapproved, or reset, as well as any comments added by the supervisor.


Approve a Time Off Request

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage >Time Off Review.

  2. Use the filter fields to select the employees whose time off requests you want to view.

  3. In the grid section of the form, select the requests you want to approve. Press the CTRL key and click to select multiple records.

  4. Click the Approve button.

  5. Click OK to confirm the approval.

    The Status of the request will change to Approved.


Approve a Time Off Request and Add a Comment

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage >Time Off Review.

  2. Use the filter fields to select the employees whose time off requests you want to view.  

  3. In the grid section of the form, select the requests you want to approve with comments. Press the CTRL key and click to select multiple records.

  4. Click the Approve w/Comment button.

  5. Enter your comment in the pop-up window and click Save.

    The Status of the request will change to Approved.

Supervisors can view these comments on the Action History tab of the Time Off Review form. Employees can view these comments on the Action History tab of the Time Off Request form.


Disapprove a Time Off Request

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage >Time Off Review.

  2. Use the filter fields to select the employees whose time off requests you want to view.

  3. In the grid section of the form, select the requests you want to disapprove. Press the CTRL key and click to select multiple records.

  4. Click the Disapprove button.

  5. Click OK to confirm the approval.

    The Status of the request will change to Disapproved.


Disapprove a Time Off Request and Add a Comment

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage >Time Off Review.

  2. Use the filter fields to select the employees whose time off requests you want to view.

  3. In the grid section of the form, select the requests you want to disapprove with comments. Press the CTRL key and click to select multiple records.

  4. Click the Disapprove w/Comment button.

  5. Enter your comment in the pop-up window and click Save.

    The Status of the request will change to Disapproved.

Supervisors can view these comments on the Action History tab of the Time Off Review form. Employees can view these comments on the Action History tab of the Time Off Request form.


Reset a Time Off Request

If you want to undo the status of a request you have already approved or disapproved, you can select the record and click the Reset button. This action will return the record to its previous state.

Reset can only be used for Approved or Disapproved time off requests.


Reset a Time Off Request and Add a Comment

If you want to undo the status of a request you have already approved or disapproved and include a comment, you can select the record and click the Reset with Comment button. This action will return the record to its previous state.

Reset with Comment can only be used for Approved or Disapproved time off requests.

Supervisors can view these comments on the Action History tab of the Time Off Review form. Employees can view these comments on the Action History tab of the Time Off Request form.


Add a Time Off Request

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage >Time Off Review.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Click the  button next to the Employee field and use the pop-up form to select the person for whom you are requesting time off.

    The Employee Name will appear below the Employee field.

  4. Select the Event and Leave Type Code for the time off.

  5. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the time off. Please refer to the Time Off Review Field Descriptions for information about selecting dates for a time off request.

  6. Select an Hours Type. If you select Hours Amount, you must enter the number of hours in the Duration field.

  7. If you selected Half Day or Hours Amount as your Hours Type, enter the Start Timestamp when the requested time off starts. The Start Timestamp plus the amount of time off must be within the employee's schedule for the day.

  8. Enter a comment in the Request Comment box (optional).

  9. Click Save to return to the Time Off Review form. You can approve/disapprove the record immediately.