
Facilities are created in the Employee Group form.

A Facility (an Employee Group of type "FACILITY") is used to group person records that can be assigned identical settings, such as security roles and custom dictionaries. Supervisors can also filter employees by Facility when viewing records in supervisory forms such as Current Situation. Note that a person can belong to only one Facility at a time.

See Also: Employee Group Field Descriptions

See Also:

Create a Facility

Modify a Facility

Delete a Facility


Create a Facility

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee Group.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter an Employee Group Name and select the Employee Group Type FACILITY.

  4. Click Save.


Modify a Facility

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee Group.

  2. Select an Employee Group record with Employee Group Type FACILITY.

  3. Click Modify.

  4. Once you have modified the necessary fields, click Save.


Delete a Facility

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee Group.

  2. Select an Employee Group record with Employee Group Type FACILITY.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click OK to confirm the action.