
Requesting and Approving Time Off


Employees can request time off using the following methods:

If you only want employees to view their time off requests in the client terminal or Web Time Clock and not be able to add, modify, or cancel them, use the Request View event.



Supervisors can request, approve, and disapprove time off requests for the employees they supervise. To do so, use the Time Off Review form.


Once a time off request is approved, the ATTENDANCE service will post the applicable time off event to the employee's timecard, provided the person's Attendance Policy has Time Off enabled and the ATTENDANCE_TIME_OFF task is enabled for the ATTENDANCE service.

You can run the PTO_REQUEST_EXPIRE service to update time off requests that have not been approved, disapproved, or cancelled before the Start Date of the request. The service will change the status of these requests to EXPIRED.