
Setting tab (Employee form)

When a person is added in the system, the current System Settings (such as Date Pattern, Dictionary, and Form Profile) are assigned to the person by default.

The Setting tab on the Employee form is used to assign settings to a single person. For example, you may want to assign a specific Pay Policy to a person for a short period of time. See Settings Precedence for more details.

Note: If your Security Data Role includes the PERSON_SETTING item, then only records for specific Setting Types will appear in the Employee Setting tab. You will only be able to view, add, and modify the Setting Types defined in the Security Data Role.

See Also:

Setting Types

Employee Setting Field Description

Find an Employee Setting Record

Add a Setting to an Employee

Copy a Setting from an Employee

Modify a Setting for an Employee

Delete a Setting for an Employee


Employee Setting Field Descriptions

Setting Type

Name of the setting. See Setting Types for more information.

Setting Value

Value of the setting (e.g., the name of the policy or the format for the date pattern).

Start Date, End Date

Dates that the Setting Type and Setting Value are assigned to the person.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find an Employee Setting Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee.

  2. Select the person record that you want to find a setting record for.

  3. Click the Setting tab located on the lower half of the form.

  4. Click Find. The setting records appear.


Add a Setting to a Person

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee.

  2. Select the person record that you want to add a setting record to.

  3. Click the Setting tab located on the lower half of the form.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Select a Setting Type from the Setting Type drop-down menu.

  6. Select a Setting Value from the Setting Value drop-down menu.

  7. Select a Start Date on which this setting begins. The default date is the current date.

  8. Select an End Date. The default date is 2100-02-01.

  9. Click Save.


Copy a Setting from an Employee

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee.

  2. Select the person record that you want to copy and add a setting to.

  3. Click the Setting tab located on the lower half of the form, and select the setting record you want to copy values from.

  4. Click Copy.

  5. Modify any necessary fields, and click Save.


Modify a Setting for an Employee

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee.

  2. Select the person record that contains the setting you want to modify.

  3. Click the Setting tab located on the lower half of the form.

  4. Select the setting record you want to modify.

  5. Click Modify.

  6. Modify the necessary fields. Note that you cannot modify the setting value for non-exclusive settings. An example of a non-exclusive setting is a security role where you can belong to multiple roles simultaneously (Charge Element Filtration Group, Form Filter, and Security Role).  

  7. Click Save.


Delete a Setting for an Employee

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee.

  2. Select the person record that contains the setting you want to delete.

  3. Click the Setting tab located on the lower half of the form.

  4. Select the setting record you want to delete.

  5. Click Delete.

  6. Click OK to confirm the action.