
Biometric Assignment

The Biometric Assignment form is used to manage fingerprint templates that are enrolled from an InTouch terminal.

When you enroll a fingerprint, it will appear on the Biometric Assignment form as a fingerprint template. The fingerprint template will initially be assigned to the Terminal Profile that is used by the enrollment terminal. A person can log in using his or her fingerprint on any biometric verification terminal that uses this Terminal Profile.

You can use the Biometric Assignment form to:

See Also:

Biometric Assignment Field Descriptions

Assign Template



Delete Unenrolled Templates


Biometric Assignment Field Descriptions

Terminal Profile

Indicates the Terminal Profile to which the fingerprint template is assigned.

When a person enrolls his or her fingerprint, it will initially be assigned to the Terminal Profile that is used by the enrollment terminal. The person can log in using his or her fingerprint on any biometric verification terminal that uses this Terminal Profile.

A fingerprint template can also be assigned to other Terminal Profiles, so the person can log in with his or her fingerprint at biometric verification terminals that use these other Terminal Profiles.

A Terminal Profile is assigned to a terminal on the Terminal form.


Displays the Employee Number of the person who enrolled his or her fingerprint.

Enrollment Status

Indicates whether the fingerprint template is enrolled or not.

When a fingerprint template is enrolled, it is available on all the Terminal Profiles to which it is assigned. The person can log in using his or her fingerprint from any biometric verification terminal that uses the Terminal Profile (unless the fingerprint has been disabled for the Terminal Profile).

When a fingerprint template is un-enrolled, it is not available on any Terminal Profile. The person cannot log in using his or her fingerprint from any biometric verification terminal.

After you unenroll a fingerprint template, you can enroll it again using the Biometric Assignment form or by recording the fingerprint again from the enrollment terminal.


If this box is checked, the fingerprint template is enabled for the specified Terminal Profile.

If this box is not checked, the fingerprint template is disabled for the specified Terminal Profile.

When a fingerprint template is disabled, the employee can longer use his or her fingerprint to log in at a biometric verification terminal that uses the specified Terminal Profile.

Use the Enable/Disable button to enable or disable a fingerprint template for a specific Terminal Profile.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Assign Template

When a person enrolls his or her fingerprint, the fingerprint template will be assigned to the Terminal Profile that is used by the enrollment terminal. The person can log in using his or her fingerprint on any biometric verification terminal that is assigned to this Terminal Profile.

If you want to allow the person to log in with his or her fingerprint at other biometric verification terminals, you need to assign the person's template to the Terminal Profiles used by these terminals.

  1. On the Biometric Assignment form, select the fingerprint templates.

  2. Click the Assign Template button.

  3. On the pop-up form, select the Terminal Profiles to which you want to assign the selected templates. Move them from the Available box to the Selected box.

  4. Click OK.

    The new Terminal Profile assignments will appear on the Biometric Assignment form.



You can enable or disable a fingerprint template from a specific Terminal Profile. When a fingerprint template is disabled, the employee can longer use his or her fingerprint to log in at a biometric verification terminal that uses the Terminal Profile.

For example, employee 100 has her fingerprint template assigned to the Terminal Profiles called ShopFloor1 and ShopFloor2. The biometric verification terminals that use the ShopFloor1 and ShopFloor2 Terminal Profiles will all recognize employee 100's fingerprint when she logs in. If employee 100's fingerprint template is disabled for the ShopFloor1 Terminal Profile, then employee 100 can only use her fingerprint to log in from the biometric verification terminals that use the ShopFloor2 Terminal Profile. If employee 100 tries to log in from a biometric verification terminal that uses the ShopFloor1 Terminal Profile, the login will fail.

On the Biometric Assignment form, find the fingerprint template records for the persons and Terminal Profiles that you want to enable or disable. Select these records and click the Enable/Disable button. The Enabled box will be checked or unchecked accordingly.



Use the Enroll/UnEnroll button to change the Enrollment Status of a fingerprint template.

When a fingerprint template is enrolled, it is available on all the Terminal Profiles to which it is assigned. The person can log in using his or her fingerprint from any biometric verification terminal that uses the Terminal Profile, unless the fingerprint has been disabled for the Terminal Profile.

When a fingerprint template is un-enrolled, it is not available on any Terminal Profile. The person cannot log in using his or her fingerprint from any biometric verification terminal.

After you unenroll a fingerprint template, you can enroll it again using the Biometric Assignment form or by recording the fingerprint again from the enrollment terminal.


Delete Unenrolled Templates

You can delete Unenrolled fingerprint templates using the PURGE service.

To configure the PURGE service, go to Main Menu > Configuration > Services > Purge. On the Purge form, select the BIOMETRIC_TEMPLATE record. Make sure this Purge category is Enabled and set the Purge Days according to how many records you want to keep.

Configure and run the PURGE service to delete the unenrolled fingerprint templates.