
Interface In Queue

Detail Form: In Transaction Data

The Interface on Queue form displays incoming processed raw data from your external ERP system.

Your Security Data Role may affect which transactions you can view on the Interface In Queue form. If your Security Data Role includes the SENDER_NAME and TRANSACTION_NAME items, you can only view transactions with specific Sender or Transaction Names. See Security Data for more information.

To limit the number of records that display on the Interface In Queue form, you can use the number_of_records Form Setting.

See Also:

Interface in Queue Field Descriptions

Find Interface in Queue Records

View Error Log

Download Data

Cancel Status

Re-Process Export


Interface In Queue Field Descriptions

Queue ID

A unique identifier for this record.

Interface Name

Displays the Interface Name to which this record applies. The available options are configured on the Interface form.

Transaction Name

Identifies the type of transaction to which this record applies. Transaction Names are defined for a specific Interface Name on the Interface Trans tab of the Interface form.

When you use the Transaction Name field in the Filter area of the form, the available options may be affected by your Security Data Role. If your Security Data Role includes the TRANSACTION_NAME item, this setting will restrict your access to Transaction Names.

Interface Name Alias

This field is not used in Shop Floor Time.

The Interface Name Alias is defined on the Distribution Model form. It is used to specify a custom interface name from which you are importing data.

Trans Name Alias

The Trans Name Alias is defined on the Distribution Model form. It is used to specify a custom transaction name from which you are importing data.

Transaction Status

Complete (C) = Data has been processed and executed.

Error (E) = Data could not be processed, or data has invalid values.

Ready (R) = The record has been reset and is ready to be processed. The record will update once the data processing service runs.

Cancel (X) = The process has been cancelled.

Pending (P) = The data is currently being processed.

Sync (S) = The record has been processed synchronously (in real-time).

Waiting (W) = The incoming data was interrupted.

Transaction Group

A transaction group is used to group transactions. Transactions within the same transaction group are processed together. Two transaction groups with the same name cannot run concurrently.

Sender Name

Identifies the sender of the data.

When you use the Sender Name field in the Filter area of the form, the available options may be affected by your Security Data Role. If your Security Data Role includes the SENDER_NAME item, this setting will restrict your access to Sender Names.

Process Name

Indicates the type of data that is being imported so the system will know how to process it.

CONVERT_XML - If the Process Name field is blank or set to CONVERT_XML, then the incoming data is in the XML format and will be processed accordingly.

CONVERT_TEXT – If the Process Name field is set to CONVERT_TEXT, then the incoming data is in a CSV or fixed-length format and will be processed accordingly.

If you want the IN_QUEUE_TEXT service to process the data, make sure the Process Name is set to CONVERT_TEXT.

Document Type

Indicates whether the record comes from the Header, Data, or Trailer section of the import file. Appears blank if the import file does not have these sections.

External Document ID

If the source document is an XML file, this field will display the External Document ID (if any).

Date Created

Identifies when this record was updated.

Created By

Identifies who created or updated the record.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.

You can also filter the records in this form by their Update Date. To do so, use the From Update Date and To Update Date fields in the filter area of the form.


Find Interface In Queue Records

To limit the number of records that display on the Interface In Queue form, use the filter fields as explained below. You can also use the number_of_records Form Setting.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Interfaces > Interface In Queue.

  2. Click the Filter button to display the filter fields.

  3. You can use one or more of the filter fields to narrow your search: Queue ID, Interface Name, Transaction Name, Interface Name Alias, Trans Name Alias, Transaction Status, Sender Name, Document Type, External Document ID, From Update Date, and To Update Date.

    When you filter by Sender Name or Transaction Name, the available options may be affected by your Security Data Role. If your Security Data Role includes the SENDER_NAME or TRANSACTION_NAME items, these settings will restrict your access to Sender Names and Transaction Names.

  4. Click Find.

    The records that match your filter settings will appear on the form.

To configure the number_of_records Form Setting to limit the number of records that display on the Interface In Queue form:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Form Profile.

  2. Select the custom Form Profile Name you want to modify.

  3. On the left side of the form, go to Web > Administration > Interfaces > Interface In Queue.

  4. Click the Form Settings tab.

  5. Select the number_of_records setting and click Modify.

  6. Change the Setting Value as necessary and click Save.


View Error Log

If a record on the Interface In Queue form has the Record Status of Error, you can use the View Error Log button to view details about the error.

On the Interface In Queue form, select a record with the Transaction Status of Error.

Click View Error Log on the toolbar.

The Error Log pop-up form displays details about the error.

Error ID is a unique identifier for the record in the Error Log.

Process Name is the interface process that created the error.

Error Code displays the error number for the record.

Description is the message that displays to the user at time of the error.

Event displays the event, if any, that was posted at the time of the error.

Transaction Name identifies the type of transaction to which the record applies. Transaction Names are defined for a specific Interface Name in the Interface Trans tab of the Interface form.

Transaction ID is the Queue ID of the Interface In Queue record.

The Transaction Data field at the bottom of this form displays details about the transaction that caused the error. For example, if the transaction was an SAP IDOC, the contents of this XML file will appear.

You can limit the amount of data that displays in the Transaction Data field by modifying the max_transaction_data_size Form Setting on the Form Profile form. If the number of characters in the Transaction Data record exceeds this setting, an error will appear and the Transaction Data field will only show the number of characters specified in the setting.


Download Data

Use this button to download the entire Interface In Queue record, regardless of how much of it displays in the In Transaction Data tab.

To more quickly scroll through the Interface In Queue records, you can minimize the In Transaction Data tab by clicking the button on the right side of the tab. If you click Download Data, you will download the selected Interface In Queue record without having to view it in the In Transaction Data tab.


Cancel Status

Use the Cancel Status button to change a transaction's status to Cancel.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Interfaces > Interface In Queue.

  2. Select the record you want to cancel and click Cancel Status.

  3. Click OK to confirm the action.

    The record's Transaction Status will change to Cancel.


Re-Process Export

Use the Re-Process Export button to change the Transaction Status of a selected transaction to Ready.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Interfaces > Interface In Queue.

  2. Select the record you want to re-process and click Re-Process Export.