
Interface Transaction

The Interface Trans detail form displays detailed transaction information about each record in the Interface form.


Interface Transaction Field Descriptions

Transaction Name

The Transaction Name corresponds with the type of transaction that this record applies to. Any kind of transactions that have posted for the interface highlighted in the Interface form are listed in the Transaction Name column.

Interface Name

Displays the interface name that this record applies to. Interface names are configured in the Interface form.

Interface Version

Identifies the version number of the interface.

XML Node

The path to find the interface name on the XML document. The XML Node is used to represent an abstract node in an XML document tree representation.

Document Type

1 = XML doc

2 = Fixed, flat file

3 = Fixed, delimited (something is separating the values in the field) file

Response Type

0 = None (do not)

1 = Success (do)

2 = Failure (cannot)

3 = Always

Response Mode

0 = Scheduled

1 = Synchronous

2 = Asynchronous

Success Response Num

0 = None

1 = Success

2 = Failure

3 = Always

Failure Response Num

0 = None

1 = Success

2 = Failure

3 = Always

Transaction Group

A Transaction Group functions as a place holder for Transaction Names. Transaction Groups are used as Service Parameters. When a service runs for a specific Transaction Group, only the tables that are mapped to the Transaction Names in the group will be populated. See Service Instances for information on services that use the Transaction Group parameter.

Xsl File

Represents the file that is used to transform the incoming XML doc into an applicable XML doc (get, sync, process).

Pre Process Class

Post Process Class


Identifies the interface event for the transaction. The interface event is used to map the incoming data to the correct location in the Shop Floor Time database.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.