DescriptionInterface event used to load Accrual data. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1033 - Interface Accrual Validation
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Balance CodeFI_BALANCE_CODEyes040PERSON_BALANCE.BALANCE_CODEValid Values are those balance codes that exist in balance code table.This is used to determine the balance code type of the record. This value must be provided or no record will be created.
Balance YearFI_BALANCE_YEARyes040PERSON_BALANCE.BALANCE_YEARFormat is yyyy. An example is 2010.The Year of the balance value.
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMyes040PERSON_BALANCE.PERSON_IDThis value must map to a valid person in the Person Table or no record will be created.The person number. This value must be supplied or a record will not be created.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the data. The record is deleted from the database on passing the value as 'D'.
Applicable DateFI_APPLICABLE_DATEno020Current DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231. This value only applies if smart update is set to 'Y'This is used to find the record that needs to be updated based on the applicable date.
Balance Load TypeFI_BALANCE_LOAD_TYPEno010The default value is blank.Valid values are AVAILABLE, ALLIf set to ALL or blank the standard behavior applies. If set to AVAILABLE, then Set Earned Hours = Available balance sent from HR/Accrual system, Used Paid Hours = All the hours in the person_balance_transaction that have not yet been exported via payroll export. Used Unpaid_hours = Set to zero.
Carry Over ValueFI_CARRY_OVER_VALUEno0PERSON_BALANCE.CARRY_OVER_VALUE0.0Decimal valueThe Amount of the carry over value. The value is expected in Hours.
Create Balance CodeFI_CREATE_BALANCE_CODEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes), or 'N' (No)This is used to determine whether we create balance code or not, it is set to 'Y' in BCOMMPS.
Earn ValueFI_EARN_VALUEno0PERSON_BALANCE.EARN_VALUE0.0Decimal valueThe value of the earned amount. The value is expected in Hours.
End DateFI_END_DATEno0PERSON_BALANCE.END_DATE99991131Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Person Balance End Date
Prior Period OnlyFI_PRIOR_PERIOD_ONLYno01Product specific, for Autotime, the default will be 'F'(False), for COSTPOINTSF, the default will be 'T'(True)Valid values are 'F' (False), or 'T' (True)
Process NameFI_PROCESS_NAMEno040Product specific, for Autotime, the process name is PAYROLL_EXPORT, for COSTPOINTSF, the process name is LDMTIME_EXPORT, not required for BCOMM.Valid values are based on process status definitionThis value is used in the calculation of the accumulated used paid value when FI_BALANCE_LOAD_TYPE is set to AVAILABLE. For Autotime, it is PAYROLL_EXPORT. For CostpointSF, it is LDMTIME_EXPORT.
Rcd NumFI_RCD_NUMno040PERSON.RCD_NUMThis value must map to a valid person in the person table.Used to identify the person.
Sender NameFI_SENDER_NAMEno040The default value is whatever is specified for the sender name of the service parameter.The name of the ERPThe sender name.
Start DateFI_START_DATEno0PERSON_BALANCE.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Person Balance Start Date
UnitFI_UNITno06Hour. Only in PS the default is set to SecondValid values are Hour, Minute or SecondUnit for the values. For the Balance Code when the Stored UOM is 'D' then the value is always stored in seconds by considering the unit. When the Stored UOM is 'O' then the value is stored without any conversion based on Unit.
Used Paid ValueFI_USED_PAID_VALUEno0PERSON_BALANCE.USED_PAID_VALUE0.0Decimal valueThe value of the used paid amount. The value is expected in Hours.
Used Unpaid ValueFI_USED_UNPAID_VALUEno0PERSON_BALANCE.USED_UNPAID_VALUE0.0Decimal valueThe value of the used unpaid amount. The value is expected in Hours.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionInterface event used to load Action data.
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Post Event NameFI_POST_EVENT_NAMEyes040ACTION.EVENT_NAMEThe event must be a valid event on the Event FormEvent to post
Badge GroupFI_BADGE_GROUPno040ACTION.BADGE_NUMBadge Group used to post the event
Badge NumFI_BADGE_NUMno040ACTION.BADGE_NUMEither the person num or the badge num is requiredBadge Num used to post the event
DidFI_DIDno040ACTION.DID8000Must be a valid terminal DIDDID used to post the event
GidFI_GIDno040ACTION.GID8000Must be a valid terminal GIDGID used to post the event
HoursFI_HOURSno040Hours used to post the event
Interface OfflineFI_INTERFACE_OFFLINEno040falseValid Values are 'true' or 'false'Used to determine if the interface has received an online or offline transaction
Is Offline TransactionFI_IS_OFFLINE_TRANSACTIONno040NValid values are 'Y' (Yes), or 'N' (No)Should event be posted in offline
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMno040ACTION.PERSON_NUMEither the person num or the badge num is requiredPerson Num used to post the event
Posting TypeFI_POSTING_TYPEno040If no set or invalid, defaults to punchedValid values are ELAPSED or PUNCHEDPosting Type used to post the event
Post DateFI_POST_DATEno040Defaults to new dateDatetime format yyyyMMddHHmmssPost date used to post the event
StageFI_STAGEno040ACTION.STAGEValid values are 'S' (Start), 'E' (End), 'N' (No Stage) or 'P' (Elapsed)Stage used to post the event
TimestampFI_TIMESTAMPno040ACTION.TIMESTAMPDefaults to FI_POST_DATEDatetime format yyyyMMddHHmmssTimestamp used to post the event
TimezoneFI_TIMEZONEno040ACTION.TIMEZONEDefaults to System Setting TimezoneTimezone used to post the event

DescriptionInterface event used to load Activity data. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1018 - Insert/Update Charge Element records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Charge TypeFI_CHARGE_TYPEyes040CHARGE_ELEMENT.CHARGE_TYPEThe default value will be derived from the specified level number.This value must be a valid and active charge type in the Charge Type table or no record will be createdThis value is used to map the charge type to the level number and element name supplied. This value must be supplied for charge element filtration purposes.
Element NameFI_ELEMENT_NAMEyes040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEThe default value will be derived from the specified charge type.This value must be a valid element name in the Charge Type table or no record will be created The Level is determined and set to 3 for element name of Activity. This value is used to map the element name to the charge type. This value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Element ValueFI_ELEMENT_VALUEyes080CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_VALUEEach activity element must have a parent's level operation/order.This value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Charge Element End DateFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_END_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element End Date
Charge Element Start DateFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_START_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP1no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP2no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP3no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP4no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP5no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group End Date1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE1no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE2no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE3no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE4no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE5no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE1no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE2no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE3no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE4no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE5no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Data Group NameFI_DATA_GROUP_NAMEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.DATA_GROUP_NAMESYSTEMThis prompt is used to specify the Data Group Name.
DescriptionFI_DESCRIPTIONno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.DESCRIPTIONDescription of the Activity
Flex Field Name1FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name10FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME10no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME10This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name11FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME11no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME11This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name12FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME12no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME12This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name13FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME13no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME13This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name14FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME14no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME14This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name15FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME15no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME15This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name2FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name3FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name4FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name5FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name6FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME6no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name7FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME7no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME7This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name8FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME8no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME8This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name9FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME9no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME9This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value1FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value10FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE10no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE10This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value11FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE11no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE11This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value12FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE12no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE12This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value13FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE13no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE13This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value14FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE14no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE14This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value15FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE15no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE15This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value2FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value3FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value4FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value5FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value6FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value7FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE7no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE7This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value8FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE8no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE8This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value9FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE9no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE9This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Hierarchy NameFI_HIERARCHY_NAMEno040This value must be a valid hierarchy name in the Hierarchy table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Hierarchy TypeFI_HIERARCHY_TYPEno040This must be a valid hierarchy type in the Hierarchy Type table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Labor Standard BasisFI_LABOR_STANDARD_BASISno01Labor standard basis. Number of pieces that the standard references. Has to be >= 1.0
Labor Standard HoursFI_LABOR_STANDARD_HOURSno00 or Standard Amount if availableLabor standard for the operation activity which is stored in hours
Labor Standard Per PieceFI_LABOR_STANDARD_PER_PIECEno00The time taken in hours to produce one piece based on the primary UOM
Location Element NameFI_LOCATION_ELEMENT_NAMEno080This value must be a valid element name in the Hierarchy Group Definition table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Location Element ValueFI_LOCATION_ELEMENT_VALUEno080This value must be a valid element value in the Hierarchy Element table.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Parent Element NameFI_PARENT_ELEMENT_NAMEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEOPERATIONValid value is required for charge element that is higher than level 1. The valid element name of the operation that is the parent of the activity.This value is used to specify the name of the parent of the charge element. In this case the parent is an operation.
Parent Element Name1FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_NAME1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEORDERThe valid parent name of the order that is the parent of the operation which in turn is the parent of the activity.This value is used to specify the name of the parent of the charge element which is the parent of the activity. In this case refer to the operation.
Parent Element ValueFI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.OPERATION_NUMValid value is required for charge element that is higher than level 1. The valid element value of the operation that is the parent of the activity.This prompt is used to specify the value of the parent of the charge element. In this case the parent is an operation.
Parent Element Value1FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.ORDER_NUMThe valid parent value of the order that is the parent of the operation which in turn is the parent of the activity.This prompt is used to specify the name of the parent of the charge element which is the parent of the activity. In this case refer to the order.
Planned HoursFI_PLANNED_HOURSno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.PLANNED_HOURSPlanned hours for a charge element which is stored in hours
Sender NameFI_SENDER_NAMEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.SENDER_NAMEThe default value is whatever is specified for the sender name of the service parameter.Actual name of the ERP source that sends the data.
Setup Standard HoursFI_SETUP_STANDARD_HOURSno00 or Standard Amount if availableSetup standard for the operation which is stored in hours. It is the standard time it takes to setup the operation activity
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the data. The record status is set to Inactive on passing the value as 'D'.
Charge Filter Description1FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION1no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description2FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION2no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description3FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION3no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description4FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION4no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description5FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION5no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filtration Default FlagFI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.To determine whether this is the default charge filter element based on parent.
Default FlagFI_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.To determine whether this is the default charge element based on parent.
Element IdFI_ELEMENT_IDno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_IDThis is used to store the id of the element possibly from the ERP.
Location SourceFI_LOCATION_SOURCEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.LOCATION_SOURCEValid Values are 'ADHOC' or 'HIERARCHY'This is used to specify the source of the charge location.
Location ValueFI_LOCATION_VALUEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.LOCATION_VALUEValue is required for Location Source of ADHOC. This is used to specify the location associated with the charge element.
Organization IdFI_ORGANIZATION_IDno0This prompt is used to specify the organization Id
Record StatusFI_RECORD_STATUSno01CHARGE_ELEMENT.RECORD_STATUSIf not supplied the default value is 'A'.Valid values are 'A' (Active) and 'I' (Inactive).The status of the charge element record. Cannot be used if inactive.
Smart UpdateFI_SMART_UPDATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart update should be applied to the current charge element record.
Standards FlagFI_STANDARDS_FLAGno01
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionInterface event used to load Person Attendance Points.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1095 - Interface Attendance Points Validation
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMyes040PERSON_POINTS.PERSON_NUMThis value must map to a valid person in the Person Table or no record will be created.The person number. This value must be supplied or a record will not be created.
PointsFI_POINTSyes010PERSON_POINTS.NET_POINTSNumericCan be positive or negative.
Post DateFI_POST_DATEyes0PERSON_POINTS.POST_DATEFormat is yyyyMMddThe post date of the transaction or manual change that posted the points.
Event NameFI_EVENT_NAMEno040PERSON_POINTS.EVENT_NAMEThis value must map to a valid event when present.Only present if it was a transaction that posted the points.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionInterface event used to load Charge Element data. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1018 - Insert/Update Charge Element records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Charge TypeFI_CHARGE_TYPEyes040CHARGE_ELEMENT.CHARGE_TYPEThe default value will be derived from the specified level number.This value must be a valid and active charge type in the Charge Type table or no record will be createdThis value is used to map the charge type to the level number and element name supplied. This value must be supplied for charge element filtration purposes.
Element NameFI_ELEMENT_NAMEyes080CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEThe default value will be derived from the specified charge type.This value must be a valid element name in the Charge Type table or no record will be createdThis value is used to map the element name to the charge type.
Element ValueFI_ELEMENT_VALUEyes080CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_VALUEThis value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Sender NameFI_SENDER_NAMEyes040CHARGE_ELEMENT.SENDER_NAMEThe default value is whatever is specified for the sender name of the service parameter.Actual name of the ERP source that sends the data.
CertificationFI_CERTIFICATIONno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.CERTIFICATIONThis value is used to determine if a person is certified to use the Charge Element, based on the person's 'CERTIFIED' person assignment.
Charge Element End DateFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_END_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element End Date
Charge Element Group Name1FI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP_NAME1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.DATA_GROUP_NAMECharge Element Group Data Group Name.
Charge Element Group Name2FI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP_NAME2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.DATA_GROUP_NAMECharge Element Group Data Group Name.
Charge Element Group Name3FI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP_NAME3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.DATA_GROUP_NAMECharge Element Group Data Group Name.
Charge Element Group Name4FI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP_NAME4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.DATA_GROUP_NAMECharge Element Group Data Group Name.
Charge Element Group Name5FI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP_NAME5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.DATA_GROUP_NAMECharge Element Group Data Group Name.
Charge Element Group Value1FI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP_VALUE1no080CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.DATA_GROUP_VALUECharge Element Group Data Group Value.
Charge Element Start DateFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_START_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP1no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP2no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP3no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP4no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP5no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group End Date1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE1no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE2no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE3no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE4no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE5no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE1no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE2no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE3no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE4no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE5no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Data Group NameFI_DATA_GROUP_NAMEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.DATA_GROUP_NAMESYSTEMThis prompt is used to specify the Data Group Name.
Element Premium Amount1FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_AMOUNT1no040This value must be greater than or equal to zeroPremium amount, value is required for adding or modifying a Premium Type to the premium code represented by this charge element.
Element Premium Amount2FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_AMOUNT2no040This value must be greater than or equal to zeroPremium amount, value is required for adding or modifying a Premium Type to the premium code represented by this charge element.
Element Premium Amount3FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_AMOUNT3no040This value must be greater than or equal to zeroPremium amount, value is required for adding or modifying a Premium Type to the premium code represented by this charge element.
Element Premium Amount4FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_AMOUNT4no040This value must be greater than or equal to zeroPremium amount, value is required for adding or modifying a Premium Type to the premium code represented by this charge element.
Element Premium Amount5FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_AMOUNT5no040This value must be greater than or equal to zeroPremium amount, value is required for adding or modifying a Premium Type to the premium code represented by this charge element.
Element Premium End Date1FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_END_DATE1no0If not supplied the default is the infinity date.This value must be equal to or after the start datePremium End Date
Element Premium End Date2FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_END_DATE2no0If not supplied the default is the infinity date.This value must be equal to or after the start datePremium End Date
Element Premium End Date3FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_END_DATE3no0If not supplied the default is the infinity date.This value must be equal to or after the start datePremium End Date
Element Premium End Date4FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_END_DATE4no0If not supplied the default is the infinity date.This value must be equal to or after the start datePremium End Date
Element Premium End Date5FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_END_DATE5no0If not supplied the default is the infinity date.This value must be equal to or after the start datePremium End Date
Element Premium Rate Name1FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_RATE_NAME1no040This value must be a valid premium name(permium type) or a valid job code(rate type) in the Charge Element Premium Type tableUsed to add/update 1st rate in charge element premium rate Table for the charge element. Premium Name, value is required for adding or modifying a premium code/job code represented by this charge element. For a Job code if the value is empty then no record is added
Element Premium Rate Name2FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_RATE_NAME2no040This value must be a valid premium name(permium type) or a valid job code(rate type) in the Charge Element Premium Type tableUsed to add/update 2nd rate in charge element premium rate Table for the charge element. For a Premium code/Job code if the value is empty then no record is added
Element Premium Rate Name3FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_RATE_NAME3no040This value must be a valid premium name(permium type) or a valid job code(rate type) in the Charge Element Premium Type tableUsed to add/update 3nd rate in charge element premium rate Table for the charge element. For a Premium code/Job code if the value is empty then no record is added
Element Premium Rate Name4FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_RATE_NAME4no040This value must be a valid premium name(permium type) or a valid job code(rate type) in the Charge Element Premium Type tableUsed to add/update 4th rate in charge element premium rate Table for the charge element. For a Premium code/Job code if the value is empty then no record is added
Element Premium Rate Name5FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_RATE_NAME5no040This value must be a valid premium name(permium type) or a valid job code(rate type) in the Charge Element Premium Type tableUsed to add/update 5th rate in charge element premium rate Table for the charge element. For a Premium code/Job code if the value is empty then no record is added
Element Premium Start Date1FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_START_DATE1no0If not supplied the default is today.This value must be before or equal to the end datePremium Start Date
Element Premium Start Date2FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_START_DATE2no0If not supplied the default is today.This value must be before or equal to the end datePremium Start Date
Element Premium Start Date3FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_START_DATE3no0If not supplied the default is today.This value must be before or equal to the end datePremium Start Date
Element Premium Start Date4FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_START_DATE4no0If not supplied the default is today.This value must be before or equal to the end datePremium Start Date
Element Premium Start Date5FI_ELEMENT_PREMIUM_START_DATE5no0If not supplied the default is today.This value must be before or equal to the end datePremium Start Date
Flex Field Name1FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name10FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME10no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME10This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name11FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME11no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME11This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name12FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME12no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME12This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name13FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME13no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME13This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name14FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME14no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME14This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name15FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME15no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME15This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name2FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name3FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name4FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name5FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name6FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME6no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name7FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME7no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME7This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name8FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME8no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME8This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name9FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME9no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME9This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value1FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value10FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE10no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE10This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value11FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE11no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE11This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value12FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE12no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE12This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value13FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE13no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE13This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value14FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE14no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE14This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value15FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE15no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE15This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value2FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value3FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value4FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value5FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value6FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value7FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE7no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE7This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value8FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE8no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE8This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value9FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE9no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE9This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Hierarchy NameFI_HIERARCHY_NAMEno040This value must be a valid hierarchy name in the Hierarchy table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Hierarchy TypeFI_HIERARCHY_TYPEno040This must be a valid hierarchy type in the Hierarchy Type table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Level NumFI_LEVEL_NUMno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_TYPE.LEVEL_NUM0This value must be a valid level number in the Charge Element Type table or no record will be createdThis is used to specify the level of the element. This value will only be used for charge elements with the charge_type.dynamic_element_flag value set to 1
Location Element NameFI_LOCATION_ELEMENT_NAMEno080This value must be a valid element name in the Hierarchy Group Definition table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Location Element ValueFI_LOCATION_ELEMENT_VALUEno080This value must be a valid element value in the Hierarchy Element table.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Operation Quantity PlannedFI_OPERATION_QUANTITY_PLANNEDno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.QUANTITY_PLANNEDQuantity that is planned for the operation.
Order Quantity PlannedFI_ORDER_QUANTITY_PLANNEDno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.QUANTITY_PLANNEDQuantity planned to be produced for the order. Equivalent to order quantity or scheduled quantity
Planned HoursFI_PLANNED_HOURSno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.PLANNED_HOURSPlanned hours for a charge element which is stored in hours
Start Date1FI_START_DATE1no0CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element Group Start Date
Start Date2FI_START_DATE2no0CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element Group Start Date
Start Date3FI_START_DATE3no0CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element Group Start Date
Start Date4FI_START_DATE4no0CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element Group Start Date
Start Date5FI_START_DATE5no0CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element Group Start Date
Work CenterFI_WORK_CENTERno040CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.WORK_CENTERThe department code or work center.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the data. The record status is set to Inactive on passing the value as 'D'.
Charge Element Group Value2FI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP_VALUE2no080CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.DATA_GROUP_VALUECharge Element Group Data Group Value.
Charge Element Group Value3FI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP_VALUE3no080CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.DATA_GROUP_VALUECharge Element Group Data Group Value.
Charge Element Group Value4FI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP_VALUE4no080CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.DATA_GROUP_VALUECharge Element Group Data Group Value.
Charge Element Group Value5FI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP_VALUE5no080CHARGE_ELEMENT_GROUP.DATA_GROUP_VALUECharge Element Group Data Group Value.
Charge Element Operation FlagFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION_FLAGno0
Charge Filter Description1FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION1no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description2FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION2no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description3FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION3no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description4FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION4no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description5FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION5no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filtration Default FlagFI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.To determine whether this is the default charge filter element based on parent.
Default FlagFI_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.To determine whether this is the default charge element based on parent.
DescriptionFI_DESCRIPTIONno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.DESCRIPTIONDescription of the Charge Element
Element IdFI_ELEMENT_IDno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_IDThis is used to store the id of the element possibly from the ERP.
Location SourceFI_LOCATION_SOURCEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.LOCATION_SOURCEValid Values are 'ADHOC' or 'HIERARCHY'This is used to specify the source of the charge location.
Location ValueFI_LOCATION_VALUEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.LOCATION_VALUEValue is required for Location Source of ADHOC. This is used to specify the location associated with the charge element.
Parent Element NameFI_PARENT_ELEMENT_NAMEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEThe name of the charge element at the specific level
Parent Element Name1FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_NAME1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEThe name of the charge element at the specific level
Parent Element Name2FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_NAME2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEThe name of the charge element at the specific level
Parent Element Name3FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_NAME3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEThe name of the charge element at the specific level
Parent Element Name4FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_NAME4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEThe name of the charge element at the specific level
Parent Element ValueFI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT_ELEMENT_VALUEThe value of the charge element at the specific level
Parent Element Value1FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE1no0CHARGE_ELEMENT_ELEMENT_VALUEThe value of the charge element at the specific level
Parent Element Value2FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE2no080CHARGE_ELEMENT_ELEMENT_VALUEThe value of the charge element at the specific level
Parent Element Value3FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE3no080CHARGE_ELEMENT_ELEMENT_VALUEThe value of the charge element at the specific level
Parent Element Value4FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE4no080CHARGE_ELEMENT_ELEMENT_VALUEThe value of the charge element at the specific level
Quantity AvailableFI_QUANTITY_AVAILABLEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.QUANTITY_AVAILABLEThe quantity that is available to move
Record StatusFI_RECORD_STATUSno01CHARGE_ELEMENT.RECORD_STATUSIf not supplied the default value is 'A'.Valid values are 'A' (Active) and 'I' (Inactive).The status of the charge element record. Cannot be used if inactive.
Smart UpdateFI_SMART_UPDATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart update should be applied to the current charge element record.
Work Center GroupFI_WORK_CENTER_GROUPno040CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.WORK_CENTER_GROUPThe department or work center group.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionThis interface populate Charge Filtration.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1092 - Insert/Update Charge Filtration records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Charge Filter NameFI_CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEyes080CHARGE_FILTER.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEUsed to add the charge filter name in charge filter and charge filter element type tables.
Charge TypeFI_CHARGE_TYPEyes040CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_TYPEDescription of the charge filter
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the charge filtration. The only values that are updated are default flag, start date and end date. The record is deleted from the database on passing the value as 'D' for charge filter, charge filter element type and charge filter element tables.
All Charge Filter Element FlagFI_ALL_CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_FLAGno010Valid values are '0' or '1'This prompt value of 1 indicates to consider all the parent charge types for the given charge type.
All Charge Filter Element Type FlagFI_ALL_CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLAGno010Valid values are '0' or '1'This prompt value of 1 indicates to consider all the charge types for the given charge type.
Charge Filter DescriptionFI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTIONno080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Create Filter FlagFI_CREATE_FILTER_FLAGno010Valid values are '0' or '1'This field value of 1 indicates to create a charge filter if it does not exist. If the value is 0 and no charge filter exists then it errors out
Data Group NameFI_DATA_GROUP_NAMEno080SYSTEMThis prompt is used to specify the Data Group Name. It is used to determine the Element Value for Charge Filter Element.
Default FlagFI_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAG0Valid values are '0' or '1'This prompt value is used to represent if the record is the default record.
Element NameFI_ELEMENT_NAMEno040Value should be a valid element in Charge Type Element. Should be a valid Element Name in Charge ElementValue is required when the FI_ALL_CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLAG value is set to 0 (Not ALL). It is used to determine/store the Element Value for Charge Filter Element and Element Name in Charge Filter Element Type.
Element ValueFI_ELEMENT_VALUEno080Should be a valid Element Value in Charge ElementValue is required when the FI_ALL_CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_FLAG value is set to 0 (Not ALL). It is used to determine/store the Element Value for Charge Filter Element.
End DateFI_END_DATEno0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231This prompt value is used to populate the end date for Charge Filter Element.
Level DiffFI_LEVEL_DIFFno01CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.LEVEL_DIFF0Valid values are '0' or '1'Value is stored in Charge Filter Element.
Parent Element NameFI_PARENT_ELEMENT_NAMEno040Should be a valid Element Name in Charge Element at the specified levelThe value of the charge element at the specific level. It is used to determine the Element Value for Charge Filter Element.
Parent Element Name1FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_NAME1no040Should be a valid Element Name in Charge Element at the specified levelThe value of the charge element at the specific level. It is used to determine the Element Value for Charge Filter Element.
Parent Element Name2FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_NAME2no040Should be a valid Element Name in Charge Element at the specified levelThe value of the charge element at the specific level. It is used to determine the Element Value for Charge Filter Element.
Parent Element Name3FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_NAME3no040Should be a valid Element Name in Charge Element at the specified levelThe value of the charge element at the specific level. It is used to determine the Element Value for Charge Filter Element.
Parent Element Name4FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_NAME4no040Should be a valid Element Name in Charge Element at the specified levelThe value of the charge element at the specific level. It is used to determine the Element Value for Charge Filter Element.
Parent Element ValueFI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUEno080Should be a valid Element Value in Charge Element at the specified levelThe value of the charge element at the specific level. It is used to determine the Element Value for Charge Filter Element.
Parent Element Value1FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE1no080Should be a valid Element Value in Charge Element at the specified levelThe value of the charge element at the specific level. It is used to determine the Element Value for Charge Filter Element.
Parent Element Value2FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE2no080Should be a valid Element Value in Charge Element at the specified levelThe value of the charge element at the specific level. It is used to determine the Element Value for Charge Filter Element.
Parent Element Value3FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE3no080Should be a valid Element Value in Charge Element at the specified levelThe value of the charge element at the specific level. It is used to determine the Element Value for Charge Filter Element.
Parent Element Value4FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE4no080Should be a valid Element Value in Charge Element at the specified levelThe value of the charge element at the specific level. It is used to determine the Element Value for Charge Filter Element.
Sender NameFI_SENDER_NAMEno040The default value is whatever is specified for the sender name of the service parameter.Actual name of the ERP source that sends the data. It is used to determine the Element Value for Charge Filter Element.
Start DateFI_START_DATEno0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 19700101This prompt value is used to populate the start date for Charge Filter Element.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionInterface event used to load Delegation data. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation100016 - Insert/Update Delegation records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Delegated Manager NumFI_DELEGATED_MANAGER_NUMyes040DELEGATION.DELEGATED_MANAGER_IDThis must be a valid person in Person table or no record will be created.This value must be provided or a record will not be created.
Delegation TypeFI_DELEGATION_TYPEyes040DELEGATION.DELEGATION_TYPEALLValid Values are 'ALL','DIRECT','GROUP','HIERARCHY','PERSON' For DIRECT - the Person Group has to be an existing group of Direct Manager Type, GROUP - the Person Group has to be an existing group of Supervisor Manager Type, HIERARCHY - the Person Group has to be an existing group of Hierarchy Type, PERSON - Existing Person.
Manager NumFI_MANAGER_NUMyes040DELEGATION.MANAGER_IDThis must be a valid person in Person table or no record will be created.Person who gets the responsibility to manage the group. This value must be provided or a record will not be created.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the data. The record is deleted from the database on passing the value as 'D'. Only future delegations(greater than current date) can be deleted. On Update Enabled Flag is the only field value that can be modified.
Enabled FlagFI_ENABLED_FLAGno01DELEGATION.ENABLED_FLAG1Valid Values are '0' for Disabled and '1' for Enabled.This field indicates the record status of Enabled/Disabled. The field is updated only when value is set.
End DateFI_END_DATEno0DELEGATION.END_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 19700101Effective end date for delegation
Hierarchy NameFI_HIERARCHY_NAMEno040DELEGATION.HIERARCHY_NAMEThis must be a valid hierarchy name or no record will be created.This value must be provided or a record will not be created.
Hierarchy TypeFI_HIERARCHY_TYPEno040DELEGATION.HIERARCHY_TYPEThis must be a valid hierarchy type or no record will be created.Value is required only for Delegation Type Hierarchy.
Parent Element Value1FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE1no040If the level number of the hierarchy element is 1 then this field should be supplied specifying the parent at level 0 for the Hierarchy managed by Manager Num.Value is required only for Delegation Type - Hierarchy. This value is used to specify the value of the parent of the hierarchy element of level 1. Value is not required if there is no parent element for that level.
Parent Element Value2FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE2no040If the level number of the hierarchy element is 2 then this field should be supplied specifying the parent at level 1 for the Hierarchy managed by Manager Num.Value is required only for Delegation Type - Hierarchy. This value is used to specify the value of the parent of the hierarchy element of level 2. Value is not required if there is no parent element for that level.
Parent Element Value3FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE3no040If the level number of the hierarchy element is 3 then this field should be supplied specifying the parent at level 2 for the Hierarchy managed by Manager Num.Value is required only for Delegation Type - Hierarchy. This value is used to specify the value of the parent of the hierarchy element of level 3. Value is not required if there is no parent element for that level.
Parent Element Value4FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE4no040If the level number of the hierarchy element is 4 then this field should be supplied specifying the parent at level 3 for the Hierarchy managed by Manager Num.Value is required only for Delegation Type - Hierarchy. This value is used to specify the value of the parent of the hierarchy element of level 4. Value is not required if there is no parent element for that level.
Person Group NameFI_PERSON_GROUP_NAMEno040DELEGATION.PERSON_GROUP_IDValue is required for Delegation Type - GROUP, HIERARCHY. If supplied it should map to a valid person group id.The person group that will be delegated.
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMno040DELEGATION.PERSON_IDPerson Num should be a valid Person and the corresponding Person ID will be stored.Person Number value is required only for the Delegation Type of Person.
Start DateFI_START_DATEno0DELEGATION.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 19700101Effective start date for delegation

DescriptionInterface event used to load Department data. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1018 - Insert/Update Charge Element records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Charge TypeFI_CHARGE_TYPEyes040CHARGE_ELEMENT.CHARGE_TYPEThe default value will be derived from the specified level number.This value must be a valid and active charge type in the Charge Type table or no record will be createdThis value is used to map the charge type to the level number and element name supplied. This value must be supplied for charge element filtration purposes.
Element NameFI_ELEMENT_NAMEyes040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEThe default value will be derived from the specified charge type.This value must be a valid element name in the Charge Type table or no record will be createdThis value is used to map the element name to the charge type. This value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Element ValueFI_ELEMENT_VALUEyes080CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_VALUEEach new element must have a parent's levThis value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Charge Element End DateFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_END_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element End Date
Charge Element Start DateFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_START_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element Start Date
Data Group NameFI_DATA_GROUP_NAMEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.DATA_GROUP_NAMESYSTEMThis prompt is used to specify the Data Group Name.
Department CodeFI_DEPARTMENT_CODEno040
DescriptionFI_DESCRIPTIONno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.DESCRIPTIONDescription of the Department
Flex Field Name1FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name10FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME10no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME10This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name11FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME11no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME11This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name12FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME12no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME12This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name13FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME13no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME13This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name14FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME14no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME14This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name15FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME15no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME15This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name2FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name3FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name4FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name5FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name6FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME6no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name7FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME7no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME7This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name8FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME8no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME8This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name9FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME9no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME9This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value1FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value10FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE10no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE10This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value11FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE11no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE11This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value12FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE12no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE12This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value13FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE13no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE13This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value14FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE14no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE14This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value15FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE15no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE15This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value2FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value3FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value4FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value5FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value6FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value7FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE7no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE7This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value8FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE8no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE8This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value9FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE9no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE9This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Hierarchy NameFI_HIERARCHY_NAMEno040This value must be a valid hierarchy name in the Hierarchy table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Hierarchy TypeFI_HIERARCHY_TYPEno040This must be a valid hierarchy type in the Hierarchy Type table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Location Element NameFI_LOCATION_ELEMENT_NAMEno080This value must be a valid element name in the Hierarchy Group Definition table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Location Element ValueFI_LOCATION_ELEMENT_VALUEno080This value must be a valid element value in the Hierarchy Element table.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Sender NameFI_SENDER_NAMEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.SENDER_NAMEThe default value is whatever is specified for the sender name of the service parameter.Actual name of the ERP source that sends the data.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the data. The record status is set to Inactive on passing the value as 'D'.
Charge Filtration Default FlagFI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.To determine whether this is the default charge filter element based on parent.
Default FlagFI_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.To determine whether this is the default charge element based on parent.
Element IdFI_ELEMENT_IDno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_IDThis is used to store the id of the element possibly from the ERP.
Location SourceFI_LOCATION_SOURCEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.LOCATION_SOURCEValid Values are 'ADHOC' or 'HIERARCHY'This is used to specify the source of the charge location.
Location ValueFI_LOCATION_VALUEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.LOCATION_VALUEValue is required for Location Source of ADHOC. This is used to specify the location associated with the charge element.
Record StatusFI_RECORD_STATUSno01CHARGE_ELEMENT.RECORD_STATUSIf not supplied the default value is 'A'.Valid values are 'A' (Active) and 'I' (Inactive).The status of the charge element record. Cannot be used if inactive.
Smart UpdateFI_SMART_UPDATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart update should be applied to the current charge element record.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionThis interface populates Dictionary Records.
Validation1112 - Checks prompt values for escaped XML characters and unescapes them
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1111 - Insert/Update/Delete Dictionary and Dictionary Label records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Dictionary NameFI_DICTIONARY_NAMEyes040DICTIONARY.DICTIONARY_NAMEThis value must be a valid Dictionary Name or no record will be createdThis is used to determine the name of the dictionary. This value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Label NameFI_LABEL_NAMEyes080DICTIONARY_LABEL.LABEL_NAMEThis is required to determine which dictionary label is being modified. It must be an existing label name.Label name of the dictionary label
Label TypeFI_LABEL_TYPEyes040DICTIONARY_LABEL.LABEL_TYPEThis is required to determine which dictionary label is being modified. It must be an existing label type.Label type of the dictionary label
Module NameFI_MODULE_NAMEyes040DICTIONARY_LABEL.MODULE_NAMEThis is required to determine which dictionary label is being modified. It must be an existing module name.Module name of the dictionary label
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the dictionary records.
Alternate Dictionary NameFI_ALTERNATE_DICTIONARY_NAMEno040DICTIONARY.ALTERNATE_DICTIONARY_NAMEIf provided, this must be a valid dictionary name that already existsAlternate dictionary name of the dictionary
Base Dictionary NameFI_BASE_DICTIONARY_NAMEno040DICTIONARY.BASE_DICTIONARY_NAMEIf the FI_DICTIONARY_NAME provided does not exist, this prompt cannot be null and must be a valid dictionary name.This value is used to specify the base dictionary name of the dictionary.
DescriptionFI_DESCRIPTIONno080DICTIONARY.DESCRIPTIONDescription of the dictionary
LocaleFI_LOCALEno040DICTIONARY.LOCALEIf provided, this must be a valid locale that already existsLocale of the dictionary
Long LabelFI_LONG_LABELno02000DICTIONARY_LABEL.LONG_LABELLong label of the dictionary label
Short LabelFI_SHORT_LABELno020DICTIONARY_LABEL.SHORT_LABELShort label of the dictionary label
Smart UpdateFI_SMART_UPDATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart update should be applied to the current dictionary record.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionInterface event used to load hierarchy data along with person group members and person group managers. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1028 - Interface Hierarchy Validation
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Element NameFI_ELEMENT_NAMEyes080HIERARCHY_GROUP_DEFINITION.ELEMENT_NAMEThe default value will be derived from the specified hierarchy type, hierarchy name and level number combination.This value must be a valid element name in the Hierarchy Group Definition table or no record will be createdThis value is used to map the respective element name to the hierarchy type, hierarchy name, level number combination in hierarchy group definition table. This value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Element ValueFI_ELEMENT_VALUEyes080HIERARCHY_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_VALUEEach new element must have a parent's levThis value is used to map the respective element name to the hierarchy type, hierarchy name, level number combination in hierarchy group definition table. This value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Hierarchy NameFI_HIERARCHY_NAMEyes040HIERARCHY.HIERARCHY_NAMEThis value must be a valid hierarchy name in the Hierarchy table or no record will be createdThis is used to name the hierarchy. This value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Hierarchy TypeFI_HIERARCHY_TYPEyes040HIERARCHY_TYPE.HIERARCHY_TYPEThis value must be a valid hierarchy type in the Hierarchy Type table or no record will be createdThis is used to determine the type of the hierarchy. This value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Level NumFI_LEVEL_NUMyes0HIERARCHY_ELEMENT.LEVEL_NUMThis value must be a valid level number in the Hierarchy Group Definition table or no record will be createdThis is used to specify the level of the element. This value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Hierarchy Flex Field Name1FI_HIERARCHY_FLEX_FIELD_NAME1no040HIERARCHY_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with hierarchy elements.
Hierarchy Flex Field Name2FI_HIERARCHY_FLEX_FIELD_NAME2no040HIERARCHY_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with hierarchy elements.
Hierarchy Flex Field Name3FI_HIERARCHY_FLEX_FIELD_NAME3no040HIERARCHY_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with hierarchy elements.
Hierarchy Flex Field Name4FI_HIERARCHY_FLEX_FIELD_NAME4no040HIERARCHY_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with hierarchy elements.
Hierarchy Flex Field Name5FI_HIERARCHY_FLEX_FIELD_NAME5no040HIERARCHY_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with hierarchy elements.
Hierarchy Flex Field Name6FI_HIERARCHY_FLEX_FIELD_NAME6no040HIERARCHY_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with hierarchy elements.
Hierarchy Flex Field Value1FI_HIERARCHY_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1no040HIERARCHY_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with hierarchy elements.
Hierarchy Flex Field Value2FI_HIERARCHY_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2no040HIERARCHY_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with hierarchy elements.
Hierarchy Flex Field Value3FI_HIERARCHY_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3no040HIERARCHY_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with hierarchy elements.
Hierarchy Flex Field Value4FI_HIERARCHY_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4no040HIERARCHY_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with hierarchy elements.
Hierarchy Flex Field Value5FI_HIERARCHY_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5no040HIERARCHY_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with hierarchy elements.
Hierarchy Flex Field Value6FI_HIERARCHY_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6no040HIERARCHY_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with hierarchy elements.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the hierarchy data. The record is deleted from the database on passing the value as 'D'.
Data Group NameFI_DATA_GROUP_NAMEno080HIERARCHY_ELEMENT.DATA_GROUP_NAMESYSTEMThis prompt is used to specify the Data Group Name.
DescriptionFI_DESCRIPTIONno080HIERARCHY_ELEMENT.DESCRIPTIONDescription of the Hierarchy Element
Is ManagerFI_IS_MANAGERno01NValid values are 'Y' or 'N'This prompt is used to defined whether the person is a manager or an employee type in order to create the person member and person manager record accordingly.
Parent Element Value1FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE1no0If the level number of the hierarchy element is 1 then this value should not be populated.This value is used to specify the top of the hierarchy and the value of the ancestor at level 1 for hierarchy elements at level 2 or greater.
Parent Element Value2FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE2no0If the level number of the hierarchy element is 2 then the FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE1 field should be populated with the level 1 parent that the level 2 element belongs to.This value is used to specify the value of the ancestor at level 2 for hierarchy elements at level 3 or greater.
Parent Element Value3FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE3no0If the level number of the hierarchy element is 3 then the FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE2 field should be populated with the level 2 parent that the level 3 element belongs to.This value is used to specify the value of the ancestor at level 3 for hierarchy elements at level 4 or greater.
Parent Element Value4FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE4no0If the level number of the hierarchy element is 4 then the FI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUE3 field should be populated with the level 3 parent that the level 4 element belongs to.This value is used to specify the value of the ancestor at level 4 for hierarchy elements at level 5 or greater.
Person End DateFI_PERSON_END_DATEno0PERSON_GROUP_MEMBER.END_DATE, PERSON_GROUP_MANAGER.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Used for effective end date of person membership and management in the group
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMno040PERSON_GROUP_MEMBER.PERSON_ID, PERSON_GROUP_MANAGER.PERSON_IDIf this is supplied, must be a valid person or the group will not get created.If populated, person (based on person number), becomes a member of the group. If the 'Is Manager' is set with a value of 'Y', the person becomes a manager of the group. 'Person Start Date' and 'Person End Date' are used for effectivity of both membership and management.
Person Start DateFI_PERSON_START_DATEno0PERSON_GROUP_MEMBER.START_DATE, PERSON_GROUP_MANAGER.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Used for effective start date of person membership and management in the group
Sender NameFI_SENDER_NAMEno040HIERARCHY_ELEMENT.SENDER_NAMEThe default value is whatever is specified for the sender name of the service parameter.If this value is not supplied and the action type is 'U' no update will be done.This value is used to specify the sender name.
Supervisor Role NameFI_SUPERVISOR_ROLE_NAMEno040PERSON_GROUP_MANAGER.MANAGER_ROLE_NAMERole name for a given person.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionInterface event used to load Messages data. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1034 - Interface Message Validation
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
End DateFI_END_DATEyes0MESSAGE.END_DATE99991131Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Message End Date
MessageFI_MESSAGEyes02000MESSAGE.MESSAGEActual text message after formatting.
Reciever NumFI_RECIEVER_NUMyes040MESSAGE.RECEIVER_IDThis value must map to a valid person in Person table or no record will be created.The person number of the reciever.
Sender NameFI_SENDER_NAMEyes0PERSON.SENDER_NAMEThe name of the ERP.The sender name.
Sender NumFI_SENDER_NUMyes0MESSAGE.SENDER_IDThe default value is whatever is specified for the sender name of the service parameter.This value must map to a valid person in Person table or no record will be created.The person number of the sender.
Start DateFI_START_DATEyes0MESSAGE.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Message Start Date
Acknowledgement FlagFI_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_FLAGno01MESSAGE.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_FLAG0Valid Values are '0' for no Acknowledgement required and '1' for Acknowledgment required.Enable acknowledge and/or Agree/Disagree
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the data. The record is deleted from the database on passing the value as 'D'.
Agree Disagree FlagFI_AGREE_DISAGREE_FLAGno01MESSAGE.AGREE_DISAGREE_FLAG0Valid Values are '0' for no Agre/Disagree option and '1' for Agree/Disagree optionEnable Agree/Disagree
Consolidate Email Messages FlagFI_CONSOLIDATE_EMAIL_MESSAGES_FLAGno01MESSAGE.CONSOLIDATE_EMAIL_MESSAGES_FLAG1Valid Values are '0' for do not consolidation option and '1' for consolidate email messages.Message level email message consolidation flag
Delete Immediately FlagFI_DELETE_IMMEDIATELY_FLAGno01MESSAGE.DELETE_IMMEDIATELY_FLAG0Valid Values are '0' for not delete immediately and '1' for delete immediately.Message level delete immediately flag
Dialog Message NameFI_DIALOG_MESSAGE_NAMEno040MESSAGE.DIALOG_MESSAGE_NAMEName/Key of the message in the dialog
Dialog NameFI_DIALOG_NAMEno040MESSAGE.DIALOG_NAMEName of the dialog
Dispose On Read FlagFI_DISPOSE_ON_READ_FLAGno01MESSAGE.DISPOSE_ON_READ_FLAG1Valid Values are '0' for don't dispose on read and '1' for dispose on read.Message level dispose on read flag
Do Not Purge FlagFI_DO_NOT_PURGE_FLAGno01MESSAGE.DO_NOT_PURGE_FLAG0Valid Values are '0' for do purge and '1' for do not purge.Message level do not purge flag
External Document NumFI_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_NUMno0MESSAGE.EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_NUMIdentifier for group of messages that belong to a particular Dialog
HeaderFI_HEADERno0200MESSAGE.HEADERThe header of the email message
Message Level IndFI_MESSAGE_LEVEL_INDno01MESSAGE.MESSAGE_MESSAGE_LEVEL_INDValid values are E(rror), W(arning), I(nfo)The level of the message
Message MediumFI_MESSAGE_MEDIUMno040MESSAGE.MESSAGE_MEDIUMValid Values are APPLICATION and EMAILThe medium of the mesage can be terminal or email
Message NameFI_MESSAGE_NAMEno040MESSAGE.MESSAGE_NAMEValid values are Message DefinitionsThe message name of the message definition which generate the message
Message Trigger NameFI_MESSAGE_TRIGGER_NAMEno040MESSAGE.MESSAGE_TRIGGER_NAMEValid values are Message Trigger DefinitionsThe event trigger that generated the message
PriorityFI_PRIORITYno01MESSAGE.PRIORITY1Valid Values are '1' (HIGH), '2' (MEDIUM) and 3 (LOW).The priority of the Message.
Reciever Rcd NumFI_RECIEVER_RCD_NUMno0PERSON.RCD_NUMIf supplied, this value must map to a valid person in Person Table or no record will be created.The reciever record number is used to match the reciever number to the receiver.
Reference IdFI_REFERENCE_IDno0MESSAGE.MESSAGE_REFERENCE_IDValid values are The reference id based on reference_typeThe reference id based on reference_type
Reference TypeFI_REFERENCE_TYPEno040MESSAGE.MESSAGE_REFERENCE_TYPEValid values are the table names of the reference idThe type of reference Id
Sender Rcd NumFI_SENDER_RCD_NUMno0PERSON.RCD_NUMIf supplied, this value must map to a valid person in Person table or no record will be created.The sender record number is used to match the sender number to the sender id.
SubjectFI_SUBJECTno0200MESSAGE.SUBJECTThe subject of the email message
TrailerFI_TRAILERno0200MESSAGE.TRAILERThe trailer of the email message
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionInterface event used to load Operation data. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1083 - Insert/Update Charge Element Operation records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Charge TypeFI_CHARGE_TYPEyes040CHARGE_ELEMENT.CHARGE_TYPEThe default value will be derived from the specified level number.This value must be a valid and active charge type in the Charge Type table or no record will be createdThis value is used to map the charge type to the level number and element name supplied. This value must be supplied for charge element filtration purposes.
Element NameFI_ELEMENT_NAMEyes040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEThe default value will be derived from the specified charge element type. The Level is determined and set to 2 for element name of Operation.This value must be a valid element name in the Charge Element Type table or no record will be createdThis value is used to map the element name to the charge type. This value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Element ValueFI_ELEMENT_VALUEyes080CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_VALUEEach new element must have a parent's levThis value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Operation NumFI_OPERATION_NUMyes040CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.OPERATION_NUMThis prompt is used to identify the operation.
Allow Labor FlagFI_ALLOW_LABOR_FLAGno01CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.ALLOW_LABOR_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.Determine whether labor charging is allowed on the operation.
Allow Qc FlagFI_ALLOW_QC_FLAGno01CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.ALLOW_QC_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.Determine whether quality control charging is allowed on the operation.
Alternate OperationFI_ALTERNATE_OPERATIONno020CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.ALTERNATE_OPERATION_NUMIf not supplied the default value is 'N'.alternative step.
Charge Element End DateFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_END_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element End Date
Charge Element Start DateFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_START_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP1no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP2no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP3no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP4no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP5no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group End Date1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE1no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE2no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE3no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE4no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE5no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE1no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE2no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE3no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE4no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE5no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Count Point FlagFI_COUNT_POINT_FLAGno01CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.COUNT_POINT_FLAG0Indicates if it is a milestone or count point operation
Current PlantFI_CURRENT_PLANTno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.CURRENT_PLANTThe current plant for the operation
Data Group NameFI_DATA_GROUP_NAMEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.DATA_GROUP_NAMESYSTEMThis prompt is used to specify the Data Group Name.
DescriptionFI_DESCRIPTIONno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.DESCRIPTIONDescription of the Operation
Flex Field Name1FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name10FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME10no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME10This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name11FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME11no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME11This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name12FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME12no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME12This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name13FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME13no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME13This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name14FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME14no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME14This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name15FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME15no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME15This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name2FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name3FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name4FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name5FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name6FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME6no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name7FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME7no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME7This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name8FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME8no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME8This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name9FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME9no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME9This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value1FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value10FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE10no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE10This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value11FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE11no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE11This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value12FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE12no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE12This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value13FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE13no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE13This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value14FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE14no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE14This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value15FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE15no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE15This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value2FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value3FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value4FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value5FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value6FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value7FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE7no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE7This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value8FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE8no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE8This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value9FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE9no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE9This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Hierarchy NameFI_HIERARCHY_NAMEno040This value must be a valid hierarchy name in the Hierarchy table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Hierarchy TypeFI_HIERARCHY_TYPEno040This must be a valid hierarchy type in the Hierarchy Type table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Location Element NameFI_LOCATION_ELEMENT_NAMEno080This value must be a valid element name in the Hierarchy Group Definition table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Location Element ValueFI_LOCATION_ELEMENT_VALUEno080This value must be a valid element value in the Hierarchy Element table.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Machine Standard HoursFI_MACHINE_STANDARD_HOURSno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.MACHINE_STANDARD_HOURSMachine standard hours for the operation.
Next Operation NumFI_NEXT_OPERATION_NUMno040CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.NEXT_OPERATION_NUMThis prompt is used to specify the next operation in the order.
Operation Quantity PlannedFI_OPERATION_QUANTITY_PLANNEDno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.QUANTITY_PLANNED0Quantity that is planned for the operation.
Operation StatusFI_OPERATION_STATUSno040CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.OPERATION_STATUSOPENValid values are 'OPEN' and 'COMPLETE'.The status of the operation. Cannot be use if complete unless over-completion is allowed.
Parent Element NameFI_PARENT_ELEMENT_NAMEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEORDERValid value is required for charge element that is higher than level 1. The element name of the order that is the parent of the operation.This value is used to specify the name of the parent of the charge element. In this case the parent is an order.
Parent Element ValueFI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.ORDER_NUMValid value is required for charge element that is higher than level 1. The element value of the order that is the parent of the operation.This value is used to specify the value of the parent of the charge element. In this case the parent is an order.
Planned HoursFI_PLANNED_HOURSno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.PLANNED_HOURSPlanned hours for a charge element which is stored in hours
Planned PlantFI_PLANNED_PLANTno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.PLANNED_PLANTThe planned plant for the operation
Planned Work CenterFI_PLANNED_WORK_CENTERno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.PLANNED_WORK_CENTERThe planned work center for the operation
Previous Operation NumFI_PREVIOUS_OPERATION_NUMno040CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.PREVIOUS_OPERATION_NUMThis prompt is used to specify the previous operation in the order.
Quantity AvailableFI_QUANTITY_AVAILABLEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.QUANTITY_AVAILABLE0The quantity that is available to move
Quantity To MoveFI_QUANTITY_TO_MOVEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.QUANTITY_TO_MOVE0The quantity that is ready to move.
Sender NameFI_SENDER_NAMEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.SENDER_NAMEThe default value is whatever is specified for the sender name of the service parameter.Actual name of the ERP source that sends the data.
Sequence NumFI_SEQUENCE_NUMno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.SEQUENCE_NUMNumeric value that allows operation to be sequenced, so operation 10 would show before operation 100
Work CenterFI_WORK_CENTERno040CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.WORK_CENTERThe department code or work center.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the data. The record status is set to Inactive on passing the value as 'D'.
Charge Filter Description1FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION1no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description2FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION2no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description3FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION3no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description4FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION4no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description5FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION5no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filtration Default FlagFI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.To determine whether this is the default charge filter element based on parent.
Default FlagFI_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.To determine whether this is the default charge element based on parent.
Disable Qty UpdatesFI_DISABLE_QTY_UPDATESno040NUsed to determine if the Operation Quantities can be updated
Element IdFI_ELEMENT_IDno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_IDThis is used to store the id of the element possibly from the ERP.
Location SourceFI_LOCATION_SOURCEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.LOCATION_SOURCEValid Values are 'ADHOC' or 'HIERARCHY'This is used to specify the source of the charge location.
Location ValueFI_LOCATION_VALUEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.LOCATION_VALUEValue is required for Location Source of ADHOC. This is used to specify the location associated with the charge element.
Order IdFI_ORDER_IDno040ACTION_MOVE_QUANTITY.ORDER_IDCharge element id for ERP order #
Record StatusFI_RECORD_STATUSno01CHARGE_ELEMENT.RECORD_STATUSIf not supplied the default value is 'A'.Valid values are 'A' (Active) and 'I' (Inactive).The status of the operation. Cannot be used if inactive.
Smart UpdateFI_SMART_UPDATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart update should be applied to the current charge element record.
Work Center GroupFI_WORK_CENTER_GROUPno040CHARGE_ELEMENT_OPERATION.WORK_CENTER_GROUPThe department or work center group.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionInterface event used to load Order data. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1084 - Insert/Update Charge Element Order records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Charge TypeFI_CHARGE_TYPEyes040CHARGE_ELEMENT.CHARGE_TYPEThe default value will be derived from the specified level number.This value must be a valid and active charge type in the Charge Type table or no record will be createdThis value is used to map the charge type to the level number and element name supplied. This value must be supplied for charge element filtration purposes.
Element NameFI_ELEMENT_NAMEyes080CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEThe default value will be derived from the specified charge type.This value must be a valid element name in the Charge Type table or no record will be createdThis value is used to map the element name to the charge type. This value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Element ValueFI_ELEMENT_VALUEyes080CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_VALUEEach new element must have a parent's levThis value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Charge Element End DateFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_END_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element End Date
Charge Element Start DateFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_START_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP1no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP2no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP3no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP4no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP5no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group End Date1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE1no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE2no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE3no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE4no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE5no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE1no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE2no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE3no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE4no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE5no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Data Group NameFI_DATA_GROUP_NAMEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.DATA_GROUP_NAMESYSTEMThis prompt is used to specify the Data Group Name.
Default FlagFI_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.To determine whether this is the default charge element based on parent.
DescriptionFI_DESCRIPTIONno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.DESCRIPTIONDescription of the Order
End DateFI_END_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Planned start date
Flex Field Name1FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name10FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME10no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME10This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name11FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME11no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME11This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name12FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME12no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME12This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name13FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME13no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME13This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name14FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME14no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME14This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name15FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME15no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME15This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name2FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name3FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name4FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name5FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name6FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME6no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name7FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME7no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME7This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name8FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME8no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME8This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name9FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME9no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME9This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value1FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value10FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE10no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE10This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value11FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE11no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE11This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value12FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE12no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE12This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value13FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE13no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE13This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value14FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE14no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE14This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value15FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE15no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE15This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value2FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value3FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value4FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value5FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value6FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value7FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE7no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE7This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value8FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE8no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE8This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value9FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE9no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE9This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Hierarchy NameFI_HIERARCHY_NAMEno040This value must be a valid hierarchy name in the Hierarchy table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Hierarchy TypeFI_HIERARCHY_TYPEno040This must be a valid hierarchy type in the Hierarchy Type table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Inventory CodeFI_INVENTORY_CODEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.INVENTORY_CODEstores the inventory abbreviation code.
Item NumFI_ITEM_NUMno080CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.ITEM_NUMItem# of the part or item being produced
Location Element NameFI_LOCATION_ELEMENT_NAMEno080This value must be a valid element name in the Hierarchy Group Definition table or no record will be created.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Location Element ValueFI_LOCATION_ELEMENT_VALUEno080This value must be a valid element value in the Hierarchy Element table.Value is required for Location Source of Hierarchy. This is used to determine the Location Element Node.
Order Quantity PlannedFI_ORDER_QUANTITY_PLANNEDno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.QUANTITY_PLANNEDQuantity planned to be produced for the order. Equivalent to order quantity or scheduled quantity
Order Quantity StartedFI_ORDER_QUANTITY_STARTEDno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.QUANTITY_STARTEDQuantity started for the order.
Overreporting AmountFI_OVERREPORTING_AMOUNTno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.OVERREPORTING_AMOUNTHolds the amount or percentage value that will be allowed for over reporting for this order, based on type.
Overreporting TypeFI_OVERREPORTING_TYPEno01CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.OVERREPORTING_TYPEValid Values are 'P' (Percentage) and 'A'(Amount).The type of the over reporting amount.
Planned HoursFI_PLANNED_HOURSno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.PLANNED_HOURSPlanned hours for a charge element which is stored in hours
Primary Unit Of MeasureFI_PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASUREno020CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.PRIMARY_UOMPrimary/Base UOM code for the item bring produced
PriorityFI_PRIORITYno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.PRIORITYDefines the priority for the order and is used in situations like work queue.
Reference Order NumFI_REFERENCE_ORDER_NUMno080CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.REFERENCE_ORDER_NUMHolds the ERP master order that needs to be referenced.
Sender NameFI_SENDER_NAMEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.SENDER_NAMEThe default value is whatever is specified for the sender name of the service parameter.Actual name of the ERP source that sends the data.
Start DateFI_START_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Planned start date
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the data. The record status is set to Inactive on passing the value as 'D'.
Charge Filter Description1FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION1no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description2FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION2no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description3FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION3no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description4FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION4no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description5FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION5no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filtration Default FlagFI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.To determine whether this is the default charge filter element based on parent.
Element IdFI_ELEMENT_IDno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_IDThis is used to store the id of the element possibly from the ERP.
Location SourceFI_LOCATION_SOURCEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.LOCATION_SOURCEValid Values are 'ADHOC' or 'HIERARCHY'This is used to specify the source of the charge location.
Location ValueFI_LOCATION_VALUEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.LOCATION_VALUEValue is required for Location Source of ADHOC. This is used to specify the location associated with the charge element.
Record StatusFI_RECORD_STATUSno01CHARGE_ELEMENT.RECORD_STATUSIf not supplied the default value is 'A'.Valid values are 'A' (Active) and 'I' (Inactive).The status of the charge element record. Cannot be used if inactive.
Smart UpdateFI_SMART_UPDATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart update should be applied to the current charge element record.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionThis interface populate Pay Scales, Pay Class and Pay Level.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation100033 - Pay Scale and Pay Levels Validation
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Pay Scale NameFI_PAY_SCALE_NAMEyes040PAY_SCALE.PAY_SCALE_NAMEValue is required for create/update/deletion of Pay Scale, Pay Class and Pay Level record.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the pay scales. The record is deleted from the database on passing the value as 'D'.
DescriptionFI_DESCRIPTIONno080PAY_SCALE_CLASS.DESCRIPTIONDescription for the Pay Class.
Enabled FlagFI_ENABLED_FLAGno01PAY_SCALE_CLASS.ENABLED_FLAG1Should be 0 or 1For a Pay Class enabled flag 0 is considered as an Inactive record and enabled flag 1 is considered as an Active record.
End DateFI_END_DATEno0PAY_SCALE_LEVEL.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231This prompt value is used to populate the end date column in the pay_scale_level.
Labor Rate AmountFI_LABOR_RATE_AMOUNTno0PAY_SCALE_LEVEL.LABOR_RATE_AMOUNTShould be a floating numberValue is required for creating the Pay Level only if the labor_rate_required_flag is 1. The value should be within the Min and Max Labor Rate of a Pay Class.
Labor Rate Required FlagFI_LABOR_RATE_REQUIRED_FLAGno01PAY_SCALE_CLASS.LABOR_RATE_REQUIRED_FLAG1Should be 0 or 1Value 0 is considered as Labor Rate is not required for the Level(s) and 1 is considered as Labor Rate is required for the Level(s).
Max Labor Rate AmountFI_MAX_LABOR_RATE_AMOUNTno0PAY_SCALE_CLASS.MAX_LABOR_RATE_AMOUNTShould be a floating numberValue is required for creating the Pay Class.
Max Payroll Rate AmountFI_MAX_PAYROLL_RATE_AMOUNTno0PAY_SCALE_CLASS.MAX_PAYROLL_RATE_AMOUNTShould be a floating numberValue is required for creating the Pay Class.
Min Labor Rate AmountFI_MIN_LABOR_RATE_AMOUNTno0PAY_SCALE_CLASS.MIN_LABOR_RATE_AMOUNTShould be a floating numberValue is required for creating the Pay Class.
Min Payroll Rate AmountFI_MIN_PAYROLL_RATE_AMOUNTno0PAY_SCALE_CLASS.MIN_PAYROLL_RATE_AMOUNTShould be a floating numberValue is required for creating the Pay Class.
Payroll Rate AmountFI_PAYROLL_RATE_AMOUNTno0PAY_SCALE_LEVEL.PAYROLL_RATE_AMOUNTShould be a floating numberValue is required for creating the Pay Level. The value should be within the Min and Max Payroll Rate of a Pay Class.
Pay ClassFI_PAY_CLASSno040PAY_SCALE_CLASS.PAY_SCALE_CLASS_NAMEValue is required for create/update/deletion of Pay Class and Pay Level record. If value is not passed then the data will not be processed for Pay Class and Pay Level.
Pay LevelFI_PAY_LEVELno0PAY_SCALE_LEVEL.PAY_LEVELShould be a numberValue is required for create/update/deletion of Pay Level record. If value is not passed then the data will not be processed for Pay Level.
Start DateFI_START_DATEno0PAY_SCALE_LEVEL.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 19700101This prompt value is used to populate the start date column in the pay_scale_level.

DescriptionInterface event used to load person data. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1023 - Insert/Update Person records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMyes040PERSON.PERSON_NUMUsed to identify the person. If this value is not supplied a record will not be created.
Anchor DateFI_ANCHOR_DATEno040PERSON.ANCHOR_DATEThis prompt value is the anchor date from which attendance rewards are calculated by the attendance reward service.
Applicable DateFI_APPLICABLE_DATEno020Current DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231. This value only applies if smart update is set to 'Y'This is used to find the record that needs to be updated based on the applicable date.
Attendance Entry TypeFI_ATTENDANCE_ENTRY_TYPEno040PERSON_EMPLOYEE_PROFILE.ATTENDANCE_ENTRY_TYPEPERSON.TIME_ENTRY_TYPEThis prompt value only takes effect if the Employee Category module is enabled. This prompt value takes precedency over the time_entry_type value in the person table. Valid values include PUNCHED, EXCEPTION, ELAPSED, NONEPUNCHED - Punch Entry, EXCEPTION - Exception or Automatic Entry, ELAPSED - Elapsed Entry Type, NONE - One cannot enter time at all from anywhere.
Badge GroupFI_BADGE_GROUPno040BADGE.BADGE_GROUPSYSTEMBadge group is used to provide users with the ability to restrict the list of badges to a specific group of employees.
Badge NumFI_BADGE_NUMno040BADGE.BADGE_NUM, BADGE.BADGE_ID, PERSON_BADGE.BADGE_IDIf value is not supplied, no badge or person badge record will be created.If populated, badge will be created based on the badge number and associated with the person number for the person record. One person can have multiple badges provided the following is true: The badge start and dates do not overlap for the same badge type
Badge StatusFI_BADGE_STATUSno01BADGE.BADGE_STATUSIValid values are 'I','A','U' or 'L'If no badge status is provided the default is I. The badge can have one of the following statuses: I - ISSUED, U - UNAVAILABLE, A - AVAILABLE, L - Lost.
Badge TypeFI_BADGE_TYPEno040BADGE.BADGE_TYPEPERMANENTValid values are PERMANENT or TEMPORARYUsed to identify if the badge in permanent or temporary.
Birth DateFI_BIRTH_DATEno0PERSON.BIRTH_DATEFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Used to update the birth date column in the person table.
Classification TypeFI_CLASSIFICATION_TYPEno040PERSON_EMPLOYEE_PROFILE.CLASSIFICATION_TYPEHourlyValid values are 'Hourly', 'Salaried' or 'Nonexempt'This prompt is used with the Employee Category module. Whether the person is Hourly, Salaried or Nonexempt (salaried).
Clear TransactionsFI_CLEAR_TRANSACTIONSno03YesValid values are 'Yes' or 'No'This prompt is used with the Employee Category module. On termination of a person employee profile record, this prompt is used to determine if the actions and trans actions associated with the employee will be cancelled after the termination date.
Code Name1FI_CODE_NAME1no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_NAMEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Name2FI_CODE_NAME2no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_NAMEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Name3FI_CODE_NAME3no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_NAMEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Name4FI_CODE_NAME4no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_NAMEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Name5FI_CODE_NAME5no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_NAMEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Name6FI_CODE_NAME6no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_NAMEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Name7FI_CODE_NAME7no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_NAMEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Name8FI_CODE_NAME8no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_NAMEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Name9FI_CODE_NAME9no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_NAMEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Value1FI_CODE_VALUE1no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_VALUEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Value2FI_CODE_VALUE2no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_VALUEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Value3FI_CODE_VALUE3no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_VALUEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Value4FI_CODE_VALUE4no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_VALUEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Value5FI_CODE_VALUE5no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_VALUEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Value6FI_CODE_VALUE6no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_VALUEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Value7FI_CODE_VALUE7no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_VALUEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Value8FI_CODE_VALUE8no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_VALUEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Code Value9FI_CODE_VALUE9no040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_VALUEUsed to associated a person adhoc record with person via the person_adhoc table.
Default PinFI_DEFAULT_PINno03PERSON_PIN.PINNoValid values are 'Yes' or 'No'This prompt is used to determine if an default person_pin record will be added for the person record. When there is no existing record and the value is set to Yes, a new record is created with blank pin.
Direct IndFI_DIRECT_INDno01PERSON_EMPLOYEE_PROFILE.DIRECT_INDDValid Values are 'D' or 'I'This prompt is used only when the Employee Category module is enabled. Used to update the direct_ind column on the person_employee_profile table.
Direct Supervision ActionFI_DIRECT_SUPERVISION_ACTIONno040AValid values are 'A' (Add) or 'U' (Update)If set to 'A', processes date logic on the supervision manager person group as add. If set to 'U', processes date logic as modify.
Email Address1FI_EMAIL_ADDRESS1no080PERSON.EMAIL_ADDRESS1This prompt is used to populate the email_address1 column in the person table.
Email Address2FI_EMAIL_ADDRESS2no080PERSON.EMAIL_ADDRESS2This prompt is used to populate the email_address2 column in the person table.
Employee Profile ActionFI_EMPLOYEE_PROFILE_ACTIONno040AValid values are 'A' (Add) or 'U' (Update)If set to 'A', processes date logic on the employee profile as add. If set to 'U', processes date logic as modify.
Employment StatusFI_EMPLOYMENT_STATUSno020PERSON_EMPLOYEE_PROFILE.EMPLOYMENT_STATUSValid Values are 'ACTIVE', 'INACTIVE' or 'TERMINATED'This prompt is used to populate the employment_status column in the person_employee_profile table. This prompt value overrides the record status in the person table if the Employee Categories module is enabled.
End DateFI_END_DATEno0PERSON_GROUP.END_DATE, PERSON_GROUP_MEMBER.END_DATE, PERSON_GROUP_MANAGER.END_DATE, PERSON_BADGE.END_DATE, PERSON_EMPLOYEE_PROFILE.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231In the person_group_member table, the end_date is only used if FI_MANAGER_NUM is not empty and as part of the insertion for DIRECT_MANAGER person_group_member record. When creating a new person_group DIRECT_MANAGER using the person interface, the end_date of person_group and person_group_manager will always be '9999-12-31'. In the person_badge table, end_date is used during the insertion of a person_badge record if the FI_END_TIMESTAMP prompt is not set. The end_date could also be used during the insertion of the person_employee_profile record.
End TimestampFI_END_TIMESTAMPno0PERSON_BADGE.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMddHHmmss. For example, 99991231120000In the person_badge record, the end_timestamp is used during the insertion of a badge.
Exclusive Direct GroupFI_EXCLUSIVE_DIRECT_GROUPno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)If the FI_EXCLUSIVE_DIRECT_GROUP prompt is set to true ('Y'es) then end date person group membership for all existing records to which the employee currently belongs and the new record inserted. If the prompt is set to false then do nothing.
Exclusive Filtration GroupFI_EXCLUSIVE_FILTRATION_GROUPno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)If the FI_EXCLUSIVE_FILTRATION_GROUP prompt is set to true ('Y'es) then end date person group membership for all existing records to which the employee currently belongs and the new record inserted. If the prompt is set to false then do nothing.
First NameFI_FIRST_NAMEno040PERSON.FIRST_NAMEIf value is not supplied, the value in the person num will be used.Used to update the first_name column in the person table.
Full Part Time IndFI_FULL_PART_TIME_INDno01PERSON_EMPLOYEE_PROFILE.FULL_PART_TIME_INDFValid Values are 'F' or 'P'.This prompt value only takes effect if the Employee Category module is enabled. Whether the person is full time or part time
Government NumFI_GOVERNMENT_NUMno040PERSON.GOVERNMENT_NUMUsed to update the government_num column in the person table.
Hire DateFI_HIRE_DATEno0PERSON.HIRE_DATEUsed to update the hire_date column in the person table.
Ignore Current Badge AssignmentFI_IGNORE_CURRENT_BADGE_ASSIGNMENTno040NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)If 'Y', does not stop processing if the badge is currently assigned to the current person.
Last NameFI_LAST_NAMEno040PERSON.LAST_NAMEUsed to update the last_name column in the person table.
Login NameFI_LOGIN_NAMEno040PERSON.LOGIN_NAMEUsed to update the login_name column in the person table. Value is saved only when it is Unique(should not be associated with another Active Person) or it belongs to an existing Inactive Person(Login Name of the Inactive person is blanked out first and then the Login Name is set for this person).
Manager NumFI_MANAGER_NUMno040PERSON_GROUP.PERSON_GROUP_NAME, PERSON_GROUP_MANAGER.MANAGER_IDIf the FI_MANAGER_NUM is not populated, no person group, person group member or person group manager record will be created or updated.If the FI_MANAGER_NUM is populated, a new person group, person group member or person group manager record will be created or updated. The FI_MANAGER_NUM prompt is used to populate the manager_id column in the person_group_manager table.
Middle NameFI_MIDDLE_NAMEno040PERSON.MIDDLE_NAMEUsed to update the middle_name column in the person table.
Person TypeFI_PERSON_TYPEno040PERSON.PERSON_TYPE, PERSON_EMPLOYEE_PROFILE.PERSON_TYPEEMPLOYEEUsed to update the person_type column in the person table.
PinFI_PINno040PERSON_PIN.PINUsed to create or modify to person_pin associated with the person record.
Preferred NameFI_PREFERRED_NAMEno040PERSON.PREFERRED_NAMEUsed to update the preferred_name column in the person table.
Rcd NumFI_RCD_NUMno040PERSON.RCD_NUM0Used to identify the person.
Record StatusFI_RECORD_STATUSno01PERSON.RECORD_STATUSAValid Values are 'A' or 'I'Used to update the record status column in the person table. The record status column is used to determine if the person record is Active (A) or Inactive (I).
Rehire DateFI_REHIRE_DATEno0PERSON.REHIRE_DATEFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Used to update the rehire date column in the person table.
Sender NameFI_SENDER_NAMEno040PERSON.SENDER_NAMEThe default value is whatever is specified for the sender name of the service parameter.Used to update the sender_name column in the person table.
Service DateFI_SERVICE_DATEno0PERSON.SERVICE_DATEFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Used to update the service date column in the person table.
Smart UpdateFI_SMART_UPDATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart update should be applied to the current record.
Start DateFI_START_DATEno0PERSON_GROUP.START_DATE, PERSON_GROUP_MEMBER.START_DATE, PERSON_GROUP_MANAGER.START_DATE, PERSON_BADGE.START_DATE, PERSON_EMPLOYEE_PROFILE.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 19700101In the person_group_member table, the start_date is only used if FI_MANAGER_NUM is not empty and as part of the insertion for DIRECT_MANAGER person_group_member record. When creating a new person_group DIRECT_MANAGER using the person interface, the start_date of the person_group and person_group_manager will always be '1970-01-01'. In the person_badge table, start_date is used during the insertion of a person_badge record if the FI_START_TIMESTAMP prompt is not set. The end_date could also be used during the insertion of the person_employee_profile record.
Start TimestampFI_START_TIMESTAMPno0PERSON_BADGE.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMddHHmmss. For example, 99991231120000In the person_badge record, the start_timestamp is used during the insertion of a badge.
SuffixFI_SUFFIXno06PERSON.SUFFIXUsed to update the suffix column in the person table.
Supervisor Role NameFI_SUPERVISOR_ROLE_NAMEno040PERSON_GROUP_MANAGER.MANAGER_ROLE_NAMERole name for a given person.
Time Entry TypeFI_TIME_ENTRY_TYPEno01PERSON.TIME_ENTRY_TYPE1Valid values include 1,2,3,41 (PUNCHED) - Punch Entry, 2 (EXCEPTION) - Exception or Automatic Entry, 3 (ELAPSED) - Elapsed Entry Type, 4 (NONE) - One cannot enter time at all from anywhere. Please note that if the employee categories module is enabled then the FI_ATTENDANCE_ENTRY_TYPE prompt value takes precedence over the value in the FI_TIME_ENTRY_TYPE
Version NumFI_VERSION_NUMno015BADGE.VERSION_NUM0Version Num is used to provide users with the ability to have multiple badge numbers with different version numbers.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionThis interface populates person ad-hoc.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1106 - Insert/Update Person Ad-Hoc records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Code NameFI_CODE_NAMEyes040PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_NAMEAdds or updates person ad-hoc code name.
Code ValueFI_CODE_VALUEyes080PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_VALUEAdds or updates personad-hoc code value.
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMyes040PERSON_ADHOC.PERSON_IDIf this is supplied, must be a valid person or the person ad-hoc record will not get created.New person ad-hoc record will be created, or an existing ad-hoc/code name pair will be updated.
Record StatusFI_RECORD_STATUSyes01PERSON_ADHOC.RECORD_STATUSAIndicates the record status (e.g. Active or Inactive).
ActionFI_ACTIONno01PERSON_ADHOC.CODE_NAMEAValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete a person ad-hoc setting.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionThis interface populate person assignment.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1059 - Insert/Update Person Assignment records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Assignment TypeFI_ASSIGNMENT_TYPEyes040PERSON_ASSIGNMENT.ASSIGNMENT_TYPEAdds or updates person assignment record for given assignment type.
Assignment ValueFI_ASSIGNMENT_VALUEyes080PERSON_ASSIGNMENT.ASSIGNMENT_VALUEAdds or updates person_assignment.assignment_value for given assignment type.
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMyes040PERSON_ASSIGNMENT.PERSON_IDIf this is supplied, must be a valid person or the person assignment will not get created.If populated, person (based on person number), new person assignment record will be created.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01PERSON_ASSIGNMENT.ASSIGNMENT_TYPEAValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the person assignment. For A, when F_OVERRIDE_ASSIGNMENT = 0, an add is done with FI_LEVEL_NUM = 0, overlapping records will be changed so that no overlaps occur. For A, when F_OVERRIDE_ASSIGNMENT = 1, an add is done with the value of max FI_LEVEL_NUM + 1 for FI_LEVEL_NUM. For U, when F_OVERRIDE_ASSIGNMENT = 0, an update is done with FI_LEVEL_NUM = 0, overlapping records will be changed so that no overlaps occur. FI_START_DATE is used as effective date. For U, when F_OVERRIDE_ASSIGNMENT = 1, an add is done with the value of max FI_LEVEL_NUM + 1 for FI_LEVEL_NUM. For D, when F_OVERRIDE_ASSIGNMENT = 0, a delete is done using supplied FI_START_DATE as effective date and FI_LEVEL_NUM of 0, which deletes a default record using effective date. When F_OVERRIDE_ASSIGNMENT = 1, a delete is done using supplied F_START_DATE as effective date and FI_LEVEL_NUM (must be > 0) to determine which record to delete. The record is deleted from the database on passing the value as 'D'.
Applicable DateFI_APPLICABLE_DATEno020Current DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231. This value only applies if smart update is set to 'Y'This is used to find the record that needs to be updated based on the applicable date.
Data Group NameFI_DATA_GROUP_NAMEno040SYSTEMThe valid values come from the shift definition table where the values shift_id, shift_num, data_group_name and description are distinctThis field is required only for Assignment Type of Shift.
End DateFI_END_DATEno0PERSON_ASSIGNMENT.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231This prompt value is used to populate the start date column in the person_setting.
Exclusive Hierarchy AssignmentFI_EXCLUSIVE_HIERARCHY_ASSIGNMENTno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This prompt is now deprecated. It will not affect processing regardless of whether it's set to 'Y' or 'N'. If the assignment is a hierarchy assignment and the FI_OVERRIDE_ASSIGNMENT_FLAG prompt is set to true 0 (not override) then the record will end date person group membership of hierarchy type for all existing records to which the employee currently belongs and the new record inserted. If the assignment is a hierarchy assignment and FI_OVERRIDE_ASSIGNMENT_FLAG is set to 1 then the record will not affect person group membership.
Override Assignment FlagFI_OVERRIDE_ASSIGNMENT_FLAGno01PERSON_ASSIGNMENT.FI_OVERRIDE_ASSIGNMENT_FLAG0Valid values are '0' for false (not override) and '1' for true (is override).This field defines if the assignment is and Override or Default assignment. When override is true, only action codes A and D are applicable, U is treated as A.
Smart UpdateFI_SMART_UPDATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart update should be applied to the current record.
Start DateFI_START_DATEno0PERSON_ASSIGNMENT.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 19700101This prompt value is used to populate the start date for Person Assignment.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionThis interface populates person authorized hours (EWT and Comp Time).
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1115 - Validation to populate Person Authorized Hours records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
DurationFI_DURATIONyes0PERSON_AUTHORIZED_HOURS.DURATIONMust be greater than zero for add, or may be zero for update and deleteIdentifies the number of hours to be authorized. This value is converted into seconds in the system.
Hours TypeFI_HOURS_TYPEyes0PERSON_AUTHORIZED_HOURS.HOURS_TYPEMust be one of the valid hours types: EWT_HOURS or COMP_TIME_HOURSIdentifies the type of hours being authorized. If this value is not one of the valid values, an error will be logged and a new record will not be created.
Pay Period DateFI_PAY_PERIOD_DATEyes0PERSON_AUTHORIZED_HOURS.START_DATEMust be a valid date of the form yyyyMMddThis date will be used to determine the date range over which the authorized hours will apply.
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMyes040PERSON_AUTHORIZED_HOURS.PERSON_IDMust be a valid person number, or the person authorized hours record will not get created.New person authorized hours record will be created, or an existing record will be updated.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete a person authorized hours record.

DescriptionThis interface populates (person) direct manager.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1107 - Insert/Update Person Direct Manager records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Manager NumFI_MANAGER_NUMyes040PERSON_GROUP_MANAGER.MANAGER_IDThe person number of the direct manager. If a person record for this manager does not yet exist (e.g. hasn’t been loaded yet), we create a placeholder for it so that this person’s group record can be created.
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMyes040PERSON_GROUP_MEMBER.PERSON_IDThis must be a valid person in the person table or no record will be created.If populated, person (based on person number), new person manager record will be created.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the person's direct manager.
End DateFI_END_DATEno08PERSON_GROUP_MEMBER.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231.The end date of the person’s membership in the group (i.e. the date that the manger stopped being the person’s direct manager)
Exclusive Direct GroupFI_EXCLUSIVE_DIRECT_GROUPno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)If the FI_EXCLUSIVE_DIRECT_GROUP prompt is set to true ('Y'es) then end date person group membership of hierarchy type for all existing records to which the employee currently belongs and the new record inserted. If the prompt is set to false then do nothing.
Smart UpdateFI_SMART_UPDATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart update should be applied to the current record.
Start DateFI_START_DATEno08PERSON_GROUP_MEMBER.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 19700101The start date of the person’s membership in the group (i.e. the date that the manger became the person’s direct manager)
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionInterface event used to load person group along with person group members and person group managers. Supports only incremental syncronization.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1050 - Interface Group Validation
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Person Group NameFI_PERSON_GROUP_NAMEyes040PERSON_GROUP.PERSON_GROUP_NAMEName of the group to create/update.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01PERSON_GROUP.PERSON_GROUP_NAMEAValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or deleting the person group. The record is deleted from the database on passing the value as 'D'.
Applicable DateFI_APPLICABLE_DATEno020Current DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231. This value only applies if smart update is set to 'Y'This is used to find the record that needs to be updated based on the applicable date.
DescriptionFI_DESCRIPTIONno080PERSON_GROUP.DESCRIPTIONDescription of the group
End DateFI_END_DATEno0PERSON_GROUP.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Used for effective end date of the group.
Exclusive Direct GroupFI_EXCLUSIVE_DIRECT_GROUPno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)If the FI_EXCLUSIVE_DIRECT_GROUP prompt is set to true ('Y'es) then end date person group membership for all existing records to which the employee currently belongs and the new record inserted. If the prompt is set to false then do nothing.
Exclusive Filtration GroupFI_EXCLUSIVE_FILTRATION_GROUPno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)If the FI_EXCLUSIVE_FILTRATION_GROUP prompt is set to true ('Y'es) then end date person group membership for all existing records to which the employee currently belongs and the new record inserted. If the prompt is set to false then do nothing.
Is ManagerFI_IS_MANAGERno01NValid values are 'Y' or 'N'If this is set to 'Y' and the 'Person Num' is supplied, the person is added as a manager of the group
Person End DateFI_PERSON_END_DATEno0PERSON_GROUP_MEMBER.END_DATE, PERSON_GROUP_MANAGER.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Used for effective end date of person membership and management in the group. For a Direct Manager Type, the group end date and the manager end date should be same. So this value will be ignored and the End Date will be considered.
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMno040PERSON_GROUP_MEMBER.PERSON_ID, PERSON_GROUP_MANAGER.PERSON_IDIf this is supplied, must be a valid person or the group will not get created.If populated, person (based on person number), becomes a member of the group. If the 'Is Manager' is set with a value of 'Y', the person becomes a manager of the group. 'Person Start Date' and 'Person End Date' are used for effectivity of both membership and management.
Person Start DateFI_PERSON_START_DATEno0PERSON_GROUP_MEMBER.START_DATE, PERSON_GROUP_MANAGER.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Used for effective start date of person membership and management in the group. For a Direct Manager Type, the group start date and the manager start date should be same. So this value will be ignored and the Start Date will be considered.
Smart UpdateFI_SMART_UPDATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart update should be applied to the current record.
Start DateFI_START_DATEno0PERSON_GROUP.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Used for effective start date of the group.
Supervisor Role NameFI_SUPERVISOR_ROLE_NAMEno040PERSON_GROUP_MANAGER.MANAGER_ROLE_NAMERole name for a given person.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionThis interface populate Person Pay Scale.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation100032 - Person Pay Scale Validation
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMyes040PERSON_PAY_SCALE.PERSON_IDMust be a valid person number or the person pay scale will not get created.Person Id is stored internally based on the Person Number.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the person pay scale. The record is deleted from the database on passing the value as 'D'.
End DateFI_END_DATEno0PERSON_PAY_SCALE.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231This prompt value is used to populate the end date column in the person_pay_scale. For Default record type value is set internally to an infinity date of 99991231 and it cannot be changed.
No Pay Scale FlagFI_NO_PAY_SCALE_FLAGno01PERSON_PAY_SCALE.NO_PAY_SCALE_FLAG0Should be a number.Flag indicates weather to consider the Pay Scale data. Value 0 indicates that the Pay Scale data is not required.
Pay ClassFI_PAY_CLASSno040PERSON_PAY_SCALE.PAY_CLASSValue is required when the no_pay_scale_flag is not enabled. A valid Pay class is required.
Pay LevelFI_PAY_LEVELno0PERSON_PAY_SCALE.PAY_LEVELShould be a numberValue is required when the no_pay_scale_flag is not enabled. A valid Pay level is required.
Pay Scale NameFI_PAY_SCALE_NAMEno040PERSON_PAY_SCALE.PAY_SCALE_NAMEValue is required when the no_pay_scale_flag is not enabled. A valid Pay Scale Name is required.
Record Type IndFI_RECORD_TYPE_INDno01PERSON_PAY_SCALE.RECORD_TYPE_IDDValid values are 'D' (Default),'O' (Override).User to determine weather the record is Default or Override.
Start DateFI_START_DATEno0PERSON_PAY_SCALE.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 19700101This prompt value is used to populate the start date column in the person_pay_scale. For Default record type value is set internally to 19700101 and it cannot be changed.

DescriptionInterface event used to load person schedule data. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1042 - Interface Person Schedule Validation
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
End TimestampFI_END_TIMESTAMPyes0PERSON_SCHEDULE.END_TIMESTAMPFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231This value must be provided or a record will not be created.
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMyes040Must be a valid person number mapping to a valid person id.Used to identify the person. If this value is not supplied a valid person id can not be derived and a record will not be created.
Post DateFI_POST_DATEyes0PERSON_SCHEDULE.POST_DATEFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231If this value is not supplied a schedule record will not be created.
Start TimestampFI_START_TIMESTAMPyes0PERSON_SCHEDULE.START_TIMESTAMPFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231This value must be provided or a record will not be created.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the person schedule. The record is deleted from the database on passing the value as 'D'.
Ad Hoc TypeFI_AD_HOC_TYPEno040PERSON_SCHEDULE.ADHOC_TYPEValid values are BY_CLOCK and VIRTUAL.Virtual means that the time reporter’s schedule set on the most previous post date that is NOT identified as a Gap Day shall be copied to the new date. By Clock means When the user clocks in, the system will find the records in this configuration that corresponds to the period containing the time stamp of the clock in.
App End OffsetFI_APP_END_OFFSETno060The default value of 60 is in minutes. If End Time Stamp and Applicable End Time Stamp are the same, the Application End Offset value is substracted from the End Time Stamp and used as the value for the Applicable End Time Stamp.
App End TimestampFI_APP_END_TIMESTAMPno0PERSON_SCHEDULE.APP_END_TIMESTAMPIf not supplied, uses the value from the End Timestamp prompt.Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231If End Timestamp and Applicable End Timestamp are the same, the Application End Offset value is substracted from the End Timestamp and used as the value for the Applicable End Timestamp prompt.
App Start OffsetFI_APP_START_OFFSETno060The default value of 60 is in minutes. If Start Time Stamp and Applicable Start Time Stamp are the same, the Application Start Offset value is substracted from the Start Time Stamp and used as the value for the Applicable Start Time Stamp.
App Start TimestampFI_APP_START_TIMESTAMPno0PERSON_SCHEDULE.APP_START_TIMESTAMPIf not supplied, uses the value from the Start Timestamp prompt.Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231If Start Timestamp and Applicable Start Timestamp are the same, the Application Start Offset value is substracted from the Start Timestamp and used as the value for the Applicable Start Timestamp prompt.
Availability TypeFI_AVAILABILITY_TYPEno040PERSON_SCHEDULE.AVAILABILITY_TYPEWORKINGThe valid values are WORKING, NOT_WORKING, AVAILABLE and UNAVAILABLE.This field controls when Normal, Exclusion and Optional Schedules can be made for a time reporter.
Data Group NameFI_DATA_GROUP_NAMEno040The valid values come from the shift definition table where the values shift_id, shift_num, data_group_name and description are distinctThis field is required only for Shift creation.
DescriptionFI_DESCRIPTIONno080PERSON_SCHEDULE.DESCRIPTIONThis value is used to provide a descriptive summary of the schedule created.
End Early MarginFI_END_EARLY_MARGINno0PERSON_SCHEDULE.END_EARLY_MARGIN900The default value of 900 is in seconds. This number is used to define the time range within the time reporter can perform an action. It is calculated relative to the end timestamp prompt. For example a 10 minute end early margin with a 6:00 PM end timestamp means the employee can perform an action 'early' between 5:50PM and 6:00PM without a violation occurring.
End Late MarginFI_END_LATE_MARGINno0PERSON_SCHEDULE.END_LATE_MARGIN900The default value of 900 is in seconds. This number is used to define the time range within the time reporter can perform an action. It is calculated relative to the end timestamp prompt. For example a 10 minute end late margin with a 6:00 PM end timestamp means the employee can perform an action 'late' between 6:00PM and 6:10PM without a violation occurring.
Error On App OverlapFI_ERROR_ON_APP_OVERLAPno040ERRORValid values are ERROR or SPLITUsed during interface download that lets the incoming schedules to not be inserted if there is an overlap with existing applicable part of the schedule. When set to SPLIT the schedule is inserted with a split between applicable end of old and applicable start of new schedule.
Error On OverlapFI_ERROR_ON_OVERLAPno040NoValid values are Yes or NoFlag used during interface download that lets the incoming schedules to not be inserted if there is an overlap with existing schedules.
Gap Day NumFI_GAP_DAY_NUMno0PERSON_SCHEDULE.GAP_DAY_NUM0This value determines wheather the schedule for the posting date is on a gap day and the number of the gap day. Non-gap days have a value of zero as gap days have a value greater than or equal to 1.
Is Elapsed FlagFI_IS_ELAPSED_FLAGno01PERSON_SCHEDULE.IS_ELAPSED_FLAG0This field defines that the entry method used will be only the elapsed entry method.
Is Holiday Ot FlagFI_IS_HOLIDAY_OT_FLAGno01PERSON_SCHEDULE.IS_HOLIDAY_OT_FLAG0Valid values are '0' for no holiday overtime and '1' for holiday overtime.This field defines if the schedule applies to holiday overtime.
Mandatory IndFI_MANDATORY_INDno01PERSON_SCHEDULE.MANDATORY_INDMValid values are 'M' (MANDATORY) and 'O' (OPTIONAL).Employee must adhere to the schedule if the schedule is mandatory while there are no consequences to not adhering to the schedule if the schedule is optional.
Ot TypeFI_OT_TYPEno010PERSON_SCHEDULE.OT_TYPEThe valid values are GAP_DAY, PRE_SHIFT and POST_SHIFTThis value is used to determine the overtime type the schedule applies to.
Pay Period OffsetFI_PAY_PERIOD_OFFSETno02PERSON_SCHEDULE.PAY_PERIOD_OFFSET0The valid values are '0' (CURRENT), '-1' (PREVIOUS) and '1' (NEXT).Usually for a 9/80 schedule, this field specifies that time in this schedule goes into the week /pay period 'bucket' for the current, next, or previous week/pay period, and displays with that current, next or previous week/pay period.
Pay Week OffsetFI_PAY_WEEK_OFFSETno02PERSON_SCHEDULE.PAY_WEEK_OFFSET0The valid values are '0' (CURRENT), '-1' (PREVIOUS) and '1' (NEXT).Usually for a 9/80 schedule, this field specifies that time in this schedule goes into the week /pay period 'bucket' for the current, next, or previous week/pay period, and displays with that current, next or previous week/pay period.
Protected FlagFI_PROTECTED_FLAGno01PERSON_SCHEDULE.PROTECTED_FLAG0Valid values are '0' for not protected and '1' for protected.This value is used to execute protection violations.
Schedule TypeFI_SCHEDULE_TYPEno040PERSON_SCHEDULE.SCHEDULE_TYPENORMALValid values are NORMAL, EXCLUSION, OPTIONAL, AD_HOC_P and AVAILABILITY.This value is used to determine the type of the schedule to be created.
Shift NumFI_SHIFT_NUMno0The valid values come from the shift definition table where the values shift_id, shift_num, data_group_name and description are distinctThis field is required only for Shift creation.
Split Day IndFI_SPLIT_DAY_INDno01PERSON_SCHEDULE.SPLIT_DAY_INDNThe valid values are 'N' (NO SPLIT), 'F' (FIRST HALF) and 'S' (SECOND HALF).Split day refers to the 9-80 schedule.
Start Early MarginFI_START_EARLY_MARGINno0PERSON_SCHEDULE.START_EARLY_MARGIN900The default value of 900 is in seconds. This number is used to define the time range within the time reporter can perform an action. It is calculated relative to the start timestamp prompt. For example a 10 minute start early margin with a 10:00 AM start timestamp means the employee can perform an action 'early' between 9:50AM and 10:00AM without a violation occurring.
Start Late MarginFI_START_LATE_MARGINno0PERSON_SCHEDULE.START_LATE_MARGIN900The default value of 900 is in seconds. This number is used to define the time range within the time reporter can perform an action. It is calculated relative to the start timestamp prompt. For example a 10 minute start late margin with a 10:00 AM start timestamp means the employee can perform an action 'late' between 10:00AM and 10:10AM without a violation occurring.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionInterface event used to load person schedule event data. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1043 - Interface Person Schedule Event Validation
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Event End TimestampFI_EVENT_END_TIMESTAMPyes0PERSON_SCHEDULE_EVENT.END_TIMESTAMPThe default is 19700101 Plus the value of the Start Late Margin if Event Basis Indirect prompt value is 'Offset' even if the value was supplied.Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231If action type is not 'D' and the event basis ind is strict then end timestamp must be provided for a record to be created.
Event NameFI_EVENT_NAMEyes040PERSON_SCHEDULE_EVENT.EVENT_NAMEThe valid values are the names of the events of type 'Attendance' that are active and whose Event Type Id is 3002 or 3003.This value must be supplied or a record will not be created.
Event Start TimestampFI_EVENT_START_TIMESTAMPyes0PERSON_SCHEDULE_EVENT.START_TIMESTAMPThe default is 19700101 if Event Basis Indirect prompt value is 'Offset' even if the value was supplied.Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231The Start Timestamp must be supplied or a record will not be created.
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMyes040Must be a valid person number mapping to a valid person id.Used to identify the person. If this value is not supplied a valid person id can not be derived and a record will not be created. A schedule must exist for this person number, schedule type, post date and schedule start timestamp combinationn for a record to be created.
Post DateFI_POST_DATEyes0PERSON_SCHEDULE.POST_DATEFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231If this value is not supplied a schedule record will not be created. A schedule must exist for this person number, schedule type, post date and schedule start timestamp combinationn for a record to be created.
Schedule Start TimestampFI_SCHEDULE_START_TIMESTAMPyes0PERSON_SCHEDULE.START_TIMESTAMPFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231This value must be provided or a record will not be created. A schedule must exist for this person number, schedule type, post date and schedule start timestamp combinationn for a record to be created.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the person schedule event. The record is deleted from the database on passing the value as 'D'.
Auto Event IndFI_AUTO_EVENT_INDno01PERSON_SCHEDULE_EVENT.AUTO_EVENT_INDPThe valid values are 'A' (AUTO), 'P' (PUNCH) and 'O' (OVERRIDE).Defines how the event will post.
Event Basis IndFI_EVENT_BASIS_INDno01PERSON_SCHEDULE_EVENT.EVENT_BASIS_INDSThe valid values are 'S' (Strict) and 'O' (Offset).Split day refers to the 9-80 schedule.
Event End Early MarginFI_EVENT_END_EARLY_MARGINno0PERSON_SCHEDULE_EVENT.END_EARLY_MARGIN900The default value of 900 is in seconds. This number is used to define the time range within the time reporter can perform an action. It is calculated relative to the end timestamp prompt. For example a 10 minute end early margin with a 6:00 PM end timestamp means the employee can perform an action 'early' between 5:50PM and 6:00PM without a violation occurring.
Event End Late MarginFI_EVENT_END_LATE_MARGINno0PERSON_SCHEDULE_EVENT.END_LATE_MARGIN900The default value of 900 is in seconds. This number is used to define the time range within the time reporter can perform an action. It is calculated relative to the end timestamp prompt. For example a 10 minute end late margin with a 6:00 PM end timestamp means the employee can perform an action 'late' between 6:00PM and 6:10PM without a violation occurring.
Event End OffsetFI_EVENT_END_OFFSETno0PERSON_SCHEDULE_EVENT.END_OFFSET0if Action Type is not 'D' and the Event Basis Ind is 'Offset' then the Start Offset must be less than the End Offset.
Event Start Early MarginFI_EVENT_START_EARLY_MARGINno0PERSON_SCHEDULE_EVENT.START_EARLY_MARGIN900The default value of 900 is in seconds. This number is used to define the time range within the time reporter can perform an action. It is calculated relative to the start timestamp prompt. For example a 10 minute start early margin with a 10:00 AM start timestamp means the employee can perform an action 'early' between 9:50AM and 10:00AM without a violation occurring.
Event Start Late MarginFI_EVENT_START_LATE_MARGINno0PERSON_SCHEDULE_EVENT.START_LATE_MARGIN900The default value of 900 is in seconds. This number is used to define the time range within the time reporter can perform an action. It is calculated relative to the start timestamp prompt. For example a 10 minute start late margin with a 10:00 AM start timestamp means the employee can perform an action 'late' between 10:00AM and 10:10AM without a violation occurring.
Event Start OffsetFI_EVENT_START_OFFSETno0PERSON_SCHEDULE_EVENT.START_OFFSET0if Action Type is not 'D' and the Event Basis Ind is 'Offset' then the Start Offset must be less than the End Offset. If the Action Type is 'D' and the Event Basis is not 'Strict' then the Start Offset must be greater than zero for a record to be created.
Required IndFI_REQUIRED_INDno01PERSON_SCHEDULE_EVENT.REQUIRED_INDMThe valid values are 'S' (Strict) and 'O' (Offset).Defines wheather the event is required or there will be violations.
Schedule TypeFI_SCHEDULE_TYPEno040PERSON_SCHEDULE.SCHEDULE_TYPENORMALValid values are NORMAL, EXCLUSION, OPTIONAL, AD_HOC_P (for AD HOC PLACEHOLDER), and AVAILABILITYThis value is used to determine the type of the schedule to be created. A schedule must exist for this person number, schedule type, post date and schedule start timestamp combinationn for a record to be created.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionThis interface populate person setting.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1058 - Insert/Update Person Setting records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMyes040PERSON_SETTING.PERSON_IDIf this is supplied, must be a valid person or the person setting will not get created.If populated, person (based on person number), new person setting record will be created.
Setting TypeFI_SETTING_TYPEyes040PERSON_SETTING.SETTING_TYPEAdds or updates person setting record for given setting type.
Setting ValueFI_SETTING_VALUEyes040PERSON_SETTING.SETTING_VALUEAdds or updates person_setting.setting_value for given setting type.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the person setting. The record is deleted from the database on passing the value as 'D'.
Applicable DateFI_APPLICABLE_DATEno020Current DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231. This value only applies if smart update is set to 'Y'This is used to find the record that needs to be updated based on the applicable date.
Effective DateFI_EFFECTIVE_DATEno0Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231. For Update and Delete of records value is required and if no value is passed then it is an error.This prompt value is used to identify the record that needs to be updated or deleted.
End DateFI_END_DATEno0PERSON_SETTING.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 99991231This prompt value is used to populate the end date column in the person_setting.
Smart CreateFI_SMART_CREATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart create should be applied to the current record. Applies only for Setting Type - charge filtration group.
Smart UpdateFI_SMART_UPDATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart update should be applied to the current record.
Start DateFI_START_DATEno0PERSON_SETTING.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 19700101This prompt value is used to populate the start date column in the person_setting.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionInterface event used to load Task data. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1018 - Insert/Update Charge Element records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Charge TypeFI_CHARGE_TYPEyes040CHARGE_ELEMENT.CHARGE_TYPEThe default value will be derived from the specified level number.This value must be a valid and active charge type in the Charge Type table or no record will be createdThis value is used to map the charge type to the level number and element name supplied. This value must be supplied for charge element filtration purposes.
Element NameFI_ELEMENT_NAMEyes040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEThe default value will be derived from the specified charge type.This value must be a valid element name in the Charge Type table or no record will be createdThis value is used to map the element name to the charge type. This value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Element ValueFI_ELEMENT_VALUEyes080CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_VALUEEach new element must have a parent's levThis value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Charge Element End DateFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_END_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element End Date
Charge Element Start DateFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_START_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP1no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP2no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP3no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP4no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP5no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group End Date1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE1no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE2no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE3no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE4no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE5no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE1no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE2no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE3no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE4no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE5no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Data Group NameFI_DATA_GROUP_NAMEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.DATA_GROUP_NAMESYSTEMThis prompt is used to specify the Data Group Name.
DescriptionFI_DESCRIPTIONno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.DESCRIPTIONDescription of the Department
Flex Field Name1FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name10FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME10no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME10This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name11FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME11no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME11This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name12FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME12no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME12This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name13FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME13no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME13This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name14FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME14no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME14This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name15FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME15no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME15This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name2FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name3FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name4FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name5FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name6FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME6no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name7FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME7no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME7This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name8FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME8no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME8This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name9FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME9no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME9This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value1FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value10FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE10no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE10This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value11FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE11no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE11This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value12FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE12no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE12This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value13FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE13no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE13This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value14FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE14no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE14This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value15FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE15no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE15This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value2FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value3FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value4FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value5FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value6FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value7FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE7no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE7This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value8FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE8no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE8This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value9FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE9no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE9This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Sender NameFI_SENDER_NAMEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.SENDER_NAMEThe default value is whatever is specified for the sender name of the service parameter.Actual name of the ERP source that sends the data.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the data. The record status is set to Inactive on passing the value as 'D'.
Charge Filter Description1FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION1no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description2FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION2no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description3FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION3no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description4FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION4no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description5FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION5no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filtration Default FlagFI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.To determine whether this is the default charge filter element based on parent.
Default FlagFI_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.To determine whether this is the default charge element based on parent.
Element IdFI_ELEMENT_IDno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_IDThis is used to store the id of the element possibly from the ERP.
Location SourceFI_LOCATION_SOURCEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.LOCATION_SOURCEValid Values are 'ADHOC' or 'HIERARCHY'This is used to specify the source of the charge location.
Location ValueFI_LOCATION_VALUEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.LOCATION_VALUEValue is required for Location Source of ADHOC. This is used to specify the location associated with the charge element.
Record StatusFI_RECORD_STATUSno01CHARGE_ELEMENT.RECORD_STATUSIf not supplied the default value is 'A'.Valid values are 'A' (Active) and 'I' (Inactive).The status of the charge element record. Cannot be used if inactive.
Smart UpdateFI_SMART_UPDATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart update should be applied to the current charge element record.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionInterface event used to process PTO Request and Response from the ERP. Supports only incremental syncronization.
Validation1047 - Pto Request Hours Prompt Validation
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1096 - PTO request validation
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
End DateFI_END_DATEyes0PTO_REQUEST.END_DATEFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231PTO Request End Date
Event NameFI_EVENT_NAMEyes040PTO_REQUEST.EVENT_NAMEThe valid values are in the event table. If no event name is specified, then no records will be created.This prompt is used to specify the Event Name.
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMyes040PTO_REQUEST.PERSON_IDThis value must map to a valid person in the Person Table or no record will be created.The person number. This value must be supplied or a record will not be created.
Start DateFI_START_DATEyes0PTO_REQUEST.START_DATEFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231PTO Request Start Date
Advance Payment FlagFI_ADVANCE_PAYMENT_FLAGno01PTO_REQUEST.ADVANCE_PAYMENT_FLAG0Valid Values are '0' and '1'.This value is used to update the Advance payment flag column.
CommentFI_COMMENTno080PTO_REQUEST.USER_COMMENTUser defined comment.
External Absence CodeFI_EXTERNAL_ABSENCE_CODEno0PTO_REQUEST.EXTERNAL_ABSENCE_CODEThis is the absence code provided by the External System. Required for B-COMM.
External Absence ReasonFI_EXTERNAL_ABSENCE_REASONno080PTO_REQUEST.EXTERNAL_ABSENCE_REASONThis is the absence reason provided by the External System. Required for B-COMM.
External Transaction NumFI_EXTERNAL_TRANSACTION_NUMno040PTO_REQUEST.EXTERNAL_TRANSACTION_NUMThis is the transaction number provided by the External System. Required for B-COMM.
HoursFI_HOURSno0PTO_REQUEST.REQUEST_DURATION0This is the number of hours being requested. Required when hours type is HOURS.
Hours TypeFI_HOURS_TYPEno020PTO_REQUEST.REQUEST_HOURS_TYPEHOURSValid Values are FULL, HALF and HOURS.This value is used to populate the hours type column
Manager Appr IndFI_MANAGER_APPR_INDno01Valid Values are 'Y' (yes), 'N' (no) and '' (empty)This value is used to determine if the manager has approved the request or not via the External System. Required for B-COMM
Start TimestampFI_START_TIMESTAMPno0PTO_REQUEST.START_TIMESTAMP19700101Format is yyyyMMddHHmmss for B-COMM, HHmm or HH:mm otherwise. For example, 99991231120000 or 05:00.PTO Request Start Timestamp. Not required when hours type is FULL.
Event End OffsetFI_EVENT_END_OFFSETno0PTO_REQUEST.END_DATE0This is number of days that the request can be made for. Required for B-COMM or if FI_END_DATE is not given.
Manager NumFI_MANAGER_NUMno040PTO_REQUEST.UPDATED_BYSYSTEMThe value is used to update the updated by column.
Request StatusFI_REQUEST_STATUSno020PTO_REQUEST.REQUEST_STATUSPENDINGMust map to PENDING, APPROVED, DISAPPROVED or CANCELLEDMaking the assumption that we do not need POSTED and EXPIRED since those are set automatically
Request TypeFI_REQUEST_TYPEno01PTO_REQUEST.REQUEST_TYPE_INDSS or CS is schedule, C is cancel
Validate ScheduleFI_VALIDATE_SCHEDULEno01YY or NUsed to determine if PTO request details are checked against a person's schedule.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionInterface event used to load Subcontractor data. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1093 - Insert/Update/Delete Subcontractor records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Person NumFI_PERSON_NUMyes040PERSON_VENDOR.PERSON_IDThis value must map to a valid person in the Person Table or no record will be created.The person number. This value must be supplied or a record will not be created.
Rate TypeFI_RATE_TYPEyes040PERSON_VENDOR_RATE.RATE_TYPEValue must be supplied. Should be either PAY or LABOR.
Vendor NameFI_VENDOR_NAMEyes040VENDOR.VENDOR_NAMEThis value must be supplied or record won't be created.
Vendor NumFI_VENDOR_NUMyes040VENDOR.VENDOR_NUMNumeric values. Must be supplied or record won't be created.
Vendor Site CodeFI_VENDOR_SITE_CODEyes040VENDOR.VENDOR_SITE_CODEThis value must be supplied or record won't be created.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding or updating the data.
End DateFI_END_DATEno0PERSON_VENDOR.END_DATE99991131Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Person Vendor End Date
Hours ClassificationFI_HOURS_CLASSIFICATIONno03PERSON_VENDOR_RATE.CLASSIFICATIONALLMust map to a valid hours class, default is ALL.
Rate AmountFI_RATE_AMOUNTno0PERSON_VENDOR_RATE.RATE_AMOUNTDecimal valueHas to be decimal.
Rcd NumFI_RCD_NUMno040PERSON.RCD_NUMThis value must map to a valid person in the person table.Used to identify the person.
Retroactive FlagFI_RETROACTIVE_FLAGno010Valid values are '0' (Not Retroactive) or '1' (Retroactive)Retroactive record starts up to one year back. Not retroactive must start at least TODAY.
Shift NumFI_SHIFT_NUMno020PERSON_VENDOR_RATE.SHIFT_NUMALLMust map to a valid shift num, default is ALL.
Smart UpdateFI_SMART_UPDATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart update should be applied to the current record.
Start DateFI_START_DATEno0PERSON_VENDOR.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Person Vendor Start Date
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionInterface event used to load Task data. Supports full syncronization and incremental syncronization.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1018 - Insert/Update Charge Element records
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Charge TypeFI_CHARGE_TYPEyes040CHARGE_ELEMENT.CHARGE_TYPEThe default value will be derived from the specified level number.This value must be a valid and active charge type in the Charge Type table or no record will be createdThis value is used to map the charge type to the level number and element name supplied. This value must be supplied for charge element filtration purposes.
Element NameFI_ELEMENT_NAMEyes040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEThe default value will be derived from the specified charge type.This value must be a valid element name in the Charge Type table or no record will be createdThis value is used to map the element name to the charge type. This value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Element ValueFI_ELEMENT_VALUEyes080CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_VALUEEach new element must have a parent's levThis value must be supplied for a record to be created.
Charge Element End DateFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_END_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.END_DATE99991231Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element End Date
Charge Element Start DateFI_CHARGE_ELEMENT_START_DATEno0CHARGE_ELEMENT.START_DATECurrent DateFormat is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP1no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP2no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP3no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP4no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP5no080CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT_TYPE.CHARGE_FILTER_NAMEThe name of the charge filter or filtration group.
Charge Filtration Group End Date1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE1no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE2no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE3no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE4no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group End Date5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_END_DATE5no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.END_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element End Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date1FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE1no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date2FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE2no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date3FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE3no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date4FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE4no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Charge Filtration Group Start Date5FI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_GROUP_START_DATE5no0CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.START_DATE19700101Format is yyyyMMdd. For example, 20101231Charge Filter Element Start Date
Data Group NameFI_DATA_GROUP_NAMEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.DATA_GROUP_NAMESYSTEMThis prompt is used to specify the Data Group Name.
DescriptionFI_DESCRIPTIONno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.DESCRIPTIONDescription of the Department
Flex Field Name1FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name10FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME10no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME10This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name11FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME11no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME11This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name12FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME12no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME12This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name13FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME13no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME13This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name14FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME14no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME14This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name15FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME15no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME15This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name2FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name3FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name4FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name5FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name6FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME6no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name7FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME7no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME7This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name8FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME8no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME8This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Name9FI_FLEX_FIELD_NAME9no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_NAME9This is used to hold the attributes for flex field names associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value1FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE1This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value10FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE10no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE10This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value11FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE11no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE11This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value12FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE12no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE12This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value13FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE13no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE13This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value14FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE14no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE14This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value15FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE15no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE15This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value2FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE2This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value3FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE3This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value4FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE4This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value5FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE5This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value6FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE6This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value7FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE7no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE7This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value8FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE8no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE8This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Flex Field Value9FI_FLEX_FIELD_VALUE9no040CHARGE_ELEMENT_FLEX_FIELD.FLEX_FIELD_VALUE9This is used to hold the attributes for flex field values associated with charge elements.
Parent Element NameFI_PARENT_ELEMENT_NAMEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_NAMEPROJECTValid value is required for charge element that is higher than level 1. The element name of the project that is the parent of the task.This value is used to specify the name of the parent of the charge element. In this case the parent is an project.
Parent Element ValueFI_PARENT_ELEMENT_VALUEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT_ORDER.ORDER_NUMValid value is required for charge element that is higher than level 1. The element value of the project that is the parent of the task.This value is used to specify the value of the parent of the charge element. In this case the parent is an project.
Sender NameFI_SENDER_NAMEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.SENDER_NAMEThe default value is whatever is specified for the sender name of the service parameter.Actual name of the ERP source that sends the data.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid values are 'A' (Add), 'D' (Delete) or 'U' (Update)This is used to determine whether we are adding, updating or delete the data. The record status is set to Inactive on passing the value as 'D'.
Charge Filter Description1FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION1no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description2FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION2no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description3FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION3no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description4FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION4no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filter Description5FI_CHARGE_FILTER_DESCRIPTION5no080CHARGE_FILTER.DESCRIPTIONDescription for charge filtration group
Charge Filtration Default FlagFI_CHARGE_FILTRATION_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_FILTER_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.To determine whether this is the default charge filter element based on parent.
Default FlagFI_DEFAULT_FLAGno01CHARGE_ELEMENT.DEFAULT_FLAGIf not supplied the default value is '0'.Valid values are '1' and '0'.To determine whether this is the default charge element based on parent.
Element IdFI_ELEMENT_IDno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.ELEMENT_IDThis is used to store the id of the element possibly from the ERP.
Location SourceFI_LOCATION_SOURCEno040CHARGE_ELEMENT.LOCATION_SOURCEValid Values are 'ADHOC' or 'HIERARCHY'This is used to specify the source of the charge location.
Location ValueFI_LOCATION_VALUEno080CHARGE_ELEMENT.LOCATION_VALUEValue is required for Location Source of ADHOC. This is used to specify the location associated with the charge element.
Record StatusFI_RECORD_STATUSno01CHARGE_ELEMENT.RECORD_STATUSIf not supplied the default value is 'A'.Valid values are 'A' (Active) and 'I' (Inactive).The status of the charge element record. Cannot be used if inactive.
Smart UpdateFI_SMART_UPDATEno01NValid values are 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No)This is used to determine if smart update should be applied to the current charge element record.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed

DescriptionThis interface populates Error Log Records.
Validation1074 - Minimum and Maximum length Validation
Validation1113 - Validation to populate Error Log and update Trans Action Proc Status
Prompt NamePrompt SemanticRequiredMinimum LengthMaximum LengthData StorageDefault ValueValidationNotes
Error CodeFI_ERROR_CODEyes020ERROR_LOG.ERROR_CODEThis must be a valid Error Code.This value is used to determine which error is being used.
Error DescriptionFI_ERROR_DESCRIPTIONyes01000ERROR_LOG.ERROR_DESCRIPTIONDescription of the error.
Transaction IdFI_TRANSACTION_IDyes080ERROR_LOG.TRANSACTION_IDThis Id must exist in the trans_action table.Id of the transaction that caused the error.
Transaction Process NameFI_TRANSACTION_PROCESS_NAMEyes040ERROR_LOG.PROCESS_NAMEThis process name must exist in a trans_action record.Process name of the transaction that caused the error.
Transaction Process StatusFI_TRANSACTION_PROCESS_STATUSyes01ERROR_LOG.PROCESS_STATUSValid values are 'C' (Complete) and 'Z' (Canceled After Being Processed)Process status of the transaction that caused the error.
ActionFI_ACTIONno01AValid value is 'A' (Add)This is used to determine that we are adding Error Log records.
Transaction NameFI_TRANSACTION_NAMEno080ERROR_LOG.TRANSACTION_NAMEIf provided, this must be a valid transaction name in the interface_transaction tableTransaction name that caused the error.
Xml Detail Create DateFI_XML_DETAIL_CREATE_DATEno040INTERFACE_IN_XML_QUEUE_DTL.CREATE_DATEThe create date determines the earliest date the record will be processed