
Offline Data Queue

Detail Form: Offline Data

Sometimes terminals lose connectivity with the application server and go offline. When a terminal is offline, employees can continue to punch transactions and the terminal will store the data in offline files.

Once the connectivity to the application server is restored and the terminal is back online, the offline files are moved to the terminal_offline_queue table. You can view these files on the Offline Data Queue form.

Each offline file appears as a single record on the Offline Data Queue form. The individual transactions in this file appear on the Offline Data tab at the bottom of the Offline Data Queue form.

You need to run the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service to process the individual transactions in the offline files. Once the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service runs, the individual transactions can be viewed on the Offline Data Records form.

In addition to viewing the offline files, you can use the Offline Data Queue form to Reset an offline file to “Ready” status so that it can be processed by the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service. You can also change an offline file’s status to Cancel so to prevent it from being processed by the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service.

See Also:

Offline Data Queue Field Descriptions

Reset Status

Cancel Status


Offline Data Queue Field Descriptions

Queue ID

The unique ID of the record.

Terminal ID

The unique ID of the terminal that sent the record.


The unique group identifier represents the terminal from where the offline data was collected.


The unique device identifier.

Queue Status

Ready = An offline file has reached the server and is ready to be processed by the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service.

Complete = The offline data has been processed and executed by the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service. The record can be viewed on the Offline Data Records form.

Error = The offline data could not be processed, or it has invalid values.

Cancel = The offline data cannot be processed by the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service.

Minimum Timestamp

This field displays the timestamp of the first or oldest record in the offline data file. For example, an offline data file contains multiple offline punches. The first offline punch is a clock-in with a timestamp of 04/27/2017 at 10:01:11 AM. The last offline punch is a labor stop with a timestamp of 04/27/2017 at 11:30:05 AM. There are numerous offline punches with timestamps in between these values. The Minimum Timestamp field will display the timestamp of the first offline punch (04/27/2017 at 10:01:11 AM).

Record Count

Number of records in the offline data file.

Date Created

Identifies when the record was created.

Created By

Identifies who created the record.

Updated Date

Identifies when the record was updated.

Updated By

Identifies who updated the record.


Reset Status

When you reset a record, its Queue Status will be set to Ready and it will be processed the next time the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service runs.

You cannot reset records with a Queue Status of Complete.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Offline Data Queue.

  2. Select the record and click Reset Status.

  3. Click OK in the pop-up window to confirm the action.

    The record’s Queue Status will be Ready.

    The transaction will be processed when the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service runs.


Cancel Status

When you cancel a record on the Offline Data Queue form, the record will not be processed by the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service.

You cannot cancel records with a Queue Status of Complete.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Offline Data Queue.

  2. Select the record you want to cancel and click Cancel Status.

  3. Click OK in the pop-up box to confirm the action.

    The record’s Queue Status will be Cancel.