
Action Prompts

The Action Prompts tab is available on the Action and Action Pair forms.

The Action Prompts tab displays the event prompts associated with a specific event name. Event prompts are defined on the Prompt tab of the Events form and are a series of questions presented to the person when posting an event. For example, when posting a Project event, the person may be prompted to enter the project number and the number of hours worked. The actual project number and number of hours would then show on the Action Prompt form.


Action Prompts Field Descriptions

Sequence Num

System-assigned number for the event prompt. Indicates the order in which the prompts were displayed to the person posting the event.

Prompt Label

A prompt's label is the text the user sees when presented with the prompt (e.g., Posting Date).

Prompt Name

Name of the event prompt (e.g., F_POST_DATE).

Prompt Value

The actual value that the user entered for the event prompt. For example, if a person entered January 12, 2016 for the Posting Date, the Prompt Value would be 20160112.

Prompt Type

Identifies how the prompt value was entered.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.