
Status History

The Status history tab on the Terminal Monitor form allows you to view a specific terminal's status history.

To use this form, select a terminal record on the Terminal Monitor form and click the Status History tab.

See Also:

Status History Field Descriptions


Status History Field Descriptions

Terminal Audit ID

ID number for the Status History record.

Terminal ID

Terminal ID of the terminal currently highlighted on the Terminal Monitor form.

Terminal Status

New: The terminal has never connected to the application server. There have been no attempts to PING, restart, or reload the terminal's configuration.

Service: The terminal is in Service Mode. Only applies to B-Net 9520, B-NET 9540, and B-web 9300/9500 terminals.

Offline: The terminal is not connecting to the application server and is offline.

Offline - Processing Offline Data: The terminal is processing offline transactions.

Online: The terminal is connecting to the application server and is online.


Date and time when the Terminal Status occurred.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.