Configuring PM Compass

After installing PM Compass, there are several tasks that you need to complete before you start to use PM Compass. This topic provides information and steps for each of the tasks.

Before You Begin...

Before you continue, confirm that your Network Administrator/System Administrator has completed the following tasks:

You can review detailed information and steps for each of the above in the Post Installation (PM Compass New Installs) topic of the PM Compass Installation Guide.

The tables below includes the following topics in the order in which they should be performed:

  1. Verify the PM Compass Components

  2. Test Your PM Compass Settings

  3. Make Cobra Projects Visible

  4. Add Fields to PM Compass

  5. Link Your Schedule to Your PM Compass Project

  6. Select Users for PM Compass Project Code Assignments

  7. Other Configuration Tasks

Step 1: Verify the PM Compass Components

Related Topics

PM Compass provides an application to check that required components have been installed and configuration settings are correct.

Tip: If you login to PM Compass using SYSADMIN\password instead of your own username and password, the EPM System Administrator tasks have most likely not been completed. Before continuing, confirm that your System Administrator has performed those tasks. Detailed information and steps are in the Post Installation (PM Compass New Installs) topic of the PM Compass Installation Guide.


How to...

Verify the Installed Components

Learn more about...

Verify Components Tab

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Step 2: Test Your PM Compass Settings

Related Topics

To confirm that your workflow settings are correct, Deltek recommends that you create a new project and test workflow, and send a message. If the PM Compass login displays, the workflow is properly configured.

If you already have a Cobra project, you can use it instead of creating a test project. See the table below for information about making the Cobra project visible in PM Compass.

How to...

Create a Test Project in PM Compass

Create a Test Workflow and Send a Message

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Step 3: Make Cobra Projects Visible

Related Topics

In order for you to see Cobra projects in PM Compass, you must make them visible using Project Visibility.

How to...

Make Cobra Projects Visible in PM Compass

Learn more about...

Project Visibility

Project Visibility Form

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Step 4: Add Fields to PM Compass

Related Topics

Add User-Defined Data

If you have an integrated cost and schedule system, you need to identify the fields in the schedule that contain the WBS, work package ID, and other fields that link an activity in the schedule to the cost system.

For example, if the WBS in Cobra links to the Code 1 field in the Open Plan schedule and the WP ID to User Character 1, you need to add Code 1 and User Character 1 to User Defined Data in Area = Schedule on the Source Fields tab. 

In addition to the linking fields, all fields in the schedule that are useful for reporting, filtering and identifying who is responsible should be added to the Source Fields grid.  For example, if the person who will progress the activity is identified in User Character Field 2, add that field to the grid.

Unrotate the Fields

When fields are added to User Defined Data, they are moved to the activity table in Open Plan in a process called unrotating the fields. By default, Open Plan stores all of the codes and user characters in a separate table from the activity table. When these fields are populated on the majority of activities, this causes performance problems. 

If there are a 1000 or less activities in the database, PM Compass unrotates the fields automatically when you click Save. If you have more than 1000 activities, PM Compass creates a script to be run by your database administrator and emails you the script. You will not be able to use the fields until the script has been run.

Map User Fields

If a source field contains the user login ID, that field needs to be identified as a user field. PM Compass uses this list of source fields to select for the workflow and progress assignment. For example, if User Character Field 2 contains the user login ID of the person who should enter progress for the activity, in order to designate this field for the Progress Assignment, you have to first access Administration » User Field Mapping and insert the field into the User Field Mapping grid.

How to...

Add schedule source fields in User Defined Data

Add cost source fields in User Defined Data

Define Fields in Open Plan

Map User Fields

Learn more about...

User Field Mapping

Un-Rotated Code or User Field on the Activity Table

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Step 5: Link Your Schedule to Your PM Compass Project

Related Topics

Now that you have identified the linking fields in User Field Mapping, you can link your schedule to your PM Compass project. You need to indicate your scheduling tool, the linking fields, and select the scheduling project(s) linked to the PM Compass project.

  • If you use Open Plan, you can link more than one schedule project to a PM Compass project.

  • If you use Microsoft Project (Professional or Server), you can link one schedule project to a PM Compass project.

  • Multiple projects other than Open Plan or MSP can be imported into the PM Compass projects using the Import process.

To confirm that the projects have been linked, use the Cost Analysis Activities tab to see the activities for the selected work package.


How to...

Link Schedule Projects to PM Compass Projects

Learn more about...

Schedule Integration Tab

Activities Tab (Cost Analysis View)

Cobra Integration

Open Plan Integration

Microsoft Project Integration

Oracle Primavera Integration

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Step 6: Select Users for PM Compass Project Code Assignments

Related Topics

The default workflow types have steps setup to use project code assignments for roles such as the PCA and the Project Manager. You need to select users who have this responsibility for each of your projects.

The IPT lead is stored in the first code (code 1) on the code file validating the first field of the control account. This is typically the WBS. To eliminate this responsibility from the workflow, access Administration » Workflow Type Configuration and select the Workflow Steps tab.

Remove the IPT Lead Responsibility from the Assigned To field on all workflow types. You can then delete the role from User Field Mapping. User Field mapping indicate what fields in the cost or schedule system contain user IDs used in workflow or security access.

How to...

Add Project-Level Code Assignments

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Step 7: Other Configuration Tasks

Related Topics

You may need to configure PM Compass for one or more of the following:

  • Progress

  • Explanation of Variance

  • Change Management

Learn more about...


Explanation of Variance

Change Management

Change Management Process

Configure PM Compass for Progress

Entering cost and schedule progress and having it approved requires several steps and usually involves multiple people. In order for the process to function correctly, you need to complete several steps. For detailed information and steps, see the links in Related Topics.

How to...

Configure Progress for Open Plan, Cobra, Primavera/Other

Configure PM Compass for Microsoft Project Integration

Sync Progress with Microsoft Project

Learn more about...

How PM Compass Detects New Progress for MSP

Configure PM Compass for Explanation of Variance

The explanation of variance, corrective action, and impact narratives are entered into the workflow form. You use the Child tab to create new corrective action children for each action described in the narrative to help keep track of what was documented in the corrective actions.

Learn more about...

Explanation of Variance

Explanation of Variance Child Workflows Tab

Configure Change Management

Select the correct workflow type:

  • Budget Change Request (BCR) — The CAMs create the change request and it all falls within a single control account.

  • Contract Change Request (CCR) — Multiple control accounts are involved and the schedule is updated.

  • Forecast Change Request (FCR) — Multiple control accounts are involved and it updates Cobra only.

  • Custom Workflow Type — Only updates the Cobra budget.

Configure Open Plan to use with Model Changes

There are several tasks that you need to complete before you can use Model Changes. For detailed information, see Configure Open Plan to Use with Model Changes in Related Topics.

Configure the Workflow Type

Workflow steps are set up for a workflow when the workflow type requires various steps of review, approval, or other processing. You can edit the steps using the Workflow Steps tab in Workflow Type Configuration.

The Change Details on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration identifies a workflow as one that supports making changes to cost and/or schedule data. The options on this tab control how the costs for the change are stored, and provide control over what data can be added or changed in the Change Details view.

PM Compass has default workflow types that you can modify or copy.

How to...

Edit Workflow

Manage Workflow Types

Learn more about...

Configure Open Plan to Use with Model Changes

Change Management

Change Management Process

Workflow Steps

Workflow Steps Tab

Change Details on Form Tab