Project Visibility Form

Use the Project Visibility form to make a project that's created in Deltek Cobra visible in PM Compass.

You must have at least read access to the Cobra projects in order to make them visible.

For more information, see Project Visibility Overview.


Click this button to save any changes you make on the form.

Making a project visible in PM Compass is an action that cannot be undone. To make the project invisible again, you must delete it from Project Info Center.


Click to search for the projects you want to display on the form, or enter the name of the project you want to search for and then click . For more information, see the Project Search dialog box.

Project Grid

This grid displays the Cobra projects that you select using the search text box in the top of the view. You can set the Cobra projects as visible in PM Compass if they are currently not visible.

A project that you set as visible in PM Compass remains visible in Cobra. To make a project not visible in PM Compass, access the Projects Form view and delete the project.

The Project grid is blank until you select the projects using the Search text box on the upper right corner of the Project Visibility form.

Grid Toolbar




Click the drop-down arrow to display the following options:

  • Print — Select this option to display the Print Preview form.

  • Export to Excel — Select this option to open the Microsoft Excel application with the grid’s contents displayed.

Show/Hide Visible

Click this button to display or hide the projects that are visible in PM Compass.

Select All

Click this button to select the Visible field for all the projects that are not visible in PM Compass.

Clear All

Click this button to clear the Visible field for all of the projects in the grid. This applies only to the rows where you have selected the Visible field and which you have not saved yet. This does not affect projects whose Visible settings have already been saved.

Grid Columns

Field Name



This displays the project name.


This displays the project description.

Status date

This displays the project's status date.


Select this check box to make the project visible in PM Compass.

Subproject Visible

Select this check box to make the master project subprojects visible in PM Compass.

This column becomes enabled when you add a master project to the grid.

What do you want to do?

Make Cobra projects visible in PM Compass

Make a Cobra project invisible in PM Compass

View location

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