Create a Test Workflow and Send a Message

Before you can create a test workflow, you must create a test project.

To create a test workflow and send a message:

  1. Login to PM Compass.

  2. On the Navigation menu, click Workflows » All Workflows.

  3. On the toolbar, click New » New Workflow and select Action Item.

  4. Enter a test title and select your test project.

  5. In the Assigned To field, click the magnifying glass and select the System Administrator.

  6. Click Start Workflow.

  7. Access the email account for the email address entered for the SYSADMIN user.

  8. Find the email with the subject: You have an assignment.

  9. Open the email and click the Record Link hyperlink.

If the PM Compass login displays, the workflow is properly configured.

When you enter users in the EPM Security Administrator, the Authentication tab allows you to specify Windows Authentication. When Windows Authentication is implemented, the Record Link in the email displays the record, not the login screen.