
Time Card Review

Detail Forms:

Period, Weekly, Daily, Punch Time, Balances, Period (AutoTime 6)

The Time Card Review tab on the Supervisor Review form provides supervisors with the information required to sign their employee timecards. Supervisors can use this form to quickly view an employee’s total hours, including regular and premium hours. Supervisors can also view any differences between the employee’s scheduled and total paid hours, as well as the number of excused and unexcused absences.

If you have been assigned a Supervision Date Policy, this policy will determine which of your employees and which dates you can view, sign, or post events for in Time Card Review. If you have not been assigned a Supervision Date Policy, the Time Card Review form will only display the employees that you currently have authority over.

An employee must be assigned a Pay Policy in order to display information on the Time Card Review form.

Use the Filter section at the top of the form to select which employees you want to view. The grid below the Filter section will display the employees, their names, person numbers, hours, absences, and schedule differences.

Supervisors can change the display to "Show Only Exceptions" so they can view only those employees whose timecards need further review before signing. When a supervisor checks Show Only Exceptions, only the records with exceptions that are enabled in the supervisor’s Warning Policy will be displayed.

By default, the Time Card Review form will display up to 500 records at one time. To change this maximum number of records, use the max_supervisor_records setting on the Application Settings form.

Use the Period, Weekly, and Daily tabs to display an employee’s timecard for the entire pay period, one week, or a single day. The Punch Time tab shows the individual punch transactions for a single day. The Balances tab displays the employee’s balances for time off, such as vacation, sick, and personal days.

See Also:

Using the Time Card Review Form

Time Card Review Field Descriptions

Download Records

Sign Period

Unsign Period

Adding Timecard Transactions

Modifying Timecard Transactions

Deleting Timecard Transactions

Display Last Message


Using the Time Card Review Form

Click the Filter button at the top of the Time Card Review form to display the filter fields. Use these fields to change the employees that display on the form.

The grid below the Filter section will display the employees, their names, person numbers, sign status, hours, and absences.

When you select an employee record in the grid, the employee’s timecard displays on the Period, Weekly, Daily, and Punch Time tabs at the bottom of the form. You can click an employee record to select it, or you can use the keyboard arrow keys to select it. To select the next employee record on the form, press the down arrow on your keyboard or click the Next button.

The employee’s record will still be selected when you switch to the Current Situation tab, as long as the employee meets the Filter criteria in that form.

See Also: Configuring the Columns


Time Card Review Field Descriptions

Use the Filter section at the top of the form to select which employees you want to view. The grid below the Filter section will display the employees, their names, person numbers, hours, absences, and schedule differences.


Filter Fields – Find Records

Click the Filter button at the top of the Time Card Review form to display the filter fields. Use these fields to change the employees that display on the form. Click Find after you define your filter settings. Click Clear to remove all the filter settings.

The fields below are enabled by default. See Optional Filter Fields for additional filter fields you can add via a Form Profile.

Date Range Type

Determines which timecard records will be shown for the selected employees. The timecard records will display on the Period, Weekly, and Daily tabs in the lower half of the form. The available options are:

These options are explained in more detail below.

Note that a pay period may consist of one week, two weeks, half a month, or an entire month, depending on the settings in the employee’s Pay Policy. All the days in the applicable pay period will display on the Period tab in the lower half of the form. For example, if you select Specific Date Range from June 1 to June 30, but the employee has a one-week pay period, the Period tab will only show the first week in the range. Likewise, if you select Current Pay Week and the employee has a two-week pay period, then the entire pay period that includes the current week will be shown on the Period tab.

Effective Pay Period: Displays the pay period that includes a specific date. By default, the Effective Pay Period displays the pay period including the current date. You can enter a different date in the Start/Posting Date field.

Specific Date Range: Displays the timecard records for a specific time period. When you select Specific Date Range, you can set the Start/Posting Date and End Date for the records you want to look up.

Current Pay Period: Displays timecard records for the pay period that includes the current date.

Previous Pay Period: Displays timecard records for the pay period prior to the period that includes the current date.

Current Pay Week: Displays timecard records for the week that includes the current date.

Previous Pay Week: Displays timecard records for the week prior to the week that includes the current date.

Start/Posting Date

This field is enabled when you select Effective Pay Period or Specific Date Range as your Date Range Type.

If the Date Range Type is Effective Pay Period, use this field to specify a date in the pay period you want to view.

If the Date Range Type is Specific Date Range, use this field to specify the starting date for the range of records you want to view.

End Date

This field is enabled when you select Specific Date Range as your Date Range Type. Use this field to specify the ending date for the range of records you want to view.


Use the Employee field to search for employees by their First Name, Last Name, Person Number, or Login Name. For example, to find Person Number 1101 named Jane Doe who has Login Name JDOE001, you can enter 1101, Jane, Doe, or JDOE001 in the Person field.

You can also use the * or % wildcard symbol in this field to search using partial values. The wildcard symbol can be placed anywhere in your search value to represent unknown characters. For example, to find employees whose First Name, Last Name, Login Name, or Person Number starts with the letter b, enter b* in the Employee field. To find employees whose First Name, Last Name, Login Name, or Person Number includes 007, enter *007* in the Employee field.


To view only those persons assigned to a specific Facility, select the Facility from this drop-down list.

Show Only Exceptions

Check this box to display only those employees whose timecards need further review before signing, including:

The exceptions that display will depend on the logged-in supervisor's Warning Policy.

Note that a Holiday Excused Absence, if that is the person’s only exception, will not cause the person to display in Time Card Review when Show Only Exceptions is checked.

If Show Only Exceptions is checked, any row that has an exception which is enabled in the logged-in user’s Warning Policy will display, even if the exception column is disabled in Form Profile or hidden on the form.

Supervision Type

Use this field to filter the person records by the type of supervisor the person has.

Include Direct

When this box is checked, persons that report directly to the logged in supervisor (are members of an Employee Group of type DIRECT_MANAGER) will be displayed on the form. This box is automatically checked when you select Direct from the Supervision Type field.


Optional Filter Fields

The following filter fields can also be added to the Current Situation form. In the default Form Profiles, these fields are not enabled. You will have to create a custom Form Profile to enable these fields.

Badge Number

Use this field to find employees with a particular Badge Number.

You can use the * or % wildcard symbol in this field to search using partial values. The wildcard symbol can be placed anywhere in your search value to represent unknown characters. For example, to find employees whose badge number starts with the number 1, enter 1*. To find badge numbers that include 007, enter *007*.

Current Emp Status

Use this field to find employees with a particular Employment Status on the current date. The Employment Status is defined in the person’s Employment Profile.

If a person does not have an Employment Profile record for the current date, the person can display on the form if you leave the Current Emp Status filter field empty. However, if you select any Current Emp Status filter option (Active, Inactive, or Terminated), this person cannot display on the form.

The Current Emp Status options are explained below. Refer to the Employee form for information on how each status affects a person’s use of the application.

Home Loc. Type


The Home Loc. Type determines the available Home Locations (see below).

The Home Loc. Type and Home Location fields allow you to filter employees based on the Home Location (HOME_LOCATION_HR, HOME_LOCATION_FINANCIAL, or HOME_LOCATION_MANUFACTURING) in their Employee Assignment.

You must select a Facility in order to select a Home Loc. Type and Home Location. The Facility’s Hierarchy Name and Hierarchy Level settings will determine which Home Locations are available.

Home Location

The Home Loc. Type and Home Location fields allow you to filter employees based on the Home Location (HOME_LOCATION_HR, HOME_LOCATION_FINANCIAL, or HOME_LOCATION_MANUFACTURING) in their Employee Assignment

The available Home Locations will depend on the Facility and Home Loc. Type you select. For example, if you select HOME_LOCATION_HR as your Home Loc. Type, the available Home Locations will be based on the Facility’s HR Hierarchy Name and HR Hierarchy Level settings. These settings are defined on the Employee Group Setting form.

Policy Group

Use this field to find employees that are members of a particular Policy Group. Policy Groups are Employee Groups with the type POLICY_GROUP. They are defined on the Employee Group form.

Classification Type

Use this field to find only hourly, salaried, or non-exempt employees. A person’s Classification Type is defined in their Employment Profile.

HOURLY employees are paid by the hour.

SALARIED employees are paid a salary instead of an hourly rate.

NONEXEMPT refers to employees who are entitled to overtime pay.

Time Entry Type

Use this field to find only employees with a certain Entry Type as defined in their Employment Profile. Time Entry Type defines how employees can post time in the application.

PUNCHED employees post time on the Web or a client terminal using the punch type entry or elapsed type entry method:

EXCEPTION employees do not punch or add elapsed. Instead, employees are clocked in and out each day by the ATTENDANCE service. Exception employees are only required to enter exceptions to the work schedule, such as vacation and sick days.

ELAPSED employees can post time only via the Web application and can only use the elapsed type entry method. With this method, employees enter time after the time has been worked. This is a method typically used by salaried employees.

Employees whose Time Entry Type is NONE cannot post time.

For more information on these entry types, see Employment Profile.

Default Shift

Use this field to find employees who have been assigned particular shift. The available options are defined on the Shift Definition form.

Default Schedule

Use this field to find employees who have been assigned particular schedule. The available options are defined on the Schedule Cycle form.


Grid Fields

The grid below the Filter section will display the employees, their names, person numbers, hours, absences, and schedule differences.


Employee's person number as defined on the Employee form.

Full Name

Full name of the employee as defined on the Employee form.

Person Sign

Identifies whether the employee has signed the pay period () or not (). If the employee's Sign Policy does not require an employee signature (the EMPLOYEE Sign Mode is Disabled), the icon will display in the Person Sign column.

Sup. Sign

Identifies whether the supervisor has signed the pay period () or not (). If the employee's Sign Policy does not require a supervisor signature (the SUPERVISOR Sign Mode is Disabled), the icon will display in the Sup. Sign column.


Displays a yellow warning flag to indicate the ATTENDANCE service posted an automatic clock out on at least one day in the Date Range Type.

Displays a red warning flag to indicate that a transaction was not imported to Shop Floor Time correctly.

Warning Messages

Description of the warning flag displayed in the Warnings field (e.g., Automatic Clock Out generated by System).

Total Hours

Displays the total number of hours worked by the employee, both paid and unpaid.

Classified Duration

Organizes the Total Hours by their pay classification (Regular, Unpaid, Overtime, etc.).

Paid Hours

Displays the person’s total number of paid hours for the specified date range. Paid hours are any hours with a Premium Coefficient that is greater than zero; see Hours Class Group for more information.

Regular Hours

Displays the person’s total number of Regular hours for the specified date range. Regular hours are any hours with a Premium Coefficient equal to 1; see Hours Class Group for more information.

Premium Hours

Displays the person’s total number of Premium hours for the specified date range. Premium hours are any hours with a Premium Coefficient greater than 1; see Hours Class Group for more information.

The Premium Hours field displays the total number of hours for each Hours Class (overtime, double-time, etc.). The Pay Code is displayed next to the hour amount. For example, two overtime hours and 1 double-time hour would display as “02:00 OVT” and “01:00 DBT.”

Schedule Mismatch

Displays the difference between the person’s Paid Hours and scheduled paid hours (for all Normal schedules) for the specified date range.

If the person worked...

Schedule Mismatch displays...

Less than their scheduled paid hours

Negative value for the number of hours

More than their scheduled paid hours

Positive value for the number of hours

Outside their normal schedule

(earlier or later than the schedule boundaries, taking the Applicability Ranges into account)

The word Outside

More or less than their scheduled paid hours AND outside their normal schedule

Depends on whether Show Only Exceptions is checked and how the logged-in supervisor's Warning Policy is configured.

If Show Only Exceptions is not checked, the Schedule Mismatch field will display a positive or negative value (the number of hours more or less than the scheduled paid hours).

If Show Only Exceptions is checked, the value that displays in the Schedule Mismatch field will depend on the logged-in supervisor's Warning Policy.

  • If the supervisor's Warning Policy contains the OUTSIDE_SCHEDULE exception but not the SCHEDULE_MISMATCH exception, the Schedule Mismatch field will display the word Outside.

  • If the supervisor's Warning Policy contains the SCHEDULE_MISMATCH exception but not the OUTSIDE_SCHEDULE exception, the Schedule Mismatch field will display a positive or negative value (the number of hours more or less than the scheduled paid hours).

  • If the supervisor's Warning Policy contains both the OUTSIDE_SCHEDULE and the SCHEDULE_MISMATCH exception, the Schedule Mismatch field will display will display a positive or negative value (the number of hours more or less than the scheduled paid hours). The number of hours will take precedence over the word Outside.



Excused Absence

Displays the person’s total number of excused absence hours for the specified date range.

Time Off, Sick, Vacation, Holiday, No Show, Late Arrival, Early Departure, and Outside Gap events are considered absences. These events are defined as excused absences on the Excused Absences tab of the person’s Event Policy.

Unexcused Absence

Displays the person’s total number of unexcused absence hours for the specified date range.

Time Off, Sick, Vacation, Holiday, No Show, Late Arrival, Early Departure, and Outside Gap events are considered absences. These events are considered unexcused unless they are defined on the Excused Absences tab of the person’s Event Policy.

Login Name

The Login Name is not visible by default; you must enable it in your Form Profile.

The Login Name is the name the person will use to log in to the application. It is defined on the Employee form.


Download Records

To download the employee records on the Time Card Review form, click the Download button. Your web browser will display a message asking if you want to open or save the .csv file. Open the file to view it immediately or click Save to save it to disk.


Sign Period

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > Supervisor Review.

  2. Click the Time Card Review tab.

  3. Click the Filter button to display the filter fields. Select the Date Range Type, Start/Posting Date, and other criteria of the employees you want to view.

    See Filter Fields – Find Records for more information.

  4. Click an employee record to select it. You can also use the keyboard arrow keys or the Next button at the top of the form to select a different record.

    A red X appears in the Sup. Sign column if the period has not yet been signed. If the employee's Sign Policy does not require a supervisor signature (the SUPERVISOR Sign Mode is Disabled), the icon will display in the Sup. Sign column.

  5. To sign the pay period for the selected employee, click Sign Period.

  6. You can also click Sign and Next to sign the period for the selected employee and then select the next employee in the list to view their timecard.

  7. To sign the period for multiple employees, press the CTRL key as you click to select the employee records, or click the icon to select all the employees. Then click Sign Period.

  8. If you are using the Time Card Check feature, and there are hours exceptions in the period, such as underreported or overreported hours, the Time Card Check pop-up form will appear. This form will list any error or warning messages that resulted from the hours exceptions for any of the selected employees. If there are any error violations in this form, the period will not be signed.

  9. If a password is required (the Supervisor Authentication on Sign setting is enabled), a pop-up form will display. Enter your login password and click OK.

    Once the period is signed, the Sup. Sign column displays the icon.


Unsign Period

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > Supervisor Review.

  2. Click the Time Card Review tab.

  3. Click the Filter button to display the filter fields. Select the Date Range Type, Start/Posting Date, and other criteria of the employees you want to view.

    See Filter Fields – Find Records for more information.

  4. Click an employee record to select it. You can also use the keyboard arrow keys or the Next button at the top of the form to select a different record.

    When the pay period is signed, the Sup. Sign column displays the icon.

  5. To unsign the period for the selected employee, click Unsign Period.

  6. To unsign the period for multiple employees, press the CTRL key as you click to select the employee records, or click the icon to select all the employees. Then click Unsign Period

  7. If a password is required (the Supervisor Authentication on Sign>setting is enabled), a pop-up form will display. Enter your login password and click OK.

    Once the pay period is unsigned, the Sup. Sign column displays the  icon. If the employee's Sign Policy does not require a supervisor signature (the SUPERVISOR Sign Mode is Disabled), the icon will display in the Sup. Sign column.


Display Last Message

Click the icon to display the last on-screen message that was shown in the Time Card Review form or the timecard tabs.