
Warning Policy

The Warning Policy form is used to configure the timecard exceptions that can be displayed on the Time Card Review form and to display warning flags in the timecard.

You can include the AUTOMATIC_CLOCKOUT_WARNING and TRANS_ACTION_MESSAGE in your Warning Policy to display a warning flag in the timecard if the ATTENDANCE service posts an automatic clock out or if a transaction is not imported to Shop Floor Time correctly.

The Exceptions in the Warning Policy will appear on the Time Card Review form when a supervisor checks Show Only Exceptions. Exceptions include the following:

This policy can be assigned to a single Employee/Person via the Employee Setting form, to an Employee Group with type POLICY_GROUP or FACILITY via the Employee Group Setting form, or to all users via the System Settings form. An Employee setting overrides an Employee Group setting, which overrides a System Setting. See Settings Precedence for more details.

The Time Card Review form will use the Warning Policy that is in effect on the current day for the supervisor who is logged into the application.

See Also:

Warning Policy Field Descriptions

Add a Warning Policy

Delete a Warning Policy

Add a Warning to a Warning Policy

Delete a Warning from a Warning Policy


Warning Policy Field Descriptions

Policy Name

Name of the Warning Policy.


The Context field classifies the warnings in the Warning Policy as Time Card Review exceptions or Time Card and Time Card Review warnings.

The Context you select determines the Warning Type you can select.

If you select the Time Card and Time Card Review/WARNING Context, you can select the AUTOMATIC_CLOCKOUT_WARNING or TRANS_ACTION_MESSAGE Warning Type. See below for descriptions of these Warning Types.

If you select the Time Card Review/EXCEPTION Context, you can select several different exception types as your Warning Type. See below for descriptions of these Warning Types.

Warning Type

The Context you select determines which of these Warning Types you can select.

AUTOMATIC_CLOCKOUT_WARNING: Displays a warning flag in the timecard when the ATTENDANCE service posts an automatic clock out for an employee.

TRANS_ACTION_MESSAGE: Displays a warning flag in the timecard when a transaction is not imported to Shop Floor Time correctly.

EXCUSED_ABSENCE: Employees with excused absences as defined on the Excused Absences tab of the Event Policy form.

MISSING_EMPLOYEE_SIGN: Employees who have not signed all the specified days on their timecards.

OUTSIDE_SCHEDULE: Employees who worked outside their schedule, even if the total number of hours worked matches their scheduled hours. “Outside Schedule” means the employee posted hours earlier or later than their Normal schedule boundaries, taking the Applicability Ranges into account. The OUTSIDE_SCHEDULE and SCHEDULE_MISMATCH Warning Types will determine what displays in the Schedule Mismatch field on the Time Card Review form.

PREMIUM_HOURS: Employees with paid hours that received a rate other than the standard rate.

SCHEDULE_MISMATCH: Employees whose hours worked do not match their scheduled hours. The OUTSIDE_SCHEDULE and SCHEDULE_MISMATCH Warning Types will determine what displays in the Schedule Mismatch field on the Time Card Review form.

UNEXCUSED_ABSENCE: Employees with unexcused absences.

Alert Type

Indicates whether the setting is an EXCEPTION for the Time Card Review form or a WARNING for the Time Card and Time Card Review forms.

If the Context is Time Card and Time Card Review, the Alert Type will be WARNING.

If the Context is Time Card Review, the Alert Type will be EXCEPTION.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Add a Warning Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Warning Policy.

  2. Click the quick link icon next to the Policy Name field at the top of the form and select Add from the pop-up menu.

  3. Enter a Policy Name on the pop-up form and click Save.

  4. You can now add warnings to this policy.


Delete a Warning Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Warning Policy.

  2. Click the quick link icon next to the Policy Name field at the top of the form and select Maintain from the pop-up menu.

  3. On the pop-up form, select the Policy Name you want to remove and click Delete.

  4. Click OK to confirm the action.


Add a Warning to a Warning Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Warning Policy.

  2. Select the Policy Name you to which you want to add warnings.

  3. Click Add at the top of the form.

  4. Select the Context/Type and the Warning Type you want to include. Refer to the field descriptions for information on these options.

  5. If you want to add more than one warning, click Save and Add to save your setting and keep the Add window open. Or click Save to save your warning and return to the main form.


Delete a Warning from a Warning Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Warning Policy.

  2. From the Policy Name field at the top of the form, select the Warning Policy from which you want to delete warnings.

  3. Select the warning you want to remove.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. Click OK to confirm the action.