Punch Time Tab – Supervisor Timecard

The Punch Time tab on the Supervisor Review form displays clock-ins, clock-outs, and other events posted by an employee on a specific day. The form indicates whether the event was started or stopped and the time it posted.

The Punch Time tab displays these transactions for the employee selected on the Current Situation or Time Card Review tab.

If you have been assigned a Supervision Date Policy, this policy will determine the employees and dates for which you can view punch times. If you have not been assigned a Supervision Date Policy, the supervisor timecard can only be used to view punch times for the employees that you currently have authority over.

See Also:

Punch Time Field Descriptions

Filter (Find Records)

Download Records

View Terminal Location Map


Punch Time Field Descriptions

The fields that are visible on the Punch Time tab are based on the Form Profile of the logged-in user, not the Form Profile of the employee whose timecard is showing.

Click the Filter button at the top of the Punch Time tab to display the filter area. The filter area displays information about the employee whose record was selected on the Current Situation or Time Card Review form. You can change the Posting Date and Event Type ID of the records you want to view. Click Find to update the records with the new filter criteria.

Name, Employee (Person Num)

These read-only fields display the Name and Person Number of the employee whose record is selected

Event Type ID

The field lists all event types by which you can filter records.

Posting Date

Determines the day that appears on the Punch Time tab.

The date you enter can be past, present (today), or in the future. The default Posting Date is the current date.

Note: If you search for records on the Period, Weekly, or Daily tab using a different Effective Date or Posting Date, this new date will appear on the Punch Time tab as well.

Click the and buttons to scroll to the previous or next day. Click the button to display a calendar from which you can select another date.


Identifies an event that was posted on the Posting Date.


Indicates whether the event was an elapsed event or a punch event.

Start: The event is a punch event that was started.

Stop: The event is a punch event that was stopped.

Elapsed: The event is an elapsed event. Elapsed events are typically entered after the hours have been worked.

NA: The Stage will display NA (Not Applicable) for events that are neither elapsed nor staged (have a start/stop), such as Time Mark events.

Punch Time Stamp

The web server date and time when the event posted.


Filter (Find Records)

Click the Filter button at the top of the Punch Time tab to display the filter area.

You can filter the records by their Posting Date and/or Event Type ID. Select the values for the punch transactions you want to view and click Find. To empty the Event Type ID field and reset the Posting Date to the current date, click Clear.


Download Records

To download the transactions on the Punch Time tab, click the Download button. Your web browser will display a message asking if you want to open or save the .csv file. Open the file to view it immediately or click Save to save it to your hard drive.