Types of Reports

The Deltek logos that display at the top of the report can be replaced with other images, such as your company logo.

Report Name


Action Report

The Action Report shows a list of specific events (actions) based on filters such as Person Num, GID/DID and posting date. The Action Report will only show events posted by persons who are members of a Person Group.

Admin Action Report

The Admin Action Report shows a list of specific events (actions) based on filters such as Person Num, GID/DID and posting date. The Admin Action Report will show events posted by all persons, regardless of their membership in a Person Group.

Attendance Calendar

The Attendance Calendar Report displays attendance data for a single person, including timecard event postings for events in a specific Event Group; discipline balance increases and reductions; holidays; and dates when the person was inactive.

The report will display this data in a calendar format, similar to the Attendance Calendar form. You can display the data for the current month and up to 12 previous months. The report also includes a summary of the event postings (if an Event Group was selected) and a summary of any discipline balance changes.

Charge Element Report

Lists charge elements in the system, based on different parameters.

Employees Currently On-Site Report

Displays the employees that are currently clocked in for a given posting date.

Employees Currently Provisioned for Time Collection Report

Lists the system's active Person records.

Employee Scheduled to Work That Have Not Clocked-In  Report

Displays employees that are scheduled to be at work, but that are currently NOT Clocked IN for a given post date.

Note: Supervisors can only view data that applies to the employees they supervise.

Event Transactions and Totals Report

Allows supervisors to view transaction information about specific labor events for a given period of time.

Note: Supervisors can only view data that applies to the employees they supervise.

KPI Report

The KPI report displays Key Performance Indicators for one or more employees over a specified date range. These indicators measure the person’s Efficiency, Productivity, and Utilization.

Note: KPI data can also be viewed in the KPI Dashboard and in the KPI portlets in the Supervisor Dashboard.

Labor Against Work Order Report

Shows the labor posted for work orders on a particular date range.

Less than Scheduled Hours Report

Lists employees whose actual (worked) paid hours are less than their scheduled paid hours.

Note: Supervisors can only view the records of employees they supervise.

Missing Employee Signature Report

The Missing Employee Signature Report lists employees that have not signed their timecard for of a given period of time.

Note: Supervisors can only view data that applies to the employees they supervise.

Missing Supervisor Signature Report

Lists supervisors that have not signed their employees' timecard as of a given period of time.

On Premise Report

Allows supervisors to view information about current labor activities for employees that have clocked in during the given post date but have not yet clocked out.

Note: Supervisors can only view activities that apply to the employees they supervise.

Open Labor Event Report

Allows supervisors to view information about open Projects or Work Orders for a given period of time.

Note: Supervisors can only view data that applies to the employees they supervise.

Sign Off Report

The report allows supervisors to view signature details, such as if and when an employee and/or the supervisor signed off on employee timecards.

Note: Supervisors can only view data that applies to the employees they supervise.

Time Card Daily Summary Report

The Time Card Daily Summary Report lists hours that have posted on the timecard for each given day within a date range. Each day in the date range you enter will display any hours that posted along with the description of the hourly classification in the employee's Hours Class Group.

Note: Supervisors can only view information that applies to the employees they supervise.

Time Card Edit Employee Report

Shows the changes made to an employee's timecard. This report shows changes made to a particular employee's timecard by either the employee or the employee's supervisor. It shows the original hours amount that was modified.

Time Card Edit Supervisor Report

Shows the changes that a particular supervisor has made to employee timecards. It shows the original hours amount that was modified.

Time Card Summary Report

The Time Card Summary Report lists the amount of hours that have posted on employee timecards for a given date range. The hours are listed by employee and hours classification, as configured in each employee's Hours Class Group.

Weekly Schedules Information Report

Displays active employees' schedules. The report runs based on a specified number of weeks and displays the amount of hours each employee is supposed to complete for each considered week (Sunday - Saturday). You specify a posting date as the starting point for which weeks to consider. You can run the report for one employee, all active employees, or specific groups of employees.

Weekly Summary Report

The Weekly Summary Report shows the hours posted by each employee in a particular group for each day in a week. For each day, the report shows the hours posted for each Pay Code and the total hours posted  for the day. The report also shows the weekly total for each Pay Code and the total weekly hours.

Along with each employee’s daily and weekly totals, the report shows the daily and weekly hours posted by all the employees in the group and in the report.

The Weekly Summary Report will also include Auxiliary (Bonus) hours. These hours will be shown with the Pay Designator specified in the Auxiliary Hours Rule that calculated the hours.