Charge Element Report

The Charge Element Report lists the charge elements in the system. You can filter the records by Charge Type, Element Name, Element Value, Record Status (active or inactive), Sender Name, and Data Group Name.

See Also:

Run the Charge Element Report

Parameters for the Charge Element Report

Data in the Charge Element Report

Types of Reports


Run the Charge Element Report

To run the Charge Element Report:

  1. Click Main Menu > Reporting > Reports.

  2. Find the Charge Element Report.

  3. Click Select Report or double-click the report name.

  4. Enter the report parameters.

  5. Click Run Report or Run and Save Report.

    The report data appears on the screen.

See Reports for more information on running reports.


Parameters for the Charge Element Report

Charge Type

To include only one Charge Type in the report, select it from this field. Available options are defined in the Charge Type form.

Element Name

To include only one type of element in the report, select it from this field. Element Name is the type of record (element) to which an event can be posted. The available Element Names are determined by the Charge Type.

Element Value

To include one specific charge element in the report, enter its Element Value in this field. Element Value is the value that the user enters when posting this charge element on the client terminal or web timecard. Available options are defined for the selected Charge Type in the Charge Type Elements tab form.

Record Status

To include only Active or Inactive records in the report, select an option from this field.

Sender Name

If you want the report to include only charge elements from a particular sender, enter the Sender Name in this field. Send Name identifies the sender from which the data was downloaded.

Data Group Name

If you want the report to include only charge elements in a particular Data Group, enter the Data Group Name in this field.


Data in the Charge Element Report

The Charge Element report displays the following data:

Print Date: Date and time the report was generated.

Charge Type: Identifies the charge element's type (Order, Account, etc.)

Element Node: The values listed here represent the combination of the charge elements, which also represents the path of the current node. For example: You have Order 3000. Order 3000 has Operation 10. Operation 10 has Activity 10. The element node for the Element Activity 10 would be listed as 3000.10.10.

Element Name: The type of record (element) to which an event can be posted. The available Element Names are determined by the Charge Type.

Element Value: Name that identifies the charge element. The Element Value is what the user enters on the client terminal or web timecard.

Element ID: Element ID is used to house an equivalent ID that is downloaded from the external system.

Description: Description of the charge element.

Record Status: Indicates whether the charge elements is Active or Inactive.

Sender Name: Indicates sender from which the data was downloaded.

Data Group Name: Identifies the Data Group to which this record applies.

Level Number : Identifies the hierarchical level of the element. The level depends on the record's Parent Element. For example, if the Parent Element is at Level 1, the record you add to the parent will be at Level 2. Level numbers are defined for the Element Name in the Charge Type Element tab form.