Charge Type

Detail form: Charge Type Element

The Charge Type form is used to define charge types, which are assigned to a Charge Filter Policy. When a time reporter is assigned a Charge Filter Policy that has a charge type enabled for filtration, the time reporter's Charge Filtration Group determines which specific charge elements are allowed for the type. For more information, see Charge Element Filtration feature.

You can use the Charge Type form to view charge types that you import to the application. You can also use this form to create and modify custom charge types.

Note: This form requires the Charge Element Forms module to be licensed and enabled.

See Also:

Charge Type Field Descriptions

Add a Charge Type

Modify a Charge Type

Delete a Charge Type

Copy a Charge Type


Charge Type Field Descriptions

Charge Type

Identifying name of the Charge Type.

ACCOUNT - The ACCOUNT Charge Type can be tied to one or more organizations. Specific accounts and their organizations are defined on the Charge Element form.

ASSIGNMENT1-5 – The ASSIGNMENT Charge Types can be assigned to persons via the Assignment tab on the Employee form using the Assignment Type Adhoc Assignment 1 – 5. These settings allow you to create custom assignments. You can also create an event prompt for the ad hoc assignment by setting Valid Value to Charge Element Valid Value and Charge Type to Assignment 1-5.

COST_CENTER – Organizational unit where costs are incurred. Can be imported from SAP using the SAP_HRCC1DNINORD Import Definition.

COST_OBJECT - Used to define cost objects that can be used when posting labor events. Cost object numbers are defined on the Charge Element form.

DEPARTMENT – Used to charge time against a specific work center.

EXTERNAL_PAY_GROUP – An External Pay Group can be assigned to a person using the Assignment tab of the Employee form. If you import person assignment records and the External Pay Group is included, it will be validated against the EXTERNAL_PAY_GROUPs defined on the Charge Element form. The External Pay Group may be needed for a Payroll Export (depending on what type of payroll system will be reading your payroll export file). You can include the External Pay Group field in the payroll export file. You can also use the EXTERNAL_PAY_GROUP parameter to specify which External Pay Groups to include in the payroll export file. See External File Number and External Pay Group in Payroll Export.

INTERNAL_ORDER - Generally used to plan, collect and settle the costs of internal jobs and tasks. Can be imported from SAP using the SAP_HRCC1DNCOSTC Import Definition.

INVENTORY_ABBREVIATION - Each ORDER is tied to an Inventory Code, which in turn is tied to Accounts and Organizations. When a user posts a WORKORDER or an ORDER_WORK_CENTER event, the available Accounts will be based on the Inventory Code connected to the Order number. Specific Inventory Codes are defined on the Charge Element form.

JOB_CODE - Job Code is a type of charge element that can be assigned to a person to represent the type of work a person does. A Job Code can also be assigned a Payroll Rate and a Labor Rate.

MACHINE - Used to record labor performed by a specific machine. A Machine can be defined on the Charge Element form. Machine Charge Elements may also be imported, e.g. with the BAAN_MACHINE Import Definition.

MAINTENANCE_ORDER – Used for charging time against an order for maintenance tasks to be performed. Maintenance orders and their operations are defined on the Charge Element form.

MAINTENANCE_ORDER_WORKCENTER – Used for charging time against an order for maintenance tasks to be performed at a specific work center. Maps to Production Planning Work Center in SAP.

ORDER - The ORDER Charge Type is used for charging time against a work order and its operations and activities. Specific orders, operations, and activities are defined on the Charge Element form.

ORDER_NO_ROUTING - The ORDER_NO_ROUTING Charge Type is used for charging time against a work order that has no operations. Specific orders are defined on the Charge Element form.

ORDER_WORKCENTER - Used for charging time against an order at a specific work center. Maps to Production Planning Work Center in SAP.

ORDER_WORK_CENTER - The ORDER_WORK_CENTER Charge Type is used for charging time against a work order that has no operations but requires a Work Center when posting the event. Specific orders are defined on the Charge Element form.

OTL_EXPENDITURE_TYPE – Used for charging time against a specific expenditure type in Oracle Time and Labor.

POSITION – Defines a position that can be assigned a premium pay rate (e.g., the Group Leader position has a 1.50/hr premium). The Premium Master form defines the premiums that can be associated with POSITION charge elements. The actual premium amount is defined on the Element Premium/Rate tab of the Charge Element form.

PREMIUM_CODE – Used to add a flat rate or percentage premium (Special Pay) to an employee based on a special work assignment. The Premium Master form defines the premiums that can be associated with PREMIUM_CODE charge elements. The actual premium amount is defined on the Element Premium/Rate tab of the Charge Element form.

PROJECT - The PROJECT Charge Type can be tied to one or more accounts. A project may also be tied to a PLC (PROJECT_LABOR_CATEGORY) code. Specific projects and their accounts, PLC codes, and organizations are defined on the Charge Element form.

PROJECT_LABOR_CATEGORY - The PROJECT_LABOR_CATEGORY Charge Type is used to determine labor billing. PLC codes may be tied to a project.

PROJECT_ORDER – Maps to Project Systems Order in SAP.

PROJECT_ORDER_WORKCENTER – Maps to Project Systems Work Center in SAP.

REPAIR_ORDER - Used for charging time against an order for repair tasks to be performed. These orders are defined on the Charge Element form.

TASK – Used for charging time against Tasks. A Task can be defined on the Charge Element form. Task Charge Elements may also be imported, e.g. with the BAAN_TASK Import Definition.

WBS_ELEMENT – WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Elements show the work to be performed in a project organized in a hierarchical structure. Can be imported from SAP using the SAP_HRCC1DNWBSEL Import Definition.


Description of the charge type.

Record Status

Indicates whether the charge type is active or inactive. If a charge type is inactive, you cannot define charge elements for it on the Charge Element form.

Dynamic Element

Check this box if you plan to import this Charge Type and you want to import its Charge Type Elements as well. If this box is not checked, and you import a Charge Type with Charge Type Elements that do not yet exist in the database, then the Charge Type will not be imported because the Element Names were not recognized.

System Required

This box is automatically checked for Charge Types that are system-defined. These Charge Types cannot be deleted or modified.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Add a Charge Type

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Type.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter a Charge Type name and Description.

  4. Set the Record Status to Active so you can define charge elements for this charge type and include it in a Charge Filtration Group.

  5. Check the Dynamic Element box if you plan to import this Charge Type and you want to import its Charge Type Elements as well.

  6. If you want to add more than one Charge Type, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Charge Type window open. Or click Save to save your Charge Type and return to the main form.


Modify a Charge Type

Note: You cannot modify the System Required charge types.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Type.

  2. Select the Charge Type you want to change.

  3. Click Modify.

  4. Change the Description, Record Status, and Dynamic Element settings. See Charge Type Field Descriptions for more information.

  5. Click Save when you are done.


Delete a Charge Type

Note: You cannot delete the System Required charge types.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Type.

  2. Select the Charge Type you want to remove.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click OK to confirm the action.


Copy a Charge Type

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Type.

  2. Select the Charge Type you want to duplicate and click Copy.

  3. Change the settings as necessary. See Charge Type Field Descriptions for more information.

  4. If you want to copy more than one Charge Type, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Copy Charge Type window open. Or click Save to save your duplicate Charge Type and return to the main form.