Element Premium/Rate

The Element Premium/Rate tab on the Charge Element form is designed for Charge Elements with the Charge Type POSITION, PREMIUM_CODE, or JOB_CODE on the Charge Element form.

See Also:

Element Premium/Rate Field Descriptions

Find an Element Premium/Rate Record

Add an Element Premium/Rate Record

Modify an Element Premium/Rate Record

Delete an Element Premium/Rate Record


Element Premium/Rate Field Descriptions

As Of Date

Use the As Of Date in the Filter area to find Element Premium/Rate records that are effective as of a particular date. Enter a date that falls within the Start Date/End Date range of the records you want to view. See Find an Element Premium/Rate Record.

Show All

Use the Show All checkbox in the Filter area to find all the Element Premium/Rate records defined for the PREMIUM_CODE or JOB_CODE selected on the Charge Element form. When you check this box, the As Of Date field will be disabled. See Find an Element Premium/Rate Record.

Premium/Rate Name

If the selected Charge Element is a POSITION or PREMIUM_CODE, this field displays the name of a premium that has been associated with it. These premiums are defined on the Premium Master form.

If the selected Charge Element is a JOB_CODE, this field displays LABOR_RATE or PAYROLL_RATE. A Job Code can be associated with one of these rates. The LABOR_RATE and PAYROLL_RATE options are system-defined; you can view them on the Premium Master form.


Defines the amount of the premium associated with the Premium Name.

If the selected Charge Element is a JOB_CODE, this field displays the corresponding Labor or Payroll rate.

If the selected Charge Element is a PREMIUM_CODE or POSITION, the Amount entered in this field will be a flat amount or a percentage amount, depending on the Premium Type defined for the premium on the Premium Master form. For example, if the premium is a Percentage and you enter 2 in the Amount field, the premium amount will be 2% of the employee’s Base Rate. If the premium is a Flat rate, the premium amount will be 2.00/hour.

Note: If your Pay Policy is configured for Special Pay, the above example assumes the number of hours for which the employee can receive Special Pay is unlimited. If the employee can only receive Special Pay for a limited number of hours, their Special Pay Rate will be prorated. See Limited and Unlimited Special Pay for more information.

Start Date, End Date

Dates when the Element Premium/Rate record is in effect.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find an Element Premium/Rate Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Element.

  2. On the Charge Type drop-down list, select the JOB_CODE, POSITION, or PREMIUM_CODE for which you want to view the Element Premium/Rate records.

  3. Click the Element Premium/Rate tab.

  4. Click the Filter button to display the filter fields.

  5. To view all the Element Premium/Rate records defined for the selected JOB_CODE, POSITION, or PREMIUM_CODE, check the Show All box.

  6. To view only the Element Premium/Rate records that are effective on a particular date, enter the date in the As Of Date field.

  7. Click Find.

    The records that meet your filter criteria display in the grid.


Add an Element Premium/Rate Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element.

  2. On the Charge Type drop-down list, select the JOB_CODE, POSITION, or PREMIUM_CODE to which you want to add Element Premium/Rate records.

  3. On the Element Premium/Rate tab, click Add.

  4. Select the Premium Name and enter the Amount for the premium.

  5. Enter the Start Date and End Date when the record will be effective.

  6. If you want to add more than one Element Premium/Rate record, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Element Premium/Rate window open. Or click Save to save your Element Premium/Rate record and return to the main form.


Modify an Element Premium/Rate Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element.

  2. On the Charge Type drop-down list, select the JOB_CODE, POSITION, or PREMIUM_CODE for which you want to modify an Element Premium/Rate record.

  3. On the Element Premium/Rate tab, find and select a record and click Modify.

  4. Change the Amount.

  5. Enter the Start and End Date when the record will be in effect.

    If you modify the Start Date or End Date, the End Date must be greater than or equal to the Start Date.

    If the modified record has an effective date that overlaps a record for the same JOB_CODE, POSITION, or PREMIUM_CODE, the effective date of the old record will be adjusted to prevent the overlap.

  6. Click Save.

Note that if you modified the Amount and the effective dates of a JOB_CODE, transactions that used this JOB_CODE may have incorrect rates. You may need to run the RECALCULATION service for any affected persons to correct the transactions for the new rate.


Delete an Element Premium/Rate Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element.

  2. On the Charge Type drop-down list, select the JOB_CODE, POSITION, or PREMIUM_CODE for which you want to delete an Element Premium/Rate record.

  3. On the Element Premium/Rate tab, find and select a record and click Delete.

  4. Click OK to confirm the action.

Note that if you delete a JOB_CODE, transactions that used this JOB_CODE may have incorrect rates. You may need to run the RECALCULATION service for any affected persons to correct the transactions.