
Job Codes

A Job Code is a type of charge element that can be assigned to a person to represent the type of work a person does. A Job Code can also be assigned a Payroll Rate and a Labor Rate. You can define your Job Codes using the Charge Element form or you can import them. You can also export the Job Codes on transactions for payroll purposes.

A transaction’s Job Code will come from the Employee Assignment of the person who posts the transaction. It can also come from a Job Code event prompt or a Transient Assignment event. The Job Code event prompt or Transient Assignment event will override the person’s assigned Job Code on the transaction.

See Also:

License Requirements

Defining Job Codes

Assigning Job Codes

Configuring the Job Code Event Prompt

Transfer Job Code (Transient Assignment) Event

Exporting Job Codes


License Requirements

This feature requires the following:

To check if the module is included in your license and enabled:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > System > Licensing.

  2. On the License Modules tab, select the Module Name called Pay Rates.

  3. The following boxes must be checked: Licensed and Module Enabled.


Defining Job Codes

You can define your Job Codes and rates using the Charge Element form or you can import them.

On the Charge Element form, click Add and select the Charge Type and Element Name JOB_CODE. Job Codes have only one level. In the Element Value field, enter the name of the Job Code (e.g., General Labor).

To add rates to the Job Code, use the Element Premium/Rate tab. You can add a PAYROLL_RATE and a LABOR_RATE. These options are system-defined. You can view them in the Premium Master form.

To import Job Codes, you need to define an Import Definition with the Charge Element context.

  1. Create a .csv file with the job codes you want to import. This file must include the Charge Type, Element Name, Element Value, and Sender Name.

  2. Use the Import Definition form to create an import with the Charge Element context. Include the payroll and labor rate for each job code if needed.

  3. Configure an instance of the IMPORT_FILES service that includes your import definition.

  4. You can run the IMPORT_FILES service via a schedule. You can also run it immediately using the Service Monitor form or the Schedule Immediately button on the Import Definition form.

  5. The imported job codes will be visible on the Charge Element form.


Assigning Job Codes

You can assign a Job Code to a person using the Assignment tab of the Employee form. You can also import these assignments. This Job Code and its rates will be associated with all the transactions the person posts (unless the override Job Code event prompt is used).

On the Employee form, select a person record and click the Assignment tab. Click Add and select the Assignment Type JOB_CODE. For the Assignment Value, select the name of the Job Code.

To import Job Code assignments, you need to define an Import Definition with the Employee Assignment context.

  1. Create a .csv file with the job code assignments you want to import. This file must include the Assignment Type, Assignment Value, and Person Number.

  2. Use the Import Definition form to create an import with the Employee Assignment context.

  3. Configure an instance of the IMPORT_FILES service that includes your import definition.

  4. You can run the IMPORT_FILES service via a schedule. You can also run it immediately using the Service Monitor form or the Schedule Immediately button on the Import Definition form.

  5. The imported job code assignments will be visible on the Assignment tab of the Employee form.


Configuring the Job Code Event Prompt

You can add the Job Code prompt to your attendance and labor events (except CLOCK events). When the user enters a Job Code with this prompt, the value entered will override the user’s assigned Job Code. The Job Code for the event will be the one entered by the user at the event prompt.

To add the Job Code prompt to an event, go to the Events form (Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Events). On the Prompt tab, click Add and select the F_JOB_CODE prompt.

You can view Job Code Rates on the Transaction Rate form.


Transfer Job Code Event

You can use a Transient Assignment event to assign a Job Code to an employee for part of a day. The application includes two Transient Assignment events for assigning a Job Code: TRANSFER_JOB_CODE and TRANSFER_JOB_CODE_IMMEDIATE.

For example, a supervisor asks an employee to perform cleanup tasks for the remainder of a work day. The Job Code for these tasks is Scrub Crew and it has a Pay Rate of 25.00/hour. The employee posts a TRANSFER_JOB_CODE_IMMEDIATE event and selects the Scrub Crew Job Code. The employee continues his cleanup duties; this Job Code remains in effect until the employee clocks out for the day. If the employee forgets to post the Transfer Job Code event, his supervisor will correct the timecard the next day. The supervisor will use Add Punch Pair to post a TRANSFER_JOB_CODE_IMMEDIATE event to the employee’s timecard and select the Scrub Crew Job Code, ensuring the employee is paid correctly for the hours he performed cleanup.


Exporting Job Codes

You can export the Job Codes on transactions for payroll purposes. You will need to add the JOB_CODE field to your Export Definition, and you will need to configure an Export Rule to get the Job Codes from the transactions.

To define an Export Rule, use the Calc Rule and Rulesets forms.

Export Rule Operands:

The Get Trans Action Data Field operand has been updated to allow the selection of Job Codes.

A new Export Rule operand, Get Transaction Rate, can be used to get the rate for a particular Job Code.

Paid Rate Operands:

Two operands have been added to find the rate for a specific Job Code in a transaction. Get Transaction Rate finds the rate for a specific rate type (e.g., Job Code) in a transaction. Has Transaction Rate checks to see if a transaction has a specific rate type (e.g., a Job Code).