External File Number and External Pay Group in Payroll Export

This feature provides support for an External File Number and External Pay Group in the Payroll Export. These fields may be needed for a Payroll Export depending on what type of payroll system will be reading your payroll export file. For example, you may want to generate separate Payroll Export files for different External Pay Groups (such as ADP Pay Groups).

To use this feature, you need to:

Define the External Pay Groups

Assign the External Pay Groups Using Person Assignment

Assign the External File Numbers Using Person Assignment

Create the Export Rules for External Pay Group and External File Number

Configure the Payroll Export Definition


Define the External Pay Groups

External Pay Groups are defined in the Charge Element form. The Charge Type is EXTERNAL_PAY_GROUP.


Assign the External Pay Groups Using Person Assignment

External Pay Groups can be assigned to a person using a Employee Assignment. To do so, go to the Employee form (Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee) and select the person record. On the Assignment tab, click Add and select the Assignment Type EXTERNAL_PAY_GROUP. For the Assignment Value, select one of the EXTERNAL_PAY_GROUP Charge Elements you defined earlier.

If you import Person Assignment records and the External Pay Group is included, it will be validated against the EXTERNAL_PAY_GROUPs defined on the Charge Element form.


Assign the External File Numbers Using Person Assignment

The External File Number is also assigned to a person using a Person Assignment. The External File Number is a unique identifying number for the person but it is not validated against a Charge Element.

The External File Number may be used to uniquely identify persons in a particular External Pay Group. For example, Pat has External File Number 001 in External Pay Group A, and Chris has External File Number 001 in External Pay Group B.

To assign an External File Number, go to the Employee form (Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee) and select the person record. On the Assignment tab, click Add and select the Assignment Type EXTERNAL_FILE_NUMBER. In the Assignment Value field, enter the External File Number.


Create the Export Rules for External Pay Group and External File Number

You can use export rules to get a person’s External Pay Group and External File Number from the person’s assignment. For example:

Is Duration Not Zero ( )
Set Output( Get Person Assignment String( EXTERNAL_PAY_GROUP, Get Export Service End Date( )) )

Is Duration Not Zero ( )
Set Output( Get Person Assignment String( EXTERNAL_FILE_NUMBER, Get Export Service End Date( )) )

You will need to select these rules as the Field Source/Field Value for the External File Number and External Pay Group fields in your Export Definition (see below).

To define these rule, go to the Calc Rule form (Main Menu > Configuration > Rules > Calc Rule) and select ExportRuleset as your Context Name. Click Add. Define the rule and click Save.


Configure the Payroll Export Definition

You can add the External Pay Group and External File Number fields to your Payroll Export using the Export Definition form.

When you add each field using the Export Field tab, select Rule as the Field Source. For the Field Value, select the appropriate export rule you created earlier.

If you want to create a separate Payroll Export file for each External Pay Group, use the EXTERNAL_PAY_GROUP parameter to specify which External Pay Groups to include in the payroll export file. To do so, go to the Export Parameters tab on the Export Definition form. In the External Pay Group field, move the External Pay Groups you want to export into the selected column. The available options are the EXTERNAL_PAY_GROUP Charge Elements you defined earlier.