
Export Definition

The Export Definition form is used to configure export records. Specifically, this form allows you to format the output of data that can be extracted from system tables via the Run Export button on the Exports form. For example, for payroll data extraction, you can create a fixed length or comma separated values file with employee hours, pay rates, and monetary amounts earned during a specific pay period. You can configure how you want the header, detail, and trailer to look in your output.

Note that you must define an Export Name record before you can configure data for it. Export Name records are created on the Export form. That form is accessed via the button next to the Export Name field.

The Export Definition form has the following tab forms:

Export Field: Use this tab form to configure the Header, Detail, and Trailer sections of your export output file.

Field Function: Use this tab to format the output of a field in the export file.

Export Record: Use this tab to configure Table or XML exports. For Table exports, this form defines the table in the ERP system where the data will be sent. For XML exports, this form defines the data segments in the XML file to which the data will be sent.

Export Record Field: Use this tab to define the individual table columns (for Table exports) or fields within the XML data segment (for XML exports).

Export Parameters: Use this tab form to select the Pay Groups of the employees whose records will be included in the export. You can also select the default start date for these records. Note that this form only sets the default values displayed on the Exports form. You can modify which Pay Groups are included and their start and end dates when you run the export on the Exports form.