

Detail Form: Output

The Exports from is used to run an Export Definition, such as a labor or payroll export. You can select whether to include new or previously exported records, specify the date range of the records to export, and preview the export. On the Output tab, you can view the exported data in a downloaded file.

If your Export Definition has an Export Destination of QUEUE, an error message will display if you try to run the export from the Exports form. The Exports form cannot export to the Interface Out Queue.

Note: When you run a payroll export, you will only have access to Pay Policies that are configured in your Security Data Role.

See Also:

Exports Field Descriptions

Find an Export

Run an Export

Action Export Feature

Payroll Export Feature

Labor Export Feature


Exports Field Descriptions

Note: In addition to the fields described below, the filter area will also include any custom fields you may have set up for the selected Export Name via the Export Definition form.

Export Name

Identifies which export record the export will run for. The Export Names are configured via the Export form. The Export Name identifies which context the export applies to, which export rulesets to execute (for payroll exports), and where the output file is stored.

Output Name

The Output Name field is used to identify the download instance. The default Output Name is the File Name defined for the export on the Export Definition form.

Preview Export

This option allows you to run a payroll export in "preview" mode, which produces the actual export records but does not change the record status in the database. This option allows you to check the output before running the actual export.

If you check Preview Export, when you run the Payroll Export with New Records checked, the records will be exported (output) but will not be marked as processed. Once you have "previewed" the export output, you can run the export again with Preview Export unchecked. When you run the export with Preview Export unchecked, the new records will be marked as processed.

If you do not check Preview Export, when you run the Payroll Export with New Records checked, the records will be exported (output) and will be marked as processed.

External Batch Num

If you want to assign a custom ID or batch number to the Payroll Export, enter it in this field. This field allows you to identify a specific payroll using your company's naming conventions.

New Records

When this box is checked, the output will include new, un-processed records.

Action records: The EXPORT service processes records that have a READ_ACTION Process Name on the Process Status tab on the Action form and the Process Status is set to Ready.

This field will be disabled if you select a Labor Distribution export (the export’s PROCESS_NAME is set to "Labor Distribution" on the Export Parameters form).

Prev Exp Records

Check this box if you want the export to include records that were previously exported. These records will be selected based on the date they were previously exported instead of the transaction date. The dates of the previous exports are specified by the Prev Exp Start and Prev Exp End dates.

This field will be disabled if you select a Labor Distribution export (the export’s PROCESS_NAME is set to "Labor Distribution" on the Export Parameters form).

Prev Exp Start, Prev Exp End

When you check the Prev Exp Records box, the Prev Exp Start and Prev Exp End fields define which previously exported records to include. Records that were previously exported between these dates will be included on the export, regardless of the Start Date and End Date for the selected Parameter Names.

For example:

Transactions are posted on 10/1 and 10/2 and the export runs on 10/5; the records for 10/1 and 10/2 are processed in this export.

On 10/12 another export runs, and this time Prev Exp Records is checked and the Prev Exp Start and Prev Exp End dates are set to 10/4 and 10/5. This export will also include the transactions from 10/1 and 10/2, because they were previously exported on 10/5.

The next time the export runs, if you want to include the 10/1 and 10/2 transactions, your Prev Exp Start and Prev Exp End dates will have to include the date 10/12, because 10/12 is the last date these transactions were exported.

Parameter Name

Indicates the specific value that will be considered in the export.

For Payroll Exports, the Parameter Name column displays the Pay Policies that can be included in the export. The Pay Policies that appear in this column will depend on the PAY_GROUP_NAMES selected for this export on the Export Parameters tab form. Note that export users will only have access to pay policies that are configured in their Security Data Role.

For Labor Distribution Exports, the Parameter Names will be previously run Payroll Exports.

For all other exports, there will be one parameter called "Action," "Charge_Element," "Labor," etc.


When the Select box is checked, the parameter is included in the export. When the box is not checked, the export will not include the parameter. You can use the Select All and Deselect All buttons to check or uncheck all the parameters.

Note: The Select All button cannot be used for Labor Distribution Exports. You can only select one Parameter Name (Payroll Export) for a Labor Distribution Export.

Start Date, End Date

The Start Date and End Date indicate the date range of records that will be exported for the specified Parameter Name.

Note that if you check the Prev Exp Records box, the Prev Exp Start and Prev Exp End fields define which previously exported records to include. Records that were previously exported between the Prev Exp Start and Prev Exp End dates will be included in the export, regardless of the Start Date and End Date for the selected Parameter Names.


Find an Export

  1. Click Main Menu > Payroll > Exports.

  2. Select an Export Name. Export Names are created in the Export form.

  3. Click Find.


Run an Export

  1. Click Main Menu > Payroll > Exports.

  2. Select an Export Name from the drop-down menu.

  3. Enter an Output Name. This is the identifying name of the export instance.

  4. Check Preview Export if you want to produce the actual export records without changing the record status in the database. This option allows you to check the output before running the actual export.

  5. If you want to include records that have not yet been exported, check the New Records box.

  6. If you want to include previously exported records, check the Prev Exp Records box. Use the Prev Exp Start and Prev Exp End fields to specify the dates when the records were previously exported.

  7. If you need to change the range of dates for records that will be included in the export, or you want to check/uncheck the Select box, select the Parameter Names you want to change. To select more than one parameter, press the CTRL key as you click them.

  8. Click Modify.

  9. Change the Start Date and End Date as necessary. These fields determine the range of dates for records that will be included in the export. Note that if you check the Prev Exp Records box, the Prev Exp Start and Prev Exp End fields define which previously exported records to include. Records that were previously exported between the Prev Exp Start and Prev Exp End dates will be included in the export, regardless of the Start Date and End Date for the selected Parameter Names.

  10. Check the Select box if you want to include the selected parameters in the export. If this box is not checked, the selected parameters will not be included in the export.

    Note: You can also use the Select All and Deselect All buttons at the top of the Exports form to check or uncheck all the parameters. However, the Select All button cannot be used for Labor Distribution Exports. You can only select one Parameter Name (Payroll Export) for a Labor Distribution Export.

  11. Click Save.

  12. Click Run Export.

  13. Navigate to the Output tab below to view the export. The most recent export is listed on top.

  14. Click Download to view (open) or save the file.