

The Output tab on the Exports form is used to view and download data export files that you run via the Exports form.

The exports that appear in this form will depend on the Export Name you select on the main (Exports) form. If no exports have been run for the selected Export Name, then no results will appear on the Output tab.

To find a specific output file, click the Filter button and use the Last Run, Output Name, Status, Start Date, and End Date fields to narrow your search. Then click Find.

See Also:

Output Field Descriptions

View Parameters

View Errors


Cancel Export


Output Field Descriptions

To view all the fields defined below, click the Filter button.

Last Run

Check this box if you only want to view the most recently run export.

Output Name

The Output Name is used to identify the download instance. This is the filename of the output file.


Select a status to filter the results. Options are Processing, Complete, Error, and Cancelled.

Start Date

Defines the first creation day that should be considered when filtering results. Results will appear based on the start and end date range you define.

End Date

Defines the last creation day that should be considered when filtering results. Results will appear based on the start and end date range you define.

Export Output ID

System-assigned ID number for the export.

Output Name

The Output Name is used to identify the download instance. This is the filename of the output file.

Export Name

The Export Name identifies the placeholder for the rulesets that contain the rules that will execute when the Export runs. The Export Name is configured via the Export form.

Export Context

Displays the Export Context (Action, Labor, or Payroll) defined for this Export Name on the Export form.


Identifies the status of the export. Options are Processing, Completed, and Error.

Export Type

Displays the Export Type (CSV, CSV With Header, or Fixed Length) defined for this Export Name on the Export form.

Date Created

Identifies when this export was created.


The number of errors, if any, in this export.


View Parameters

Clicking the View Parameters button brings up the Export Parameters pop-up form where you can view the parameter configuration details. Select the record you want to view and click View Parameters. to display the Export Parameters form.


View Errors

Any errors that may have occurred will appear on the Export Errors form. To view errors, select the output record and click View Errors.



  1. Click Main Menu > Payroll > Exports.

  2. Navigate to the Output tab.

  3. Select the record you want to download and click Download on the toolbar. You can open or save the file.

The type of file that is available for download depends on the Export Type.

If the Export Type is BCOREXML or XML, an XML file will be available for download.

If the Export Type is TABLE, an SQL file with insert statements will be available for download.

If the Export Type is CSV, CSV With Header, or Fixed Length, a CSV or fixed-length file will be available for download.


Cancel Export

Only exports with status of Processing can be cancelled. To cancel an export that is processing, select the record and click Cancel on the toolbar.