Export Errors

The Export Errors form (Main Menu > Payroll > Exports > Output > View Errors) appears when you click View Errors in the Output tab of the Exports form.

The information in the Export Errors form can also be found in the Error Log form.

Export Errors Field Descriptions

Process Name

Identifies the interface process that crated the error.

Error Code

Error number for this record.


The message that displays to the user at time of error. The error's Description can be modified in the Dictionary Label form. Enter the Error Code in the Label Name of the Dictionary Label form to look up the message. The Long Label is what displays in the Error Log form.

Transaction Data

Details about the transaction that caused the error (i.e., the event the user tried to post or the parameter that caused the service instance error). For a Web Time Clock or a data collection terminal error, this field will list all the prompts available when the error occurred (including hidden prompts).