Export Record Field

The Export Record Field tab on the Export Definition form is used to configure exports with an Export Type of Table or XML. Use this tab form to define the individual table columns (for Table exports) or fields within the XML data segment (for XML exports).

This tab will appear when you select the Export Record tab at the top of the Export Definition form.

See Also:

Export Record Field – Field Descriptions

Find an Export Record Field

Add an Export Record Field

Modify an Export Record Field

Delete an Export Record Field

Out XML Queue Export Batching


Export Record Field – Field Descriptions

Data Type

Format that will be used for the data in the table column or XML file. Available options are Date, Double, Integer, Character, String, Static, Time, and Timestamp.

Element Type

For XML exports, the Element Type indicates whether the data being exported is an Attribute or an Element in the XML file.

For Table exports, the Element Type is Column.

Export Field Id

For Table exports, the Export Field Ids identify the data that will be exported. These records correspond to the Export Field records in the Export Definition.

For XML exports, the Export Field Id identifies the data segment in the IDOC to which the data will be mapped.

Record Name

Identifies the record selected on the Export Record tab.

Column Name

For Table exports, the Column Name identifies the table column to which the data will be exported.

For XML exports, the Column Name will reflect the node name that is being mapped, as well as the attributes.


Indicates whether the record is required.


Indicates whether the field will be used to group transactions into a batch.

This option will only affect exports with an Export Type of XML.

If you check this box, you must also set the Batch Group By field on the Distribution Model to batch_group. For more information, see Out XML Queue Export Batching.

If batching is not used, the system will group all the records with the same Transaction Name. The number of transactions in the export file is limited by the Max. Batch Trans value in the Distribution Model.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find an Export Record Field

The Find button on the Export Record Field tab will refresh the record display. Click this button to make sure all available records are visible.


Add an Export Record Field

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Export Definition.

  2. Find the Export Name to which you want to add an export record.

  3. Click the Export Record tab and select the export record to which you want to add a field.

  4. On the Export Record Field tab, click Add.

  5. Select the Data Type, Element Type, and Export Field ID. Enter the Column Name and check the Required box. If necessary, check the Batch box.

  6. If you want to add more than one export record field, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Export Record Field window open. Or click Save to save your export record field and return to the main form.


Modify an Export Record Field

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Export Definition.

  2. Find the Export Name with the export record you want to modify.

  3. Click the Export Record tab and select the export record with the field you want to modify.

  4. On the Export Record Field tab, select the export record with the field you want to modify.

  5. You can modify all the fields except the Export Field ID.

  6. Click Save.


Delete an Export Record Field

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Export Definition.

  2. Find the Export Name with the export record that has the field you want to delete.

  3. Click the Export Record tab and select the export record that has the field you want to delete.

  4. On the Export Record Field tab, select the export record that has the field you want to delete.

  5. Click Delete.

  6. Click OK to confirm the action.


Out XML Queue Export Batching

The Batch check box on the Export Record Field tab allows you to select a field to batch the transactions you are exporting. When the export file is created, records will separated into batches based on the value of this field.

In addition to the Batch checkbox, you must also set Batch Group By to batch_group on the Distribution Model form.

The Batch Group column on the Out XML Queue form will show the batch (if any) to which the record belongs.