
Distribution Model

On the Distribution Model form you can prepare existing transaction data to be downloaded/uploaded via a full or incremental sync during the next data download/upload. By performing a Full Sync action, you clear and reset the end date on which the last sync was processed. This  forces the system to download all data. All data includes all transactions that have occurred since the very first transaction up until the time of the download/upload. By performing an Incremental Sync action, you force the system to download/upload any new data that has occurred since the last incremental sync date up until the time of the next download/upload.

You may perform a Full or Incremental Sync for one record, several records, or all records at one time.


See Also:

Distribution Model Field Descriptions

Incr Sync

Full Sync

Incr Sync All

Full Sync All

Add a Distribution Model

Modify a Distribution Model

Copy a Distribution Model

Delete a Distribution Model


Distribution Model Field Descriptions

Interface Name

Lists the Interface Name to which the record applies. Available options are defined on the Interface form.

Transaction Name

Lists the specific transaction name. Available options are defined on the Interface Trans tab of the Interface form.

Interface Name Alias

This field is not used in Shop Floor Time.

Use this field to specify a custom interface name from which you are importing or exporting data. Note that the Interface Name field (above) must contain one of the interfaces supported by Shop Floor Time.

If you use an Interface Name Alias, this alias must be unique for a given Sender Name.

Trans Name Alias

Use this field to specify a custom transaction name from which you are importing or exporting data. Note that the Transaction Name field (above) must contain one of the transactions supported by Shop Floor Time for the specified Interface Name.

For example, the HRCC1DNWBSEL transaction for the SAP interface is used to process data from the IDOC called HRCC1DNWBSELIDOC. If you have customized this IDOC, it will have a different name. This name can be entered in the Trans Name Alias field.

If you use a Trans Name Alias, this alias must be unique for a given Sender Name.

Sender Name

Identifies the sender of the data. Available options are defined on the Interface Host form.

Receiver Name

Identifies the receiver of the data. Available options are defined on the Interface Host form.

Max Batch Trans

Sets the maximum number of transactions that can be included in a single XML document.

The Max Batch Trans value is typically set to 1 or 1000, depending on the Interface Name and Transaction Name. The default value is the recommended max value for those records.

Full Sync Date

Represents the date on which the system last uploaded or downloaded ALL available data for this record (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS AM/PM).

Incr Sync Date

Identifies when the system last uploaded or downloaded incremental data for the record.

Polling Group

If the transaction name belongs to an existing Polling Group, the group name is listed here. Note that when you prepare Full or Incremental Sync for a transaction name that belongs to a Polling Group, all data that belongs to the same group will also be affected when the next download occurs.

Batch Group By

Indicates whether the transactions you are exporting will be grouped into batches.

Select person_id to group the transactions into a batch based on the person_id (Person Number) associated with the transaction.

Select batch_group to group the transactions into a batch based on the fields that have the Batch check box on the Export Record Field tab. The Batch Group column on the Out XML Queue form will show the batch (if any) to which the record belongs. See Out XML Queue Export Batching for more information.

Import Name

The Import Name is used to identify the source data that can be imported via the IMPORT_FILES service. Creating the Import Source is the first step on the Import Data Feature. Once you identify the Import Source, you associate the source data with the context and Field Names on the Destination Records form.

Available options are defined via the Import Name field on the Import Definition form.

Export Context

Identifies the Export Context of the Export Definition that will be used to configure records for exporting. Available options are Action, Charge_Element, Labor, Payroll, Person, Person_Balance, and Person_Info.

Export Name

Name of the Export Definition that will be used to configure records for exporting. The available options are Export Names with the Export Context you selected.

Sequence Num

Indicates the order in which the records will be processed.


Check this box to enable the distribution record.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Incr Sync

By performing an Incremental Sync action, you force the system to download any new data that has occurred for the selected records between the last incremental sync date and the time of the download.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Distribution Model.

  2. Select the record for which you want to perform an Incremental Sync. To select more than one record, press the CTRL key while you select the records.

  3. Click Incr Sync on the toolbar. If successful, an "Incremental Synchronization Successful" message will display.


Full Sync

By performing a Full Sync action, you force the system to download all existing data for the selected records that has occurred between the very first transaction and the time of the current download. Full Sync will clear and reset the end date on which the selected record's last sync was processed.

Note that if you are importing a file with Full Sync, all records will be updated, regardless of the Smart Update setting.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Distribution Model.

  2. Select the record for which you want to perform a Full Sync. To select more than one record, press the CTRL key while you select the records.

  3. Click Full Sync on the toolbar. If successful, a "Full Synchronization Successful" message will display.


Incr Sync All

By performing an Incremental Sync All action, you force the system to download all new data that has occurred for all records between the last incremental sync date and the time of the download.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Distribution Model.

  2. Click Incr Sync All on the toolbar. If successful, an "Incremental Synchronization Successful" message will display.


Full Sync All

Full Sync All will clear and reset the end date of all the records on the Distribution Model form. For all these records, the system to download all existing data that has occurred between the very first transaction and the time of the download.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Distribution Model.

  2. Click Full Sync All on the toolbar. If successful, a "Full Synchronization Successful" message will display.


Add a Distribution Model

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Distribution Model.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select an Interface Name.

  4. Select a Transaction Name.

  5. Select a Sender Name.

  6. Select a Receiver Name.

  7. Enter a Max Batch Transaction number.

  8. Click Save.


Modify a Distribution Model

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Distribution Model.

  2. Select the record you want to modify and click Modify.

  3. Modify the necessary values.

  4. Click Save.


Copy a Distribution Model

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces >  Distribution Model.

  2. Select the record you want to copy values from and click Copy.

  3. Modify any necessary values.

  4. Click Save.


Delete a Distribution Model

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces >  Distribution Model.

  2. Select the record you want to delete and click Delete.

  3. Click OK to confirm the action.