
Destination Records

Detail Form:

Record Value Map

The Destination Records tab on the Import Definition form is used to associate source data with CONTEXT names (i.e., Transaction Names) for the purpose of importing external flat file data, converting it into XML files, and populating the tables associated with the context names. For example, the Context Name PERSON is associated with the person table (i.e., Employee form).

Each context has a set of mandatory field names. Once you identify the context you want to use, you must identify how the mandatory field names will be populated. You can configure the mandatory field names in two ways:

  1. You can populate field names with source data via the Source Fields form.

  2. You can define a specific value on the Record Value Map form.

See Also:

Destination Records Field Descriptions

View Destination Records

Add a Destination Record

Modify a Destination Record

Delete a Destination Record


Destination Records Field Descriptions

Import Type

Identifies the type of file that will be imported. Available options are CSV (comma-separated values), FIXED (each field has a fixed length), XML, or WS. The Import Type is defined on the Import Source form when you are creating an Import Name.

Import Name

Identifies the Import Name the record applies to. Import names are configured on the Import Source form.

Instance Name

Identifies which instance of the IMPORT_FILES service will be used with this import when you click Schedule Immediately.

Context Name

Identifies the transaction name to which the Field Name applies. When source data is mapped to a specific context, the IMPORT_FILES service imports the data and populates the applicable table. You can map source data to multiple context names. Note that you must also associate the source data to specific fields within the tables to which the context names apply.

See Import Context Names for a list of the available Context Names and their required fields.

Record Name

Record Name is used when you want to add duplicate context names. For example, you may want the same source data to populate two person group records. This  would require you to add two Employee Group Context records.

XML Source Selector

This field applies only when the Import Name has the Import Type XML. It determines which node in the source XML file represents the header/trailer (import fields).

Skip Record

Indicates whether the IMPORT_FILES service should skip this record if any of its required fields are empty.

Skip Empty Value

Indicates how the IMPORT_FILES service should handle an empty value in the import file when a record is being updated.

If Skip Empty Value is not checked (the default setting), the update will create a null value in the field.

If Skip Empty Value is checked, the field will not be affected by the update.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find/View a Destination Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select the Import Type of the file you will be importing.

  3. Select the Import Name from the drop-down menu. Import names are configured on the Import Source form.

  4. Click Find.

  5. The Destination Records tab displays the configured context names.


Add a Destination Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select the Import Type of the file you will be importing.

  3. Select the Import Name from the drop-down menu. Import names are configured on the Import Source form.

  4. Click Add on the Destination Records tab.

  5. Enter the Record Name.

  6. If your Import Name has the Import Type XML, you need to specify an XML Source Selector.

  7. Check the Skip Record box if you want the IMPORT_FILES service to skip this record if any of its required fields are empty.

  8. Select a Context Name.

  9. If you want to add more than one Destination Record, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Destination Records window open. Or click Save to save your Destination Record and return to the main form.

Because each context has a set of mandatory field names, you must identify how the mandatory field names will be populated. You can configure the mandatory field names in two ways:

  1. You can populate field names with source data via the Source Fields form.

  2. You can define a specific value on the Record Value Map form.


Modify a Destination Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select the Import Type of the file you will be importing.

  3. Select the Import Name from the drop-down menu. Import names are configured on the Import Source form.

  4. On the Destination Records tab, select a record in the grid and click Modify.

  5. Change the XML Source Selector and Skip Record setting and click Save.


Delete a Destination Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select the Import Type of the file you will be importing.

  3. Select the Import Name from the drop-down menu. Import names are configured on the Import Source form.

  4. Select a destination record on the Destination Records tab.

  5. Click Delete.

  6. Click OK to confirm the action.

  7. Click Validate on the Import Definition toolbar to confirm that the Import Definition record is still valid.