Record Value Map

The Record Value Map tab is used to assign a static or conditional value to a field you are importing. The source data will not be used to populate the field names you indicate. Instead, the IMPORT_FILES service will apply the static or conditional value to the field when it creates the new import records.

The Record Value Map tab is available when you click the Destination Records tab on the Import Definition form.

Note: You should include the Smart Update Field Name in your Record Value Map if you want the IMPORT_FILES service to update an existing record rather than insert a new one.

See Also:

Record Value Map Field Descriptions

Smart Update

Find/View a Record Value Map

Add a Record Value Map

Delete a Record Value Map


Record Value Map Field Descriptions

Import Name

Name of the import selected on the Import Definition form and Destination Records tab.

Record Name

Name of the record selected on the Destination Records tab. Record Names are used to identify records that use the same context name.

Field Name

Identifies the column name that is populated with the field value.

When you add a Record Value Map record, the mandatory field names are identified with a <*> symbol. See Import Context Names for a list of Context Names and their mandatory fields.

You should include the Smart Update Field Name in your Record Value Map if you want the IMPORT_FILES service to update an existing record rather than insert a new one.

Field Value Type

Indicates whether the field’s value is a Static value or will be based on a Condition.

Field Value

If you selected Static as your Field Value Type, the Field Value is the static value that populates the field name.

If you selected Condition as your Field Value type, the Field Value is the condition used to populate the field name. You can use FreeMarker expressions to specify the condition.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Smart Update

You should include the Smart Update Field Name in your Record Value Map if you want the IMPORT_FILES service to update an existing record rather than insert a new one.

On the Record value Map tab, click Add and select the Field Name “Smart Update – F1_SMART_UPDATE.” Set the Field Value Type to Static and set the Field Value to Y.

If you are importing with Full Sync, all records will be updated, regardless of the Smart Update setting. Date logic will be used to create new records and end-date existing records as necessary.

If you are importing with Incremental Sync and Smart Update is set to Y, the record in the database will only be updated if the record being imported has different information. If there are no changes in the record being imported, the record in the database is not updated.

If you are importing with Incremental Sync and Smart Update is set to N, all records will be updated.  Date logic will be used as necessary to create new records and end-date existing records.


Find/View a Record Value Map

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select an Import Type and an Import Name and click Find.

  3. In the Destination Records tab, select the record you want to view.

  4. The Record Value Map tab displays the configured records (if any).


Add a Record Value Map

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select an Import Type and an Import Name and click Find.

  3. In the Destination Records tab, select the record you want to view.

  4. Click Add in the Record Value Map tab.

  5. Select a Field Name. By default, a mandatory field name will display as the first option, but you can select other field names.

  6. Select the Field Value Type.

  7. Enter the Field Value.

  8. If you want to add more than one Record Value Map, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Record Value Map window open. Or click Save to save your Record Value Map and return to the main form.

  9. Click Validate on the Import Definition toolbar to confirm that the mandatory field names have been selected. An error message will display if the mandatory field names have not been added.

    Note: You can configure the Mandatory Field Names in the Source Fields tab.


Modify a Record Value Map

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select an Import Type and an Import Name and click Find.

  3. In the Destination Records tab, select the record that contains the field names you want to modify.

  4. Select the record you want to modify in the Record Value Map tab.

  5. Click Modify.

  6. Modify the Field Value and Field Value Type and click Save.


Delete a Record Value Map

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Select an Import Type and an Import Name and click Find.

  3. In the Destination Records tab, select the record that contains the field names you want to delete.

  4. Select the record you want to delete in the Record Value Map tab.

  5. Click Delete.

  6. Click OK to confirm the action.