Date Logic

When you insert a record in the database – either by importing records or using the Add button in a form - date logic may be used to adjust the start and end dates of the existing record so it does not overlap the new record. In some cases, the existing record will be end-dated and new records will be created.

For example, when you add an Employment Profile record, the existing record will either be replaced by the new record or it will be end-dated and the new record will be added. This process is explained in more detail with the examples below.

If the new record has an earlier start date and an equal or later end date than the existing record, the new record will replace the existing record.

New Record

Existing Record


12/31/2015 – 12/31/9999

01/01/2016 - 12/31/9999

One new record
12/31/2015 – 12/31/9999


If the new record has a later start date than the existing record, the existing record will be end-dated and the new record will be added. The end date of the existing record will be set to the new record’s start day – 1.

New Record

Existing Record


02/01/2016 – 12/31/9999

01/01/2016 - 12/31/9999

01/01/2016 – 01/31/2016
02/01/2016 – 12/31/9999


If the new record has an effective date range that is inside the existing record’s effective date range, then several things will happen. First, the imported record will be added. Next, the existing record will be split into two records: one before the new record and one after the new record.

New Record

Existing Record


02/01/2016 – 02/15/2016

01/01/2016 - 12/31/9999

01/01/2016 – 01/31/2016
02/01/2016 – 02/15/2016
02/16/2016 - 12/31/9999


If the new record does not have a start and end date, the default values for these dates will be used. The default start date is the current date. The default end date is 12/31/9999.