
Import Source (Import Name)

The Import Source form is accessed via the Import Name quick link on the Import Definition form. This form is used to create Import Names and identify the source data that can be imported via the IMPORT_FILES service. Creating the Import Source is the first step in the Import Data Feature. Once you identify the Import Source, you associate the source data with the context and Field Names on the Destination Records form.

See Also:

Import Source Field Descriptions

Find/View an Import Source

Add an Import Source

Modify an Import Source

Delete an Import Source

Copy an Import Source


Import Source Field Descriptions

Import Name

An identifying name of the record.

Import Type

Identifies the source file type:

CSV  - The values in the source file are character-separated. Each record is a single line and each field in the record is indicated by a character (typically a comma).

FIXED - A fixed width file. Each field in the file has a fixed start and end position.

XML - File format is XML.

WS – The file format is based on the BCOREXML format.

WSOAGIS – The file format is based on OAGIS standards. These imports are used to import data from an external system like Solumina into Shop Floor Time.

Source Ind

Indicates whether the source data will be coming from a File or from the In XML Queue table.

Select File if the data to be imported is in a flat file.

Select In Queue if the data to be imported is in the In XML Queue table.

The available options depend on the Import Type you selected.

If your Import Type is CSV, FIXED, or XML, you can select File or In Queue as your Source Ind.

If your Import Type is WS or WSOAGIS, the Source Ind will automatically be set to In Queue.

Source Folder

Note: This field applies only when Source Indicator is File.

Identifies the name of the source folder where the file is imported from. By default, the source folder is located in the \import folder. The default location cannot be modified.

Source Wildcard

Note: This field applies only when Source Indicator is File.

The wildcard identified here is used to search for files in the Source Folder location. For example, if you enter *.csv, the import service would search and process any files with file extension .csv inside the source folder location. You can also enter the full name of the source file. In such case, the import service would search and process the file name you indicate.
Note: If the import files service has already processed the file (for example, when you run multiple Import Names) it will no longer be available in the source folder.

Backup Type

Note: This field applies only when Source Indicator is File.

This setting determines if the processed source file should be deleted or backed up.

Backup - Once processed, the file is moved to the folder identified in the Backup Folder field.

Delete - The file is deleted after it is processed.

Backup Folder

Note: This field applies only when Source Indicator is File.

This field applies only if the Backup Type is Backup. By default, the backup folder is named backup and is located in the \import folder. The default location cannot be modified.

Backup Wildcard

Note: This field applies only when Source Indicator is File and the Backup Type is Backup.

The backup wildcard determines the file type extension of the backed up file.

The table below describes how the file data.csv could look after it is backed up.

Original File Name

Backup Wildcard Value

Backup File Name








Backup Time Stamp

Note: This field applies only when Source Indicator is File and the Backup Type is Backup.

If the Backup Type is Backup and a valid backup folder is listed, this value determines where a date/time stamp will be applied to the backed up filename. The date/time stamp is in the following format: -YYYYMMDDHHMMSS or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS-, where the dash may appear before or after the date/time, depending on the value you select (see below).



Append (Default)

<-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS> will be listed at the  end of the file name.

Example: If the original file name is data.csv, the backed up file name would be: data.csv-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.


<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS-> will be listed at the beginning of the backed up filename.  

Example: If the original file name is data.csv, the backed up file name would be: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS-data.csv

Before Suffix

<-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS> will be listed just before the file suffix. The file suffix is the value you specified in the Backup Wildcard field.

Example: If the original file name is data.csv and the Backup Wildcard is *.pdf, the backed up file would be:



No timestamp will be applied to the backed up filename.


Skip Line Count

Note: This field applies only when Source Indicator is File.

Identifies the number of lines to skip in the source file. The default value is 0.

Field Separator

This field applies if the Import Type is CSV. It identifies the character that separates the values in the source file. The default value is a comma (,).

XML Selector

This field applies only when Import Type is XML. It determines which node in the source XML file represents the header/trailer (import fields).


When this box is checked the Import record is enabled. The record is enabled by default.

System Required

When this box is checked, the record is system required and cannot be modified.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find/View an Import Source

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Click the button next to the Import Name field and select Lookup from the pop-up menu. On the Import Source form, select an Import Name and click OK. You will return to the Import Definition form.


Add an Import Source

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Click the button next to the Import Name field and select Add from the pop-up menu. The Import Source form opens.

  3. Enter an Import Name.

  4. Select an Import Type.

  5. By default, the Source Folder is \import. The default location cannot be removed. However, if you want an additional folder in the path, specify the folder name.

  6. Enter a Source Wildcard if you want the system to narrow down which files to read data from. For example, *. csv. If no wildcard is entered all files in the source location will be read.

  7. Select a Backup Type.

  8. If you selected Backup as your Backup Type, the backed up files will be moved to \import\backup. The default location cannot be modified. However, you can modify the Backup Folder name.

  9. If you selected Backup as your Backup Type and you want the backed up file to end with an extension, enter the extension name as *.<extension name> in the Backup Wildcard field. The file name will end with the indicated wildcard value. If no Backup Wildcard is listed, the backed up file name will be the name of the original file name plus a dash and date/time stamp.

  10. If you want the service to skip any lines of data, enter the number in the Skip Line Count field.

  11. If the Import Type is CSV and the source data is separated by a character other than comma, enter the character in the Field Separator field.

  12. The record is Enabled by default. Uncheck this box if you do not want the IMPORT_FILES service to process the data the next time the service runs for this Import Name.

  13. Click Save to save the Import record.

  14. Click OK to return to the Import Definition form.


Modify an Import Source Record

Note: Once a record is saved you cannot modify the Import Name or Import Type.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Click the button next to the Import Name field and select Maintain from the pop-up menu.

    The Import Source form opens.

  3. Select the record you want to modify and click Modify.

  4. Modify the values and click Save.

  5. Click OK to return to the Import Definition form.


Delete an Import Source

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Click the button next to the Import Name field and select Maintain from the pop-up menu.

    The Import Source form opens.

  3. Select the record you want to delete. You can do a multi-select by pressing the Ctrl key while selecting multiple records.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. Click OK to confirm the action.

  6. Click OK to return to the Import Definition form.


Copy an Import Source

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Definition.

  2. Click the button next to the Import Name field and select Maintain from the pop-up menu.

    The Import Source form opens.

  3. Select the record you want to duplicate and click Copy.

  4. Modify the values and click Save.

  5. Click OK to return to the Import Definition form.