
Calc Rule

The Calc Rule form allows you to create and maintain your company's business rules in one central location.

Each rule is expressed as an IF-THEN statement. The IF portion contains one or more conditions, and the THEN portion contains one or more actions. When the condition is met, the action is executed.

When you create rules, a combination or operands and operators make up the IF and THEN clauses. The combination of operands and operators must return a Boolean value or be a Boolean expression itself (True or False) in order for the rules to work. The IS operands will return a Boolean expression (True or False statement). The GET operands will return a value.

In order for a rule to take effect, it must be assigned to a ruleset via the Rulesets form.

See Also:

Calc Rule Field Descriptions

Find a Calc Rule

Delete a Calc Rule

View a Calc Rule

Add a Calc Rule

Add Operators

Add Brackets

Copy a Calc Rule

Modify a Calc Rule

Enable/Disable a Calc Rule

Sync Rule/Sync All Rules


Calc Rule Field Descriptions

Context Name

The Context Name is used to categorize rules based on their function. For example, rules used to select data for an export are part of the ExportRuleset context. The available contexts are listed below.

Context Name

Applicable Use


The Accrual Rules determine how and when balances, which are used to offset employee time off, should be accrued. These rulesets are assigned to the time reporter's Leave Policy. The ACCRUAL service uses the settings in the person’s Leave Policy to create and add time to person balance records.

See Accrual Rules Operands for a list of the various operands.



The Analytics rules are used to calculate Key Performance Indicators - Efficiency, Productivity, and Utilization - for one or more employees over a specified date range. This KPI data can be viewed in the KPI Dashboard portlets and the KPI Report.

The Analytics rulesets are assigned to Ruleset Profiles which are connected to events via a Process Policy.

See Analytics Rules Operands for a list of the various operands.



The Attendance Reward Rules are used by the ATTENDANCE_REWARD service to determine a person’s eligibility to receive an attendance reward, as well as any attendance violations.

See Attendance Reward Rules Operands for information on the operands used to create these rules.



Attendance Rules determine how an event shall post on employee timecards when the event occurs. The rulesets are assigned to the time reporter's Attendance Policy. Note that the event in question must also be enabled in the time reporter's Attendance Policy in order to post.  

See Attendance Rules Operands for a list of the various operands.



The Auxiliary Hours Rules determine how Auxiliary (Bonus) Hours will be calculated. These rulesets are assigned to the person’s Pay Policy. The LABOR_ALL_MT service uses this ruleset to calculate Auxiliary Hours.

See Auxiliary Hours Rules Operands for a list of the various operands.



The Discipline Balance Rules are used by the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service to add points to, add levels to, and reduce the points in your Discipline Balance Codes.

See Discipline Balance Operands for information on the operands used to create these rules.

When defining the Discipline Balance rulesets, you should organize them according to the tasks of the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service (BALANCE_ACCUMULATION, BALANCE_LEVELS, and BALANCE_REDUCTION). These rulesets will be assigned to the Discipline Ruleset, Level Ruleset Name, and Reduction Ruleset settings in a Discipline Balance Policy.

For example, the ruleset that will be processed by the BALANCE_ACCUMULATION task of the DISCIPLINE_BALANCE service (the Discipline Ruleset in the Discipline Balance Policy) should be designed to look for discipline violations in the timecard (e.g., unexcused absences) and add the appropriate number of points to the Discipline Balance Code.



Export Rules determine when and how data is grouped and extracted from the system tables. The Export Rulesets are available to select on the Export form when configuring an export. The data itself is extracted via the Run Export button on the Export form or via a service instance.

The rule listed on top is executed first. However, all rules will be processed for all transactions. If a transaction satisfies more than one rule, only the last rule will apply.

See Export Rules Operands for a list of the various operands.



Messaging Rules allow you to create messages for specific business conditions. For example, a company may want to send a warning message to employees who have been tardy at least three days in the current pay period. These rulesets are assigned to a Message Definition which is assigned to a Message Policy. The Message Policy can then be assigned to one or more persons. Refer to the Messaging feature topic for more information.

See Messaging Rules Operands for a list of the various operands.



Paid Rate rules determine how a transaction’s payroll and labor rates will be calculated. The rules in the PaidRateRuleset will be used to calculate the PAID_PERSON_PAY and PAID_PERSON_LABOR rates. See Trans Rate for a description of the various rates that are stored with a transaction.

See Paid Rate Rules Operands for a list of the various operands for this ruleset.



The Pay Rules Rulesets determine how hours should be classified on the timecard via the Time Classification service. Pay Rules Rulesets are assigned to Pay Policies via the Pay Policy form.

The rule listed on top is executed first. Once a condition is met for a transaction, the system will not continue to the next rule for that transaction.

See Pay Rules Operands for a list of the various operands.



The Post Process Event rules determine whether an employee will receive a Post Process Event.

A “Post Process” event is an event that posts automatically after a person clocks out, adding extra time to the day. For example, an employee may receive bonus hours at the end of the day after working a minimum number of hours. Or, an employee may receive additional time after clocking out to account for time needed to clean up before going home.

See Post Process Event Rule Operands for information about the operands used to create these rules.



The PVEValidationRulesets are used to define custom event validations. The operands will check for specific charge element values, person data, or other information while an event is being posted, and perform the appropriate action (stop processing, give validation error, etc.)

You can assign the PVEValidationRulesets or the individual rules to a Custom Validation. This Custom Validation can then be assigned to an event using the Validation tab of the Events form.

See PVE Validation Rules Operands for a list of the various operands.



The TimecardCheckRuleset is used to check an employee’s timecard for hours exceptions, such as reported time that is different from the scheduled hours and time posted on an unscheduled day. This ruleset is added to a person’s Sign Policy and is applied when an employee or supervisor signs a timecard.

See Timecard Check for more information on this feature. See Timecard Check Rules Operands for a list of the various operands that make up these rules.



Rule Name

Name that identifies the rule.

System Required

If this box is checked, the record is system required and cannot be deleted.


If this box is checked, the rule is active. Click the Enable/Disable Rule button to enable or disable a selected rule.

Rule Synchronized

Indicates whether the rule is in sync with the sequences in the database. This box may not be checked if you imported the rule with the Config Export/Config Import forms, Use the Sync Rule button to compile the rule and synchronize it.

Number of Rulesets

Identifies how many Rulesets are currently using this rule.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find a Calc Rule

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Rules > Calc Rule.

  2. Select the Context Name of the rules you want to find.

  3. To select specific rules, enter a Rule Name. You can use the * or % wildcard symbol in this field to search using partial values. The wildcard symbol can be placed anywhere in your search value to represent unknown characters. For example, to find rules that start with AP, enter AP*. To find rules that include the word hourly, enter *hourly*.

  4. To find only synchronized rules, select True from the Rule Synchronized field. To find only rules that are not synchronized, select False from the Rule Synchronized field. Leave this field blank to find both synchronized and not synchronized rules.

  5. Use the Last Updated checkbox and the From and To date fields to find only those rules that were updated on certain dates. For example, if you only want to find rules with an Update Date of 01/01/2012, check the Last Updated box and enter 01/01/2012 in the From and To fields.

  6. Click Find.

    The Rule Names that match your criteria will display.


View a Calc Rule

To view the IF and THEN statements of a rule:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Rules > Calc Rule.

  2. Find the Rule Name you want to view, select it, and click the View Rule button.

    The Calc Rule Builder pop-up form appears with the IF/THEN statements. Click Cancel to exit.


Enable/Disable a Calc Rule

You can quickly enable or disable a rule via the Enable/Disable button on the horizontal toolbar:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Rules > Calc Rule.

  2. Find the Rule Name you want to enable or disable, select it, and click the Enable/Disable button. If the rule was enabled, it will be disabled. If the rule was disabled, it will be enabled.


Add a Calc Rule

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Rules > Calc Rule.

  2. Select the appropriate Context Name and click Add.

    The Calc Rule Builder pop-up form opens.

  3. Enter a Rule Name.

  4. Click Add IF Clause at the top of the form.

  5. On the IF Clause form, click Select Operand and select an operand from the drop-down menu.

    The available operands will depend on the Context Name you selected.

  6. If applicable, select or enter a value for each parameter that displays.

  7. Click Save to save the IF clause.

  8. To add brackets, see Add Brackets below.

  9. To add IF Clauses:

    a. Click Add IF Clause on the toolbar.
    b. Select an operator (AND/OR).
    c. Select an operand.
    d. Select or enter a value for each parameter that displays.
    e. Click Save.

  10. Click Add THEN Clause at the top of the form.

  11. On the THEN Clause form, click Select Operand and select an operand from the drop-down menu.

    The available operands will depend on the Context Name you selected.

  12. If applicable, select or enter a value for each parameter that displays.

  13. Click Save.

  14. To add brackets, see Add Brackets below.

  15. To add more THEN Clauses:

    a. Click Add THEN Clause at the top of the form.
    b. Select an operator (AND/OR).
    c. Select an operand.
    d. Select or enter a value for each parameter that displays.
    e. Click Save.

  16. Click Save on the Calc Rule Builder form to save the rule.

  17. Next, you must add the rule to a ruleset in order for it to fire.


Add Operators

You can use operators to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and compare parameters in an operand. To add an operator, click the arrow located to the left of the rule.

For example, an operator is used in the Get Aggregate Eligible Hours operand to see if there are 45 or more hours eligible for EWT/Comp Time in the pay week.

The Add Value field will also appear when you select an operator. Add Value determines the value that the previous parameter is compared to or calculated with (depending on which option was chosen in the Add Operator field). Enter a numeric value or right-click to add an Operand to calculate this value.



The available operators will depend on the calculations you can make with the operands. Below is a list of all possible operators.

Equal To = Tests whether the previous input parameter is equal to the parameter that follows.

Less Than = Tests whether the previous input parameter is less than the parameter that follows.

Less Than Equal To = Tests whether the previous input parameter is less than or equal to the parameter that follows.

Greater Than = Tests whether the previous input parameter is greater than the parameter that follows.

Greater Than Equal To = Tests whether the previous input parameter is greater than or equal to the parameter that follows.

Not Equal To = Tests whether the previous and the parameter that follows are not equal.

Plus = Adds the previous parameter to the parameter that follows.

Minus = Subtracts the next parameter from the previous parameter.

Divide = Divides the previous parameter by the parameter that follows.

Multiply = Multiplies the previous parameter by the parameter that follows.


Add Brackets

To add a left bracket to a rule, click the arrow located to the left of the rule.

To add a right bracket to a rule, click the arrow located to the right of the rule.


Modify a Calc Rule

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Rules > Calc Rule.

  2. Find the Rule Name you want to modify, select it, and click Modify.

  3. To modify the IF Clause, click the pencil icon to the far left of the record.

  4. The IF Clause form will display. Click directly on an operand to modify it.

  5. Click Save in the IF Clause form when you are finished.

  6. To modify the THEN clause, click the pencil icon to the far left of the record.

  7. The THEN Clause form will display. Click directly on an operand to modify it.

  8. Click Save in the THEN Clause form when you are finished.

  9. Click Save on the Calc Rule Builder form to save all the changes.


Delete a Calc Rule

You cannot delete rules that are currently in use by a ruleset.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Rules > Calc Rule.

  2. Find the Rule Name you want to delete, select it, and click Delete.

  3. Click OK on the pop-up box to confirm the action.


Copy a Calc Rule

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Rules > Calc Rule.

  2. Select the Rule Name you want to duplicate and click Copy.

  3. Use the Calc Rule Builder form to modify the rule as necessary.

  4. Click Save.


Sync Rule/Sync All Rules

If you imported rules using the Config Export/Config Import forms, you need to compile the rules in the new database. A warning message will display on the Calc Rule form if there is more than one rule that is out of sync (the Rule Synchronized box is not checked).

To synchronize the rules, use the Sync Rule or Sync All Rules button. These buttons will make sure the imported rules are in sync with the sequences in the database.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Rules > Calc Rule.

  2. Select the Context Name of the rules you want to synchronize.

  3. To sync all the rules in the selected context, click Sync All Rules.

  4. To sync only certain rules in the selected context, select the rules and click Sync Rules.

    The Sync Rule Successful message will display.

    The Rule Synchronized box will be checked for the selected rules.