Pay Rules Operands


"Catch All Remaining" Rule

Consecutive Day Rule Examples

Pay rules determine how employees will be paid based on the days and number of hours they work. A single reported activity can be split into several classifications. For example, if an employee enters 10 hours on their timecard, the pay rules may post 8 regular hours and 2 overtime hours.

The classification of hours is based on the rules that are in the rulesets that are assigned to the Employee or Employee Group's Pay Policy. Each rule is expressed as an IF-THEN statement. The IF portion contains one or more conditions, and the THEN portion contains one or more actions. When the condition is met, the action is executed.

When you create rules, a combination of operands and operators make up the IF and THEN clauses. The combination of operands and operators must return a Boolean value or be a Boolean expression (True or False) in order for the rules to work. The IS operands will return a Boolean expression (True or False statement). The GET operands will return a value.


The following is a list of the available operands for the PayRulesRuleset.

Add to Balance

All Range Worked

Get Aggregate Eligible Hours

Get Amount For Late Event Premium

Get Authorized Hours

Get Consecutive Gap Days Hours Over

Get Eligible Hours

Get Hours After Earliest

Get Hours After Last Clock In

Get Hours After Last Clock Out

Get Hours After Latest

Get Hours At Class

Get Hours Before After Applicable Schedule

Get Hours Before Earliest

Get Hours Before Latest

Get Hours In Between

Get Hours Less Than Range of Last Clock In

Get Over Dynamic Consecutive Day Threshold

Get Other Hours At Class

Get Other Total For Event

Get Remaining Duration

Get Total Any Type

Get Total for Event

Get Total Hours Time of Day

Get Total Hours To

Get Total Paid

Get Total Scheduled Paid Hours

Get Total Unpaid

Get Under Balance Available Limit

Is A Gap Day

Is A Gap Day Number

Is After Earliest

Is After Latest

Is Back Overtime Schedule

Is Balance Valid

Is Before After Applicable Schedule

Is Before Earliest

Is Before Latest

Is Consecutive All Gap Days

Is Consecutive Days

Is Consecutive Days With Cycle

Is Consecutive Gap Days

Is Consecutive Gap Days Hours Over

Is Consecutive Schedule Days

Is Duration Not Exhausted

Is Dynamic Consecutive Day

Is Eligible For Late Event Premium

Is Event Name

Is Event Type

Is Front Overtime Schedule

Is Holiday Overtime Schedule

Is Hours At Class

Is Less Than Range of Last Clock In

Is Over Dynamic Consecutive Day Threshold

Is Overtime Gap Schedule

Is Post Date Birthday

Is Post Date Day Of Week

Is Post Date Holiday

Is Time Of Day

Is Total Any Type

Is Total For Event

Is Total Hours To

Is Total Paid

Is Total Unpaid

Is Under Balance Available Limit

Is Unpaid Event




Set Hours Classification



"Catch All Remaining" Rule

If an employee posts hours on the timecard that do not trigger any pay rules, there will be no pay classification for those hours on the timecard. Therefore, it is important that you include a rule to your rulesets that takes into account any hours that have not been classified by any of the previously executed rules in the applicable ruleset. The operands that can be used to get and classify all remaining hours to a single hours class are Is Duration Not Exhausted, Get Remaining Duration, and Set Hours Classification.

Note: It is recommended that the ‘Catch All Remaining’ rule is listed as the last rule to be executed in the ruleset, as you want it to catch only the remaining hours, i.e., the hours that have not been classified by the previously executed rules.

See the steps below on how to create a rule that catches the remaining hours. 

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Rules > Calc Rule.

  2. Select PayRulesRuleset from the Context Name field.

  3. Click Add.

  4. In the Rule Name field, enter a Rule Name.

  5. Click Add IF Clause. The IF Clause window appears.

  6. Click Select Operand and select Is Duration Not Exhausted from the drop down menu.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click Add THEN Clause. The THEN Clause window appears.

  9. Click Select Operand and select Set Hours Classification.

  10. Right-click the Hours Amount field and select Get Remaining Duration from the Add Operand menu.

  11. Click Classification and select the classification you want to use for all hours that have not yet been classified (for the day). For Regular Time, select R.

  12. Click To Daily Overtime and select True if the hours count towards Daily Overtime. Select False if they do not.

  13. Click To Weekly Overtime and select True if the hours count towards Weekly Overtime. Select False if they do not.

  14. Click To Period Overtime and select True if the hours count towards Period Overtime. Select False if they do not.

  15. Click Save on the THEN Clause form.

  16. Click Save on the Calc Rule Builder form to save the rule.

  17. Next, you must add the rule to a ruleset in order for it to take effect.

    Note: It is recommended that this rule is listed as the last rule to be executed, as you want it to catch only the remaining hours, i.e., the hours that have not been affected by the previously executed rules.